

MLA/TLA 2023 CMC-Sponsored Session Summaries Now Available

Whether you missed any of the three program sessions that the Cataloging and Metadata Committee sponsored at the 2023 Meeting of the Music Library Association and the Theatre Library Association or if you would like to revisit content, summaries and presenters’ slides are now available: Many thanks to the presenters and our summary writers! Summaries will also appear in an upcoming issue of the Music Cataloging Bulletin, and recordings will be posted to MLA’s Vimeo channel in September (conference registrants may currently access via Sched). You can peruse summaries of previous CMC-sponsored conference presentations as well a plethora of CMC reports here on the CMC website.  

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MLA-CMC at Upcoming Summer 2023 ALA and MAC Meetings

CMC will be representing MLA’s interests at three upcoming meetings: ALA Core’s Core Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) and the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) in June and ALA Core’s Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) in July. SAC will be meeting virtually June 14, 15, 16, 2023 from 1:00-3:00 pm CST (2-4 Eastern) each day. Meetings do not require a registration fee and are open to all interested guests, who may participate via Zoom chat and come and go throughout. To attend, you will need to register for a Zoom link that will admit you to all three meetings. The agenda and the liaison reports, including MLA’s, are posted to the SAC ALA Connect public site as they arrive. If you have specific concerns or interests for this meeting, or questions about SAC in general, please contact Janelle West, chair of the CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee and MLA’s liaison to SAC.

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Best Practices for Using LCMPT Version 1.5 Now Available

The Vocabularies Subcommittee (Cataloging and Metadata Committee, Music Library Association) is pleased to announce the release of Best Practices for Using LCMPT v. 1.5 (March 1, 2023). Current MLA best practices as well as superseded versions for historical interest may be found at Please make sure direct bookmarks point to the current version ( LCMPT v. 1.5 includes some organizational and style changes, minor updates to the introduction, hierarchy, and MARC coding sections, as well as new and revised examples throughout. Revised sections update guidance for use of singer and voice, and visuals and multimedia. The section “Number of hands” in the previous version has been revised to “More than one simultaneous performer/Number of hands.” New sections include guidance for vocal range and gender, one player/multiple instruments, and using the terms orchestra, chamber orchestra, and instrumental ensemble.

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Vocabularies Subcommittee 2023 Business Meeting and Agenda

The annual business meeting for the Vocabularies Subcommittee will be held virtually on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 12:00-1:20 p.m. CST. The meeting is open to all registered attendees of the MLA conference–guests are warmly welcome, and are free to come and go throughout the meeting time. Zoom links will become available 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting through the conference program in Sched. The VS meeting agenda includes agenda items, liaison reports, and reports from task groups within the subcommittee. Reports will not be read in full at the meeting; guests are invited and encouraged to read reports in advance and bring any questions or discussion points to the meeting. We hope that you can join us! Janelle West, Chair, Vocabularies Subcommittee

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Cataloging and Metadata Committee 2023 Business Meeting and Agenda

The annual business meeting of the Cataloging and Metadata Committee will be held virtually on Thursday, March 9, 2023, 12:00 p.m.-1:50 p.m. CST. Please see the CMC agenda for the full agenda as well as links to reports. The reports will not be read in full at the meeting; guests are encouraged to read reports ahead of time and bring any questions or comments to the meeting. The meeting is open to all registered attendees of the Meeting of the Music Library Association and the Theatre Library Association. The Zoom link will be available in Sched, and the meeting will be recorded. Hermine Vermeij, Chair, Cataloging and Metadata Committee.

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Encoding Standards Subcommittee 2023 Business Meeting and Agenda

Please join us for the annual business meeting of the Encoding Standards Subcommittee, which will be held on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 2:30-3:50 CST via Zoom. Please see the ESS Meeting Agenda for a full agenda with links to MARC Advisory Committee meeting reports and other documents of interest. The meeting is open to all registered attendees of the MLA conference. Zoom links will become available 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting in Sched (MLA 2023 conference schedule for registered attendees). The meeting will be recorded. We look forward to seeing you there–in person or virtually! Karen Peters, Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee

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CMC-Sponsored Sessions at MLA/TLA 2023

The Cataloging and Metadata is sponsoring three sessions at the Meeting of the Music Library Association and the Theatre Library Association next week: RDA Changes in Theory and Practice – Thursday, March 2, 1:30 p.m.-2:20 p.m. CSTIn this session presenters will address changes in the new RDA Toolkit from a theoretical perspective as well as in terms of practical, on-the-ground cataloging. The current official text of RDA incorporates numerous changes, many of which were necessary to accommodate the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM). The LRM revises, reconciles, and adds to the Functional Requirements family of models (FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD) that formed the basis of the original RDA text. Among the wholly new concepts introduced in the LRM are representative expression elements (a recognition of the fact that most users see many expression properties of the “original” expression of a work to be properties of the work instead) and a

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RDA Best Practices Training and Updates

