New Resource Page: Metadata-Focused DEIA Training
The Cataloging and Metadata Committee is pleased to announce the newest resource page on our website: Metadata-Focused DEIA Training. This meets our goal related to the MLA strategic plan to assist members in locating freely available resources that meet MLA’s committee service requirement to complete implicit bias training or other trainings in anti-racism, DEIA, or cultural competency (MLA Administrative Handbook VI.A.3, VI.A.6). While the list we compiled is by no means comprehensive—we did not want to duplicate the work reflected in the wealth of resource lists already created—we hope it helps catalogers and metadata practitioners explore topics particularly relevant to their work as they meet the MLA service requirement. We further hope the resources listed will be of general interest and will spark interest in exploring the important past, present, and future work in this area. The list represents a collaborative effort by members across CMC and its subcommittees; we