General Committee News
- Rebecca Belford was named as the Incoming Chair; she will become Chair in March 2023. Current full roster
- Recent reports with more details on the information in this report are available on the CMC website.
- CMC presented its Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall with news from the committee at MLA 2022; the slides are available in Humanities Commons.
Content Standards Subcommittee (CSS)
(Keith Knop, Chair)
- The MLA Best Practices have been integrated into the new RDA Toolkit.
- The Best Practices are now accompanied by an additional guidance document (available as a PDF on the MLA Best Practices page).
- To account for changes to MARC21 field 348, an interim Best Practices update for form of musical notation has been released (same address) to bridge the gap between original and official RDA.
Encoding Standards Subcommittee (ESS)
(Karen Peters, Chair)
- After the editing of existing resources, and the completion and reviewing of user experience testing results, ESS’s Metadata for Music Resources Task Group finished its redesign of, and relaunched the Metadata for Music Resources website.
- After review and discussion of the results of its survey of seven MARC cataloging inefficiencies, ESS’s Music Cataloging Inefficiency Task Group proposed four changes that were subsequently incorporated into the MLA Cataloging Best Practices.
- The ESS Chair, who is also a member of the NDMSO-led MARC/RDA Working Group (MRWG), represented the interests of the music cataloging community to that group, most importantly during the MRWG’s drafting of a MARC proposal dealing with the encoding of Representative Expression elements. The draft proposal was vetted by ESS and CMC members, and was ultimately approved by the MARC Advisory Committee during its January 2022 meetings. The proposed changes have subsequently been incorporated into MARC (Update 34, July 2022).
Vocabularies Subcommittee (VS)
(Janelle West, Chair)
- The Types of Composition list maintenance task group has nearly completed a project to add plural forms of all non-preferred terms to the list.
- The OCLC Music Toolkit has been expanded to run on videos (LDR/06=g) and on secondary coding indicated as 006 values.
- A project is well underway to address needed revisions to topical and genre term headings related to minstrelsy.
Linked Data Working Group (LDWG)
(Kevin Kishimoto, Chair)
- In 2021, LDWG members experimented with creating music linked data based on BIBFRAME and the Performed Music Ontology. They used the Sinopia linked data editor to create this data. Much of the data created in this phase was experimental in nature.
- The Performed Music Ontology has been revised from its initial 2016 version, the new version publication is forthcoming.
- In 2022, LDWG continues to work with BIBFRAME, PMO, and Sinopia (which has undergone significant development in the last year); this year’s goal is to create a modest corpus of practical music linked data.
- Members are also working on a number of music Wikidata projects