Presentation slides for the ALA eLearning webinar Using the New RDA Toolkit to Catalog Music, presented August 9-11, 2022, have been deposited in the Humanities Commons here: Full presenter notes are included. Some of the pending issues mentioned in the slides have been addressed in the most recent Best Practices update in September. A summary of changes is below. Changes to the MLA Best Practices in the September Toolkit update are minimal, but highlights include the following: The MLA RDA Metadata Guidance document has been updated to version 0.92, with the following additions: Note: Although the electronic resource guidelines were written with reference to Official RDA, there should not be anything in them—other than directions to refer to the LC-PCC MGD—that conflicts with Original RDA. Error reports, comments, or feedback on the Best Practices in the new Toolkit may be submitted here: Error reports, comments, or feedback on

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Cataloging and Metadata News, August 2022

General Committee News Rebecca Belford was named as the Incoming Chair; she will become Chair in March 2023. Current full roster Recent reports with more details on the information in this report are available on the CMC website.  CMC presented its Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall with news from the committee at MLA 2022; the slides are available in Humanities Commons. Content Standards Subcommittee (CSS) (Keith Knop, Chair) The MLA Best Practices have been integrated into the new RDA Toolkit.   The Best Practices are now accompanied by an additional guidance document (available as a PDF  on the MLA Best Practices page). To account for changes to MARC21 field 348, an interim Best Practices update for form of musical notation has been released (same address) to bridge the gap between original and official RDA. Encoding Standards Subcommittee (ESS) (Karen Peters, Chair) After the editing of existing resources, and the completion and

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Cataloging and Metadata Committee 2022 Business Meeting and Agenda

The annual business meeting of the Cataloging and Metadata Committee will held virtually on Tuesday, February 22, 11:00 a.m.-12:55 p.m. MT. Please see the CMC agenda for the full agenda as well as links to a plethora of reports. The reports will not be read in full at the meeting; guests are encouraged to read reports ahead of time and bring any questions or comments to the meeting. The meeting is open to all registered attendees of the joint MLA annual meeting. The Zoom link will become available prior to the start of the meeting through the conference program in Sched. The meeting will be recorded. Hermine Vermeij, Chair, Cataloging and Metadata Committee

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Content Standards Subcommittee 2022 Business Meeting Agenda

The annual business meeting of the Content Standards Subcommittee will be held virtually on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 10:00-11:25 MT (12:00-1:25 ET). All registered attendees of the 2022 MLA conference are welcome to attend. Please see the CSS meeting agenda for topics and links to documents of interest. Zoom links will become available 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting in Sched (conference registration required). The meeting will be recorded.

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Encoding Standards Subcommittee 2022 Business Meeting and Agenda

Please join us for the annual business meeting of the Encoding Standards Subcommittee, which will be held virtually on Thursday, February 24, 2022, 11:30-12:55 MT (1:30-2:55 ET), immediately before the Cataloging and Metadata Committee Town Hall. Please see the ESS meeting agenda for a full agenda with links to MARC Advisory Committee meeting reports and other documents of interest. The meeting is open to all registered attendees of the MLA conference. Zoom links will become available 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting in Sched (MLA 2022 conference schedule for registered attendees). The meeting will be recorded. We look forward to seeing you (virtually) there! Karen Peters, Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee

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Vocabularies Subcommittee 2022 Business Meeting and Agenda

The annual business meeting for the Vocabularies Subcommittee will be held virtually on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 1:30-2:55 pm Eastern time. The meeting is open to all registered attendees of the MLA conference–guests are warmly welcome, and are free to come and go throughout the meeting time. Zoom links will become available 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting through the conference program in Sched (MLA 2022 conference schedule for registered attendees). The VS meeting agenda includes agenda items, liaison reports, and reports from task groups within the subcommittee. Reports will not be read in full at the meeting; guests are invited and encouraged to read reports in advance and bring any questions or discussion points to the meeting. We hope that you can join us! Rebecca Belford, Chair, Vocabularies Subcommittee

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Changes to the Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus (LCMPT) for voice and chorus terms

The Vocabularies Subcommittee of MLA’s Cataloging and Metadata Committee would like to announce the approval of recent changes to the Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus (LCMPT) for voice and chorus terms. In discussions at the March 2020 MLA Conference, there was a broad consensus among members of the Cataloging and Metadata Committee that we should separate the issue of vocal range from that of gender of the singers, since the accuracy of these terms for contemporary and historical use is questionable. Although there are times when a gendered term may be more appropriate (scores calling for a “boy soprano”, for instance), there was agreement that we should have options for disassociating these concepts in the vocal and choral terms. A tenor, for instance, may be male, female, or non-binary, and the statement of range should not require limitation by gender. The Vocabulary Maintenance Task Group moved forward with

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Cataloging and Metadata Committee 2021 Business Meeting and Agenda

The annual business meeting of the Cataloging and Metadata Committee will held virtually on Wednesday, March 17, 1:00-2:55 p.m. ET. Please see the CMC agenda for the full agenda as well as links to a plethora of reports. The reports will not be read in full at the meeting; guests are encouraged to read reports ahead of time and bring any questions or comments to the meeting. The meeting is open to all registered attendees of the joint MLA/TLA conference. The Zoom link will become available 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting through the conference program in Sched. Hermine Vermeij, Chair, Cataloging and Metadata Committee

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