Annual Report, July 2015-June 2016
Submitted by Mary Huismann
MEMBERS (as of March 2016)
Mary Huismann (Chair, appointed 2016), Sonia Archer-Capuzzo (2012), Ann Churukian (2016), Christopher Diamond (2013), Bruce Evans (2016), Patty Falk (2016), Damian Iseminger (2013), Kevin Kishimoto (2016), Morris Levy (2013), Peter Lisius (2015), Anna Alfeld LoPrete (2016), Rick McRae (2016), Jennifer Olson (2015), Shelley Rogers (2016), Sophie Rondeau (2015), Tomoko Shibuya (2014), Linda Blair (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator), Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator), Michi Hoban (LC Representative), Valerie Weinberg (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative)
We thank Tracey Snyder, Elizabeth Hille Cribbs, Jean Harden, Beth Hobart, Steve Mantz, Chuck Peters, Ray Schmidt, and Amy Strickland, who rotated off of Content Standards Subcommittee in March 2016. We welcome Ann Churukian, Bruce Evans, Patty Falk, Kevin Kishimoto, Anna Alfeld LoPrete, Rick McRae, and Shelley Rogers, who joined the Content Standards Subcommittee in March 2016.
CSS continued to work on several ongoing activities related to RDA, including maintenance of the RDA Best Practices for music, review of RDA revision proposals, drafting of RDA policy statements (Library of Congress-Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements (LC-PCC PSs)), and revision of RDA relationship designators.
Additionally, this year, CSS members provided input to the ALA/CC:DA (Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access) task force to review the draft FRBR-LRM (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records-Library Reference Model). Jennifer Olson continued to work on the joint MLA/OLAC task force to create RDA best practices for Playaways. Tomoko Shibuya, Sophie Rondeau, Amy Strickland and Charles Peters completed work on development of definitions for several music-related RDA relationship designators. Jean Harden, Kevin Kishimoto, Morris Levy, and Mary Huismann are members of the RDA Music Working Group (RMWG), and Damian Iseminger serves as chair of the group. Tracey Snyder and Sophie Rondeau served on the MLA BIBFRAME Task Force. Subcommittee members also provided recommendations on improving access via authorized access points for string quartets published only under a Hungarian title to the Vocabularies Subcommittee.
The chair did the following:
- Worked together to smoothly transition responsibilities
- Worked with CMC webmaster (Elizabeth Hille Cribbs) and ALA’s Managing Editor for the RDA Toolkit to revise content of MLA’s Best Practices for RDA;
- Worked with the ALA representative to the RDA Steering Committee to formulate the ALA position on several fast-track RDA revision proposals;
- Published reports describing RDA Toolkit updates relating to music on the CMC blog and Music Cataloging Bulletin
- Snyder (with Kevin Kishimoto) gave a presentation and led discussion on popular music and RDA at the CMC Town Hall meeting;
- Huismann served as a member of the ALA/CC:DA task force to review the draft FRBR-LRM document;
CSS met last year’s stated goals.
CSS members reviewed RDA revision proposals and discussion papers from the RDA Steering Committee (RSC; formerly the Joint Steering Committee) constituencies and provided comments to inform the official ALA responses submitted to the RSC (summer 2015).
Several revisions to LC-PCC PSs were made in the past year, providing updated or new guidance on access points for musical works.
Work was completed on revisions to a group of RDA relationship designators. Eight terms and definitions were proposed (or revised) and accepted by the RSC.
CSS achieved their goal of continuing to revise the RDA Best Practices and supplement document in line with changes and additions to the RDA Toolkit. The schedule of revisions coincides with that of the RDA Toolkit release schedule.
CSS members Sonia Archer-Capuzzo and Mary Huismann delivered a webinar on basic RDA cataloging for music in September 2015.
GOALS FOR 2016-2017
The Content Standards Subcommittee’s goals for 2016-2017 are as follows:
- Review RDA revision proposals (proposals submitted to the RSC summer 2016) from other constituencies and provide comments to inform the official ALA responses;
- Provide input on RDA revision proposals generated by ALA and RMWG as they develop;
- Propose revisions to LC-PCC PSs as needed;
- Continue to enhance the RDA Best Practices and supplement document;
- Evaluate and monitor CSS workflow and work groups for efficiency and maximum engagement;
- Engage in webinars and other training opportunities as needed;
These relate to the MLA Strategic Plan areas of Organizational Excellence (collaboration with RMWG, ALA, OLAC, and other organizations in the preparation of RDA revisions and creation of Best Practices for RDA) and Education (use of technology to provide professional development and training support).