

Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2023

submitted by Ethan D’Ver Current Roster Ethan D’Ver, Chair (2027) Janice Bunker (2026) Andrea Cawelti (2027) David Floyd (2027) Jessica Grimmer (2026) Kevin Kishimoto (2027) Anna Alfeld LoPrete (2025) Jeff Lyon (2024) Jennifer Olson (2027) Laura Thompson (2025) Hermine Vermeij (2027) Damian Iseminger, Library of Congress Representative Jay Weitz, OCLC Representative List of Previous Goals and Progress Made 1. Continue to monitor and participate in MARC development—particularly in light of pending implementation of official RDA (now expected no sooner than October 2022, and most likely later than that), and with an eye towards the facilitation of BIBFRAME/MARC conversion when possible—and communicate any needs for best practices or other documentation to help music catalogers implement new changes to MARC. In October, the former Chair revised joint MLA/OLAC MARC Discussion Paper No. 2022-DP-07, which examined the possibility of adding subfield $3 (Materials specified) to field 041 (Language code), as a MARC Proposal.

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Vocabularies Subcommittee Annual Report 2023

submitted by Janelle West Current Roster Janelle West, Chair (2026) Anne Adams (2023) Jim Alberts (2027) Josh Aldorisio (2025) Kristi Bergland (2025) Blaine Brubaker (2026) Ann Churukian (2024) Patty Falk (2024) Mary Huismann (2024) Ivan Kaproth-Joslin (2027) Allison McClanahan (2023) Rick McRae (2026) Laikin Morris (2027) Jennifer Olson (2023) Tomoko Shibuya (2026) Tracey Snyder (2024) Clare Spitzer (2025) Alice Sujana (2027) Mark Scharff, NACO Music Project Coordinator (2025) Leo Martin, SACO Music Funnel Coordinator (2026) Maarja Vigorito, Library of Congress Representative Jay Weitz, OCLC Representative List of Previous Goals and Progress Made 1. Continue review of music-related LCSH and LCGFT, and LCMPT terms appearing in monthly LC tentative lists with task group, VS LC representative, and the Music SACO Funnel Coordinator; submit comments to LC when appropriate. Continue with defined projects and ad hoc proposals for LCGFT and LCMPT. Task group has reviewed the monthly tentative lists and submitted comments

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2023

submitted by Keith Knop Current Roster Keith Knop, chair (2024) Anne Adams (2027) Linda Bagley (2024) Emily Colucci (2026) Reed David (2024) Sarah Holmes (2023 (resigned)) Chelsea Hoover (2026) Karen Peters (2027) Daniel Ray (2027) Amanda Scott (2025) Anthony Sharp (2027) Amy Strickland (2027) Casey Mullin (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator) Mark Scharff (NACO Music Project Coordinator) Christopher Holden (Library of Congress Representative) Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative, through June 2023) List of Previous Goals and Progress Made Work to maintain the MLA Best Practices in pace with changes to RDA and LC-PCC policy, add content where the community has requested it while the Toolkit was frozen, and solicit feedback to identify areas, repertoires, or musical traditions in need of additional guidance. RDA and LC-PCC PS have remained fairly stable over the past year, with most changes affecting elements with little or no relevance to music cataloging. Efforts have thus focused mostly

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Vocabularies Annual Report: 2022

CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee MLA Annual Report, July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022 Report title: Vocabularies Subcommittee Annual Report 2022 Submitted by: Janelle West Email: Group name: Vocabularies Subcommittee Group Members Janelle West, Chair (2026) Anne Adams (2023) Josh Aldorisio (2025) Kristi Bergland (2025) Blaine Brubaker (2026) Ann Churukian (2024) Patty Falk (2024) Geo Flores (2026) Mary Huismann (2024) Allison McClanahan (2023) Rick McRae (2026) Jennifer Olson (2023) Tomoko Shibuya (2026) Tracey Snyder (2024) Clare Spitzer (2025) Mark Scharff, NACO Music Project Coordinator (2025) Leo Martin, SACO Music Funnel Coordinator (2026) Maarja Vigorito, Library of Congress Representative Jay Weitz, OCLC Representative Previous Goals Continue review of music-related LCSH and LCGFT, and LCMPT terms appearing in monthly LC tentative lists with task group, VS LC representative, and the Music SACO Funnel Coordinator; submit comments to LC when appropriate. Continue with defined projects and ad hoc proposals for LCGFT and LCMPT. Goal areas:

