

Call for applications – NACO-Music Project Coordinator

The Music Library Association’s Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) is seeking a Coordinator for the NACO-Music Project (NMP), the music funnel of the Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC). This is a five-year term, 2025-2030.  The NACO-Music Project Coordinator plans training and assigns reviewers for new funnel members, serves on the NMP Advisory Committee (NMPAC), is a nonvoting, ex officio member of CMC, and is an ex officio member of the CMC Content Standards Subcommittee and the CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee. The Coordinator represents the Funnel’s interests to PCC and CMC and vice versa, prepares NMP responses to proposed new or revised PCC policies relating to name and name-title authority control, and works with the CSS Chair on drafting LC-PCC PSs affecting name authority work. The Coordinator also holds voting rights in the annual PCC election for electing the governing body and committees of the PCC on behalf of the Funnel.

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OCLC Music Toolkit Installer Updated May 2024

The OCLC Music Toolkit installer has been updated and is now available for download at With this update, 650, 655 and 382 mappings are current through 2022, and work will soon begin on 2023 additions.    Music Toolkit users are encouraged to report questions, suggestions, or unexpected Toolkit behavior using the form at Your feedback is monitored by the CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee and relayed to programmer Gary Strawn who incorporates changes and additions into the programming and OCLC macro. About the Music Toolkit: The Music Toolkit, developed by Gary Strawn based on specifications provided by the CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee, analyzes bibliographic data and generates corresponding faceted terms from the Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus (LCMPT), Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT), and Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT), as well as other faceted metadata such as dates and geographic place names. The Toolkit output is

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Best Practices for Using LCGFT for Music Resources Version 1.3 Now Available

The Vocabularies Subcommittee (Cataloging and Metadata Committee, Music Library Association) is pleased to announce the release of Best Practices for Using LCGFT for Music Resources v.1.3 (April 9, 2024). Current MLA best practices as well as superseded versions for historical interest may be found on the MLA Best Practices page. If you have the BPs bookmarked, please make sure your link takes you to the current version. LCGFT V.1.3 Updates In addition to grammatical and style updates, new or expanded sections or examples in version 1.3 of the LCGFT BPs for music resources include: Experimental music and Avant-garde music, and Rap (Music) and Hip-Hop (Music). Guidance for the use of LCGFT terms “Studio recordings” and “Live sound recordings” were revised and expanded. Send Your Suggestions Nearly all of the additions reflect suggestions from practicing catalogers. We encourage submissions to the suggestion box, and we monitor MLA-L, MOUG-L, and other email

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New addition to BIBCO Music Funnel FAQ

The BIBCO Music Funnel is pleased to announce a long-desired addition to our FAQ that addresses which authorized access points (AAPs) in score and sound recording BIBCO records must be backed by authority records. Until now, the only documentation addressing this question  was located in the BIBCO Participants Manual (BPM) and the BIBCO Standard Record Metadata Application Profile (BSR MAP), and these sources do not address the various nuances encountered in music cataloging The new FAQ identifies seven categories of AAPs and clarifies which of these require their own authority records in a BIBCO context, and which authority records may be optionally created. Questions on this FAQ may be directed to Casey Mullin, BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator,

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Annual CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee Business Meeting

The 2024 annual business meeting of the CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee will be held virtually on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 3:30pm – 4:25pm EST. Please see the meeting agenda for details and relevant links. Guests are encouraged to familiarize themselves with reports and documents ahead of time and bring questions or comments to the meeting. The meeting is open to all, and guests may come and go throughout. Access to the meeting is through the Cvent platform, which is the entry point for all sessions of the Music Library Association 2024 Annual Meeting. Registered MLA and MOUG attendees will find the meeting listed in the schedule; other guests must register (free) via the Cvent open meetings portal. CMC is also hosting an open, virtual CMC Q&A session Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 12:00 PM-12:55 PM EST. In this discussion forum, Town Hall speakers and additional CMC members will be available to answer

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Encoding Standards Subcommittee 2024 Business Meeting

The 2024 annual business meeting of the Encoding Standards Subcommittee will be held virtually on Wednesday, March 6, 2:00 pm-2:55 pm EST.  Please see the ESS business meeting agenda for details and relevant links. Guests are encouraged to familiarize themselves with reports and documents ahead of time and bring questions or comments to the meeting. The meeting is open to all, and guests may come and go throughout. Access for the ESS meeting and all CMC business meetings are through the Cvent platform, which is the entry point for all sessions of the Music Library Association 2024 Annual Meeting. Registered MLA and MOUG attendees will find the meeting listed in the schedule; other guests must register (free) via the Cvent open meetings portal. CMC is also hosting an open, virtual CMC Q&A session Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 12:00 PM-12:55 PM EST. In this discussion forum, Town Hall speakers and additional CMC members will

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Cataloging and Metadata Committee 2024 Business Meeting and Agenda

The 2024 annual business meeting of the Cataloging and Metadata Committee will be held virtually on Thursday, March 7, 2:00 pm-3:25 pm EST.  Please see the CMC agenda for the full agenda as well as links to reports from CMC members. Reports will not be read in full at the meeting; guests are encouraged to read reports ahead of time and bring any questions or comments to the meeting. The meeting is open to all interested parties, and guests may come and go throughout. CMC is also hosting an open, virtual CMC Q&A session Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 12:00 PM-12:55 PM EST. In this discussion forum, Town Hall speakers and additional CMC members will be available to answer questions from the Town Hall or about any of the work of CMC groups, officers, and representatives. Access for the CMC business meetings and the Q&A are through the Cvent platform, which is the entry point

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CMC-Sponsored Sessions at MLA 2024

