

Encoding Standards Business Meeting Agenda for St. Louis 2019

In conjunction with the Music Library Associations 2019 Annual Meeting, the Encoding Standards Subcommittee of the Cataloging and Metadata Committee will meet Thursday, February 21, 2019, from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. The ESS meeting will take place in the New York Central/Illinois Central Rooms of the conference hotel, the Union Station Hilton in St. Louis. Check out the agenda here: We hope you can join us!

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MLA 2019 Schedule

Using my Sched account, I have assembled my schedule for MOUG and MLA 2019 in St. Louis and am sharing it in the interest of promoting sessions relevant to cataloging and metadata. I have included all CMC business meetings and all sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by CMC, as well as MOUG sessions, MLA plenary sessions, and a few other relevant sessions and events. Enjoy! My schedule: Full schedule: Thanks, Tracey Snyder Chair, Cataloging and Metadata Committee, Music Library Association

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CMC call for new members 2019

The MLA Cataloging and Metadata Committee invites all interested persons to apply for membership on its subcommittees. There are 2-5 open positions on all CMC subcommittees: Content Standards, Encoding Standards, and Vocabularies. See the Groups page ( and the Contact page ( for more information. If you are interested in serving on a CMC subcommittee (a four-year term), please send a brief application to the CMC chair and any of the current subcommittee chairs. Applications must be in writing and should state: 1) your specific interest with regards to the subcommittee(s) to which you would like to apply and your order of preference of subcommittees; 2) your cataloging/metadata background; and 3) your abilities to meet CMC service expectations. Applications must be received via email or posted to the bulletin board at the MLA conference by end of day on the Friday of MLA. (Email is preferable, and early submission is

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OCLC Music Toolkit installer updates, January 2019

Current and future users of the OCLC Music Toolkit are encouraged to download the updated installer from Changes include: Accompanying document by Gary Strawn, “Deriving bibliographic fields for music.docx” updated (January 5, 2019) (in “Docs” folder) 650/655 mapping changes/additions: 650 Pastoral music (Secular) –> Pastoral music 650 Villancicos (Music) –> Villancicos (Music) 650 $v Fake books –> 655 Fakebooks (Music) 655 Chamber music not generated for solo music with medium in parenthesis 650 Concertos (instrumental ensemble) generates medium of “instrumental ensemble” only 650 Songs without words (Instrumental music) generates “instrument” (fix from “singer”) 650 $v “Parts (solo)” does not generate medium from terms in $a after “with” 650 [Instrument] $v Methods; [Instrument] $v Studies and exercises; 650 [Instrument] $v Orchestral excerpts generate medium for instrument, including in cases where stylistic qualifiers or subsequent subdivisions are present. Cross references added for forms where the term in instrument SH and medium

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Music cataloging webinars, recent and upcoming

Slides are available for two recent webinars: Music Cataloging Basics Presented October 31, 2018, by Linda Blair and Mary Huismann. Slides Introduction to LC Faceted Vocabularies for Music Resources Presented August 29, 2018, by Casey Mullin and Hermine Vermeij. Slides Materials for these and other webinars can be found on MLA’s Previous Workshops page. Stay tuned for details in 2019 on upcoming webinars about cataloging music resources in RDA. This includes revised versions of webinars from 2014 and 2015 on scores, music video recordings, classical audio recordings, and popular music audio recordings, as well as new webinars on librettos and historic audio recordings.

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OCLC Music Toolkit installer updates, October 2018

Current and future users of the OCLC Music Toolkit are encouraged to download the updated installer from Updates in the October 24, 2018 version include: 382/LCMPT LCSH “harp” mapping changed, to LCMPT “pedal harp” LCSH “[Instrument] $v Studies and exercises” and “[Instrument] $v Studies and exercises, Juvenile” generate LCMPT for solo instrument LCSH subdivisions “Excerpts” and “Excerpts, Arranged” do not prevent generation of field 382 for medium in $a Calculation of number subfields: added terms ending in “orchestra” or “choir” to terms considered an ensemble Calculation of number subfields: confirmed that $r adds number from $b and $a (soloists and non-soloist individual performers, when ensemble involved) [no change] 655/LCGFT LCSH “Memorial music” mapping changed, from “Functional music” to “Memorial music” LCSH “Romances (Music)” mapping added, to “Romances (Music)” Comp (008/18-19; 006/01-02) mappings: cn mapping added, to “Canons (Music)” nc mapping changed, from “Art music” to “Nocturnes (Music)” ft mapping

