Table of Contents
Content Standards Subcommittee
Encoding Standards Subcommittee
Vocabularies Subcommittee
Authorities Subcommittee
Descriptive Cataloging Subcommittee
MARC Formats Subcommittee
Metadata Subcommittee
Subject Access Subcommittee
Task Forces
- Provide a voice for the music library community in the formation and testing of the Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME)
- Test the BIBFRAME schema and the LC MARC-to-BIBFRAME converter with regards to how they handle music materials, including scores and sound recordings
- Provide feedback to LC and Zepheira on particular areas of interest for music, such as medium of performance, genre, preferred titles and name-title authorities
- Identify a means for continually monitoring, evaluating and testing BIBFRAME implementations
- Make recommendations regarding how MLA can best communicate BIBFRAME development to the MLA community and voice responses to BIBFRAME development
- Test BIBFRAME implementations for particular areas of music resources
- Monitor training opportunities in which music librarians could participate and share information about such opportunities
Genre/Form Task Force
The MLA-CMC Genre/Form Task Force will review the genre/form and medium of performance lists posted by the LC Policy and Standards Division (PSD) on their genre/form website. The group will suggest additional terms from LCSH, from other established lists (e.g., the MLA Types of Composition list, the Ethnographic Thesaurus), and from reference sources. Suggestions for genre/form and medium of performance terms will also be solicited from the MLA membership at large. The Task Force will vet the terms suggested by its members and by the MLA membership and will forward these terms on to PSD for possible inclusion in the genre/form and medium of performance lists. The second phase of the project will include working with PSD to establish syndetic structures for each list and to collaborate on coding and other issues, including making MARBI proposals if necessary. The final phase of the project will involve establishing training procedures, both for creation of genre/form/medium authority records and for practical application of the new terminology.
MLA/RBMS Joint Task Force on Rare Music
Music Thesaurus Project Advisory Task Force
Charge (1996):
Reporting to the Bibliographic Control Committee, the Task Force meets at least once annually to advise and support the work of the Music Thesaurus Project. Members include the Director of the Music Thesaurus Project, a member from MLA/BCC or one of its Subcommittees, a member from MLA/RAPS Committee or one of its Subcommittees, a member from the Library of Congress, and one other MLA member-at-large, appointed by the MLA President in consultation with the Board.In addition to discussing the work of the Project and making recommendations to its Director, the Task Force may advise upon and engage in educational and outreach efforts and other related activities as approved by the Bibliographic Control Committee.
– Last updated February 4, 2000