
CMC call for new members 2020

The MLA Cataloging and Metadata Committee invites all interested persons to apply for membership on its subcommittees. There are open positions on all CMC subcommittees: Content Standards, Encoding Standards, and Vocabularies.

See the FAQ page, the Groups page, and the Contact page for more information.

If you are interested in serving on a CMC subcommittee (a four-year term), please send a brief application to the CMC chair and any of the current subcommittee chairs. Applications must be in writing and should state: 1) your specific interest with regards to the subcommittee(s) to which you would like to apply and your order of preference of subcommittees; 2) your cataloging/metadata background; and 3) your abilities to meet CMC service expectations. Applications must be received via email or posted to the bulletin board at the MLA conference by end of day on the Friday of MLA. (Email is preferable, and early submission is very helpful.) Decisions regarding appointments are made at the end of the MLA conference and communicated to the applicants in the week or so following the conference.

Requirements for CMC subcommittee membership include the following. Requirements are also listed in the CMC handbook, available on the Groups page of the CMC website. (An updated CMC handbook is coming soon!)

– Member-in-good-standing of MLA national

– Attendance at MLA Annual Meeting to the best of one’s ability

– Active participation throughout the year in subcommittee work via email and other web-based tools

– Specific professional interest in subcommittee business and a particular skill, area of expertise, or perspective to contribute to subcommittee deliberations

Subcommittee members are encouraged to do the following subcommittee work:

– Participate in group discussions, both in person and in electronic forums, drawing on personal experience, skills, and knowledge

– Take assignments seriously and complete them in a timely fashion

– Provide feedback on documentation and proposals and respond to requests for comments

You may find out more about the subcommittees’ work by attending subcommittee business meetings at the MLA conference or speaking to the chairs in person. Committee and subcommittee business meetings are open to all, as is the meeting of the PCC music funnels (NACO/SACO/BIBCO). You may also learn more about CMC by checking out the FAQ, YouTube channel, and Blog at the CMC website. Business meeting agendas will be posted on the CMC Blog shortly before MLA. Also consider attending the Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall and any other program sessions related to cataloging and metadata on the program at MLA 2020.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Tracey Snyder

Chair, Cataloging and Metadata Committee, Music Library Association