I have compiled a list of MLA 2017 meetings and sessions that may be of interest to those who work in cataloging and/or metadata. I included all CMC business meetings and all sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by CMC, as well as a few other relevant meetings and sessions. Please see the MLA 2017 schedule online for full listings, locations, etc.
MLA pre-conference workshop
The Beat Goes On-athon: Creating Linked Data for Music with RIMMF (co-sponsored by CMC)
9 AM-10:25 AM Cataloging and Promoting Music Special Collections in Latin America
11 AM-12:25 PM Cataloging and Metadata Committee #1
1:30 PM-2:55 PM RDA Steering Committee Music Working Group
2:30 PM-4 PM Get Involved in MLA!
3:30 PM-4:55 PM Encoding Standards Subcommittee
6 PM- [system-specific interest groups]
9 AM-10:25 AM Ontologies, BIBFRAME, and Linked Data for Performed Music: MLA’s Role in It All (sponsored by CMC)
11 AM-12:25 PM A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush: the Challenges of Providing Access To Diverse Latin American Collections (co-sponsored by CMC)
1:30 PM-2:55 PM Vocabularies Subcommittee
3:30 PM-4:25 PM It’s Happening Now: Two Developments Using Music Ontologies (sponsored by CMC)
3:30 PM-4:25 PM The Future Is Now! Preparing for and Learning from Large-Media Preservation
3:30 PM-4:25 PM Technical Services Interest Group
4:30 PM-6 PM Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall (sponsored by CMC)
11 AM-12:25 PM Content Standards Subcommittee
1:30 PM-3:25 PM Cataloging and Metadata Committee #2