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Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2022

Report Title: Encoding Standards Subcommittee Annual Report, July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022 Report Year: 2022 Submitted by: Karen A. Peters Email: Report Type: Subcommittee Group Name: CMC: Encoding Standards Subcommittee Group Members Karen Peters (Chair, 2019-2023) Jim Alberts (2023) Janice Bunker (2026) Ethan D’Ver (2023) Jessica Grimmer (2026) Chelsea Hoover (2022) Rahni Kennedy (2023) Anna Alfeld LoPrete (2025) Jeff Lyon (2024) Tomoko Shibuya (2022) Amy Strickland (2022) Laura Thompson (2025) Damian Iseminger (LC Representative) Jay N. Weitz (OCLC Representative) Previous Goals Continue to monitor and participate in MARC development—particularly in light of pending implementation of official RDA (expected July 2022)–and communicate any needs for best practices or other documentation to help music catalogers implement changes to MARC. In early October, the Chair submitted her report of the June 2021 MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) meetings and LC’s June 2021 BIBFRAME Update Forum to the CMC Chair for publication in the

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2022

2021-2022 Roster Keith Knop, Chair (2024) Linda Bagley (2024) Emily Colucci (2026) Reed David (2024) Sarah C. Holmes (2025) Chelsea Hoover (2026) Ivan Kaproth-Joslin (2023) Charles Peters (2023) Jake Schaub (resigned 2022) Amanda Scott (2025) Hannah Spence (2023) Casey Mullin (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator) Christopher Holden (LC Representative) Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) List of Previous Goals and Progress Made Complete revision and migration of the RDA Best Practices for the new RDA Toolkit in time for the projected PCC “rolling implementation” date of July 2022. (Goal areas: Education, Value of the Profession) All still-relevant Best Practices content from the original RDA Toolkit has now been migrated to the new Toolkit or to external guidance documentation. LC and PCC have delayed implementation of the revised RDA to “not before October 2022,” but realistically not before early 2023 to allow time for testing the new LC-PCC guidance documentation with the new Toolkit.

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Vocabularies Annual Report: 2021

Report title: Vocabularies Subcommittee Annual Report 2021 Submitted by: Rebecca Belford Email: Group name: Vocabularies Subcommittee Special Officers, Editors, and Liaisons: ALA Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) Liaison Group Members Rebecca Belford, Chair (2022) Anne Adams (2023) Josh Aldorisio (2025) Kristi Bergland (2025) Ann Churukian (2024) Patty Falk (2024) Jenée Force (resigned 2020) Joshua Henry (2021) Mary Huismann (2024) Marty Jenkins (2021) Leonard Martin (2023) Allison McClanahan (2023) Jennifer Olson (2023) Treshani Perera (2022; resigned 2021) Kyle Shockey (2021) Tracey Snyder (2024) Clare Spitzer (2025) Mark Scharff, NACO Music Project Coordinator (2025) Beth Iseminger, SACO Music Funnel Coordinator (2025) Maarja Vigorito, Library of Congress Representative Jay Weitz, OCLC Representative Previous Goals Implement regular review of music-related LCSH and LCGFT, and LCMPT terms appearing in monthly LC tentative lists with task group, VS LC representative, and the Music SACO Funnel Coordinator; submit comments to LC when appropriate. Continue with defined projects

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Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2021

Annual Report, July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021 Submitted by: Karen A. Peters, Chair Group Name: Encoding Standards Subcommittee Special Offices: MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Liaison, [RDA/MARC Working Group member, music specialist (by virtue of MAC Liaison position)]. Regarding the CORE Metadata Interest Group (MIG), please see below under Additional Activities. Group Members Karen Peters (Chair, 2019-2023) Jim Alberts (2023) Ethan D’Ver (2023) Matt Ertz (2021) Chelsea Hoover (2022) Rahni Kennedy (2023) Anna Alfeld LoPrete (2025) Jeff Lyon (2024) Felicia Piscitelli (2021) Tomoko Shibuya (2022) Amy Strickland (2022) Laura Thompson (2025) Damian Iseminger (LC Representative) Jay N. Weitz (OCLC Representative) Previous Goals Continue to monitor and participate in MARC development—particularly in light of pending implementation of official RDA (expected July 2022)–and communicate any needs for best practices or other documentation to help music catalogers implement changes to MARC (Goal area: Value of the Profession) The Chair served as MLA’s representative to