The Cataloging and Metadata Committee is sponsoring several sessions at the 2024 Meeting of the Music Library Association February 29-March 2: De-Mystifying Cataloging for Public Service Librarians and Staff; A Subject, a Genre, and a Medium Walk into a Search Bar…; Cataloging Conversations; and, of course, the Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall. We hope you are able to attend one or all!  For everyone who uses, manages, or populates front-end discovery systems or public catalogs A Subject, a Genre, and a Medium Walk into a Search Bar… Thursday February 29, 4:00pm-5:25pm EST Cataloging rules have long prohibited the application of headings from the Library of Congress Subject Headings for individual works without a topical focus for disciplines other than music. Music cataloging has been the exception, providing form, genre, and medium of performance access to individual musical works using LCSH. With the newer Genre/Form (LCGFT) and Medium of Performance (LCMPT) vocabularies now firmly

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Call for CMC Subcommittee Applications 2024

There are service opportunities on the three Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) subcommittees: Content Standards, Encoding Standards, and Vocabularies, all of which have multiple vacancies. Appointments are for four-year terms, and most subcommittee work is conducted asynchronously throughout the year. We encourage all interested persons to apply for membership. We will be at the February 15 MLA Get Involved session and are happy to answer questions by email or in person at the conference. You can find more information about the subcommittees and their work here on our website, at the CMC Town Hall session March 1, and at our virtual open business meetings March 6-7. Brief applications should be in writing and submitted to the CMC Chair (Rebecca Belford) and any of the current subcommittee chairs (listed below) no later than end of day Thursday, March 7, 2024. Applications should state: 1) your specific interest with regards to the

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New and Revised LCSH Headings for Minstrelsy Terms

In April 2022 the MLA-CMC Vocabularies Maintenance Task Group began initial discussion of LC subject headings related to minstrelsy. Minstrelsy is a form of entertainment originating in the 19th century that depicted caricatures of various racialized groups, but most predominantly African Americans.  The Vocabularies Maintenance Task Group in 2022 consisted of Anne Adams (chair), with Jennifer Olson, Ann Churukian, Allison McClanahan, Tomoko Shibuya, and Clare Spitzer.   In September 2022, after consultation with the African American SACO Funnel, the decision was made to remove references to African Americans from the terms Minstrelsy and Minstrel music in LCSH and create the narrower terms Blackface minstrel music and Blackface minstrel shows. The introduction of the narrower minstrelsy terms provides catalogers and users with more specific terms to identify and label derogatory works. Furthermore, similar “-face” terms used to depict caricatures of other racialized groups can be proposed to provide similar searching and indexing. 

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Looking for Some Authority? Try the NACO Music Project

Hi. This is Mark Scharff, Coordinator for the NACO-Music Project (NMP), the funnel project that creates and updates authority records in the LC/NACO Authority File (LCNAF), particularly those for musical works and expressions. Perhaps some readers of this blog have thought about joining NMP, but have asked internally, “Is this for me?” Let me offer some thoughts that might push that answer toward “Yes!”  If any one of these points has piqued your curiosity, I invite you to visit the NMP page on the CMC website. There is now a link to a document, the NMP Application Form Guide, that walks you through the NMP application form. I also invite you to ask me questions about the application process and what membership entails. The NACO-Music Project, thanks to the efforts of Ralph Papakhian and others, pioneered the funnel concept for cooperative authority work. NMP continues to lead the way in

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RDA Best Practices Updates

Updates to two MLA RDA Best Practice supplement documents are now available via the CMC Best Practices page. Supplement 1: Guidelines for Describing and Encoding Attributes of Audio Recording Carriers has been updated to version 1.82, which corrects an issue with the mapping for encoding format (347 $b) for electronic audio resources and updates examples for provider-neutral cataloging of electronic audio resources. MLA RDA Metadata Guidance, a document for use with Official RDA, has been updated to version 0.93, which corrects some MARC examples and makes some improvements to example labeling. A more significant update is the addition of format-specific guidance covering certain aspects of sound recording cataloging. At the moment, topics addressed include choices for recording publication, distribution, and manufacture statements for audio recordings and recording contributor agent information. Although written for Official RDA, information in this section is also compliant with Original RDA. Beginning with version 0.93, the

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MLA/TLA 2023 CMC-Sponsored Session Summaries Now Available

Whether you missed any of the three program sessions that the Cataloging and Metadata Committee sponsored at the 2023 Meeting of the Music Library Association and the Theatre Library Association or if you would like to revisit content, summaries and presenters’ slides are now available: Many thanks to the presenters and our summary writers! Summaries will also appear in an upcoming issue of the Music Cataloging Bulletin, and recordings will be posted to MLA’s Vimeo channel in September (conference registrants may currently access via Sched). You can peruse summaries of previous CMC-sponsored conference presentations as well a plethora of CMC reports here on the CMC website.  

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MLA-CMC at Upcoming Summer 2023 ALA and MAC Meetings

CMC will be representing MLA’s interests at three upcoming meetings: ALA Core’s Core Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) and the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) in June and ALA Core’s Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) in July. SAC will be meeting virtually June 14, 15, 16, 2023 from 1:00-3:00 pm CST (2-4 Eastern) each day. Meetings do not require a registration fee and are open to all interested guests, who may participate via Zoom chat and come and go throughout. To attend, you will need to register for a Zoom link that will admit you to all three meetings. The agenda and the liaison reports, including MLA’s, are posted to the SAC ALA Connect public site as they arrive. If you have specific concerns or interests for this meeting, or questions about SAC in general, please contact Janelle West, chair of the CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee and MLA’s liaison to SAC.

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