CMC-Sponsored Sessions at MLA/TLA
The Cataloging and Metadata Committee is sponsoring three sessions at the MLA/TLA Conference, to be held online, March 1-5, 2021. Details of each session are below: Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall Monday, March 1, 4:30-5:55 ET Speakers: Hermine Vermeij, Karen Peters, Rebecca Belford, Keith Knop, Kevin Kishimoto, Kathy Glennan, Damian Iseminger This session features updates and special topics in music cataloging and metadata as well as an open discussion period; it is a forum for sharing information on important topics that do not each require their own program sessions. Speakers will provide up to date information on changes to RDA (as well as LC-PCC Policy Statements and MLA Best Practices), LCGFT, LCMPT, LCDGT, and MARC. Special topics this year include the new RDA Toolkit and an update on the MLA Linked Data Working Group (LDWG). Provider-Neutral Cataloging for Digital Scores Wednesday, March 3, 12:00-1:25 ET Speakers: Chuck Peters, Keith Knop