Best Practices for Using LCMPT Version 1.5 Now Available
The Vocabularies Subcommittee (Cataloging and Metadata Committee, Music Library Association) is pleased to announce the release of Best Practices for Using LCMPT v. 1.5 (March 1, 2023). Current MLA best practices as well as superseded versions for historical interest may be found at Please make sure direct bookmarks point to the current version ( LCMPT v. 1.5 includes some organizational and style changes, minor updates to the introduction, hierarchy, and MARC coding sections, as well as new and revised examples throughout. Revised sections update guidance for use of singer and voice, and visuals and multimedia. The section “Number of hands” in the previous version has been revised to “More than one simultaneous performer/Number of hands.” New sections include guidance for vocal range and gender, one player/multiple instruments, and using the terms orchestra, chamber orchestra, and instrumental ensemble.