

Content Standards Annual Report: 2016

Annual Report, July 2015-June 2016 Submitted by Mary Huismann MEMBERS (as of March 2016) Mary Huismann (Chair, appointed 2016), Sonia Archer-Capuzzo (2012), Ann Churukian (2016), Christopher Diamond (2013), Bruce Evans (2016), Patty Falk (2016), Damian Iseminger (2013), Kevin Kishimoto (2016), Morris Levy (2013), Peter Lisius (2015), Anna Alfeld LoPrete (2016), Rick McRae (2016), Jennifer Olson (2015), Shelley Rogers (2016), Sophie Rondeau (2015), Tomoko Shibuya (2014), Linda Blair (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator), Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator), Michi Hoban (LC Representative), Valerie Weinberg (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) We thank Tracey Snyder, Elizabeth Hille Cribbs, Jean Harden, Beth Hobart, Steve Mantz, Chuck Peters, Ray Schmidt, and Amy Strickland, who rotated off of Content Standards Subcommittee in March 2016. We welcome Ann Churukian, Bruce Evans, Patty Falk, Kevin Kishimoto, Anna Alfeld LoPrete, Rick McRae, and Shelley Rogers, who joined the Content Standards Subcommittee in March 2016. REPORT ON ACTIVITIES CSS continued

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Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2016

Annual Report, July 2015-June 2016 Submitted by James L. Soe Nyun Members (as of March 2016): James L. Soe Nyun (Chair, appointed 2015), Anne Adams (2015), Catherine Busselen (2014), Margaret Corby (2016), Chris Holden (2015), Karla Jurgemeyer (2013), Keith Knop (2014), Nancy Lorimer (2016), Deb Morris (2013), Thom Pease (2015), Karen Peters (2015), Mark Scharff (2014), Kimmy Szeto (2016), Hermine Vermeij (2015), Matthew Wise (2013), Morgan Cundiff (LC Representative), Stephen Yusko (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) We thank Ralph Hartsock and Lisa McFall, who rotated off of Encoding Standards Subcommittee in March 2016. We welcome Margaret Corby, Nancy Lorimer, and Kimmy Szeto, who joined the Encoding Standards Subcommittee in March 2016. Brief summary of activities: All tasks described below support the MLA Strategic Plan goal area, Technology. (“Goal statement: MLA makes effective use of technology to achieve its mission.”) MARC development: The committee developed four MARC proposals and three

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Vocabularies Annual Report: 2016

Annual Report, July 2015-June 2016 Submitted by Casey Mullin Members (as of March 2016): Casey Mullin (Chair, appointed 2014), Jim Alberts (2016), Rebecca Belford (2014), Kirk-Evan Billet (2015), Reed David (2015), Matt Ertz (2013), Ralph Hartsock (2016), Jeff Lyon (2016), Jacob Schaub (2015), Ann Shaffer (2015), Hannah Spence (2015), Nurhak Tuncer (2016), Jennifer Vaughn (2015), Janelle West (2013), J. Bradford Young (2014), Nancy Lorimer (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator), Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator), Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) We thank Emma Dederick, Kenneth Kauffman, and Kevin Kishimoto, who rotated off of Vocabularies Subcommittee in March 2016. We welcome Ralph Hartsock, Jeff Lyon, Nurhak Tuncer, and Jim Alberts, who joined Vocabularies Subcommittee in March 2016. Report on activities: Standing task groups: Types of Composition List Maintenance (West (coordinator), Belford, Young, Alberts) Prepared new entries for Sett, Entrata, Dumps, Pesem, Samospev, Carol/Carols, Glásba, Négyes/Négyesek, Oberek/Oberki, Stroph/Strophen, Trioletto(s) Added cross-references

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2015

BCC Authorities Subcommittee/BCC Descriptive Cataloging Subcommittee/CMC Content Standards Subcommittee Combined Annual Report, July 2014-June 2015 Submitted by Tracey Snyder and Raymond Schmidt MEMBERS Authorities Subcommittee members (July 2014-February 2015): Raymond Schmidt, (2013), Chair; Sharon Benamou (2011); Grace Fitzgerald (2014); Jean Harden (2012); Morris Levy (2013); Stephen Mantz (2012); Jacob Schaub (2011); Michi Hoban (LC representative) Descriptive Cataloging Subcommittee members (July 2014-February 2015): Tracey Snyder, (2012), Chair; Sonia Archer-Capuzzo (2012); Elizabeth Hille Cribbs (2013); Christopher Diamond (2013); Patty Falk (2011); Elizabeth (McCraw) Hobart (2012); Damian Iseminger (2013); Gary Markham (2011); Charles Peters (2012); Tomoko Shibuya (2014); Amy Strickland (2012); Laura Yust (LC Representative) Content Standards Subcommittee members (March 2015-June 2015): Tracey Snyder, (2012), Chair; Sonia Archer-Capuzzo (2012); Elizabeth Hille Cribbs (2013); Christopher Diamond (2013); Jean Harden (2012); Elizabeth Hobart (2012); Mary Huismann (2015); Damian Iseminger (2013); Morris Levy (2013); Peter Lisius (2015); Stephen Mantz (2012); Jennifer Olson (2015); Charles Peters (2012);

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