

Call for applications – NACO-Music Project Coordinator

The Music Library Association’s Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) is seeking a Coordinator for the NACO-Music Project (NMP), the music funnel of the Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC). This is a five-year term, 2025-2030.  The NACO-Music Project Coordinator plans training and assigns reviewers for new

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OCLC Music Toolkit Installer Updated May 2024

The OCLC Music Toolkit installer has been updated and is now available for download at With this update, 650, 655 and 382 mappings are current through 2022, and work will soon begin on 2023 additions.    Music Toolkit users are encouraged to report questions, suggestions, or unexpected Toolkit behavior

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New addition to BIBCO Music Funnel FAQ

The BIBCO Music Funnel is pleased to announce a long-desired addition to our FAQ that addresses which authorized access points (AAPs) in score and sound recording BIBCO records must be backed by authority records. Until now, the only documentation addressing this question  was located in the BIBCO Participants Manual (BPM) and the BIBCO Standard Record

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Annual CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee Business Meeting

The 2024 annual business meeting of the CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee will be held virtually on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 3:30pm – 4:25pm EST. Please see the meeting agenda for details and relevant links. Guests are encouraged to familiarize themselves with reports and documents ahead of time and bring questions or

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