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Joint MLA/OLAC 33X/34X Final Recommendations Redux

The final report summarizing the work of a joint MLA/OLAC task group which worked to address issues connected to 23 additions to the Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes list (, which are utilized in the 33X and 34X fields, was issued in late 2017. The group was charged with examining three issues: inconsistent treatment of RDA and non-RDA terms in MARC 344 and 347, consideration of consistent treatment of MARC 344 and 347 across formats, and implementation of the new $2 source codes. A question regarding the use of the new $2 source codes was recently raised. Just to be clear, the intent of the recommendation for issue 3 was that whenever separate MARC 34X fields would be required due to multiple applicable $2 source codes, to use separate MARC 34X fields – with the implication that the new source code would also be applied. The latter should have

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ALA Annual 2018 reports

Reports from ALA Annual 2018 by MLA-CMC liaisons to ALA are available. Enjoy! All recent ALA reports, including ALA Annual 2018: Individual reports from ALA Annual 2018: Tracey Snyder, Chair of Cataloging and Metadata Committee: Mary Huismann, Chair of Content Standards Subcommittee: Jim Soe Nyun, Chair of Encoding Standards Subcommittee: Rebecca Belford, Chair of Vocabularies Subcommittee:

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RDA Toolkit Beta Version Coming Soon!

The beta version of the new RDA Toolkit will be released Wednesday evening, June 13, 2018. This release is an outcome of the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project, also known as the 3R Project. After release, the beta version will be accessible through a linked button in the top banner of the current RDA Toolkit. The beta version will be available to current subscribers and to others via a trial period (see link to the Toolkit News below for more information). Please keep in mind that the beta version is to be considered *draft* content that is not yet finalized. It is not approved for use by the RDA Steering Committee and should not be used for current cataloging. For current cataloging work, please continue to use the old version of the Toolkit, which contains the official text of RDA, LC-PCC PSs, and the MLA RDA Best Practices; there

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3R Project/RDA Toolkit Update

The initial release of the redesigned RDA Toolkit is slated for June 13, 2018. However, due to the complex nature of the changes required for the 3R Project, the June 13th release will be a beta version of the site. The site will include an initial implementation of LRM and subsequent reorganized RDA instructions, new profile, search and navigation capabilities, and greater accessibility. Please note that this initial beta version of the Toolkit will not yet contain any policy statements, including the MLA RDA best practices. Further improvements and policy statements will be rolled out in periodic updates following the initial June release. The text of the full announcement may be read here. Addendum (reprinted with permission from James Hennelly): “The April 2017 release of RDA will remain the official version of RDA until the RDA Steering Committee declares the revised standard on the redesigned site “ready”. The June rollout

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Joint MLA/OLAC 33X/34X Task Group Recommendations Issued

The final report summarizing the work of a joint MLA/OLAC task group which worked to address issues connected to 23 additions to the Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes list (, which are utilized in the 33X and 34X fields has been issued. The Joint MLA/OLAC 33X/34X Task Group, as it came to be known, conducted their work over the summer, with some revisions to that work completed later in the fall. The group’s full recommendations can be accessed here: The group was assembled by OLAC Cataloging Policy Committee Chair Bruce Evans and MLA CMC Content Standards Subcommittee Chair Mary Huismann, who also served as chair of the task group. Membership of the task group included: From MLA: Kristi Bergland, Patty Falk, Monica Figueroa, Karen Peters, Jim Soe Nyun, Michelle Urberg From OLAC: Melissa Burel, Scott Dutkiewicz, Bruce J. Evans, Greta de Groat, Rosemary Groenwald, Teressa Keenan, Yoko Kudo, Kelley

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CMC call for new members 2018

The MLA Cataloging and Metadata Committee invites all interested persons to apply to be part of its subcommittees. There are open positions on all CMC subcommittees: Content Standards, Encoding Standards, and Vocabularies.   If you are interested in being a part of CMC, please send a brief application addressed to the CMC chair or any of the current subcommittee chairs. Applications must be in writing and should state: 1) your specific interest with regards to the subcommittee(s) to which you would like to apply; 2) your cataloging/metadata background; and 3) your abilities to meet CMC service expectations. Applications must be received via email or posted to the bulletin board at the MLA conference by end of day on the Thursday (not the usual Friday this year) of MLA. (Email is preferable, and early submission is very helpful.)   CMC Chair: Tracey Snyder ( Content Standards Subcommittee: Mary Huismann ( Encoding

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