

OCLC Search & Discovery Task Force Report available

[This message is being cross-posted widely. Please excuse duplication] Colleagues, Shortly after the 2015 annual meetings of the Music Library Association and the Music OCLC Users Group in Denver, MLA President Michael Rogan and (then) MOUG Chair Bruce Evans empaneled a joint task force with the following charge: “Investigate OCLC’s WorldCat Discovery Services to determine if it will be sufficient to meet the needs of music users. If the Task Force determines that WorldCat Discovery Services is not sufficient, it will recommend a course of action to petition OCLC to continue to provide the FirstSearch interface for WorldCat after December 31, 2015. It will also recommend a course of action to petition OCLC for specific improvements to WorldCat Discovery Services to meet the needs of music users.” The Joint MLA/MOUG OCLC Search and Discovery Task Force submitted its report to both Boards in May 2016. With only very minor revisions,

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MLA’s MARC Proposals Supported by MARC Advisory Committee

I will be posting a link to some extensive notes about happenings at ALA Annual of interest to folks interested in all things encoding standards. But until then I wanted to share the news that MLA’s three MARC proposals were approved by the MARC Advisory Committee to move forward to the MARC Steering Group. The three proposals in question: 2016-09: Recording Distributor Number for Music and Moving Image Materials in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format 2016-08: Redefining Code Values in Field 008/20 (Format of Music) in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format 2016-07: Defining Subfield $3 in Field 382 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format Thanks very much to everyone who worked on the proposals or provided feedback! My notes will also include further details on the MAC discussions about many of the discussion papers and proposals put forward by other organizations that are likely to be of interest to music

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