

RDA Toolkit Beta Version Coming Soon!

The beta version of the new RDA Toolkit will be released Wednesday evening, June 13, 2018. This release is an outcome of the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project, also known as the 3R Project. After release, the beta version will be accessible through a linked button in the top banner of the current RDA Toolkit. The beta version will be available to current subscribers and to others via a trial period (see link to the Toolkit News below for more information). Please keep in mind that the beta version is to be considered *draft* content that is not yet finalized. It is not approved for use by the RDA Steering Committee and should not be used for current cataloging. For current cataloging work, please continue to use the old version of the Toolkit, which contains the official text of RDA, LC-PCC PSs, and the MLA RDA Best Practices; there

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