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2021

CURRENT ROSTER Keith Knop, Chair (2024) Linda Bagley (2024) Benjamin Barba (2022) Janice Bunker (2022) Reed David (2024) Sarah Holmes (2025) Ivan Kaproth-Joslin (2023) Charles Peters (2023) Jacob Schaub (2024) Amanda Scott (2025) Hannah Spence (2023) Casey Mullin, BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator Christopher Holden, Library of Congress Representative Jay Weitz, OCLC Representative LIST OF PREVIOUS GOALS AND PROGRESS MADE Revise the RDA Best Practices as required for the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project once the guidance and files are received from ALA Publishing (Goal areas: Education, Value of the Profession) ALA Publishing created the shell files for the MLA Best Practices in the new Toolkit in February 2021. A subset of elements corresponding to the MLA Best Practices for Chapters 2 and 3 (Identifying Manifestations and Items and Describing Carriers) of the original RDA Toolkit were loaded into the Toolkit for the April 2021 update. The remaining elements

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Vocabularies Annual Report: 2020

Report title: Annual Report, July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 Submitted by: Rebecca Belford Group Name: Vocabularies Subcommittee, Cataloging and Metadata Committee Special Office: ALA Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) Liaison Group Members Rebecca Belford, Chair (2022) Anne Adams (2023) Ann Churukian (2024) Patty Falk (2024) Jenée Force (resigned 2020) Joshua Henry (2021) Mary Huismann (2024) Marty Jenkins (2021) Jeff Lyon (2020) Leonard Martin (2023) Allison McClanahan (2023) Jennifer Olson (2023) Treshani Perera (2022) Kyle Shockey (2021) Tracey Snyder (2024) Mark Scharff, NACO Music Project Coordinator (2025) Beth Iseminger, SACO Music Funnel Coordinator (2025) Nancy Lorimer, SACO Music Funnel Coordinator (2020) Maarja Vigorito, Library of Congress Representative Jay Weitz, OCLC Representative Previous Goals Continue with defined project list for LCGFT (recordings and moving image projects in particular) and LCMPT (areas identified by best practices revisions) (goal area: value of the profession; MLA FY action 19-20, “Engage with Other Fine Arts Professional Organizations”)

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Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2020

Annual Report, July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 Submitted by: Karen A. Peters, Chair Group Name: Encoding Standards Subcommittee Special Offices: ALA MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Liaison, ALA Metadata Interest Group (MIG) Liaison, [RDA/MARC Working Group] Group Members Karen Peters (Chair, 2019-2023) Jim Alberts (2023) Margaret Corby (2020) Ethan D’Ver (2023) Matt Ertz (2021) Chelsea Hoover (2022) Rahni Kennedy (2023) Nancy Lorimer (2020) Jeff Lyon (2024) Rebecca McCallum (resigned 2020) Casey Mullin (resigned 2020) Felicia Piscitelli (2021) Tomoko Shibuya (2022) Amy Strickland (2022) Damian Iseminger (LC Representative) Jay N. Weitz (OCLC Representative) Previous Goals Continue to monitor and participate in MARC development—particularly in light of upcoming implementation of 2020 RDA (currently beta RDA)–and communicate any needs for best practices or other documentation to help music catalogers implement changes to MARC (Goal area: Value of the Profession) The Chair served as MLA’s representative to the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC), attending MAC’s meetings

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2020

CURRENT ROSTER Keith Knop (Chair, 2020-2024) Mary Huismann (Chair, 2016-2020) Linda Bagley (2024) Benjamin Barba (2022) Kristi Bergland (2021) Janice Bunker (2022) Ann Churukian (2020) Reed David (2024) Patty Falk (2020) Monica Figueroa (2021) Ivan Kaproth-Joslin (2023) Kevin Kishimoto (2020) Anna Alfeld LoPrete (2020) Charles Peters (2023) Jacob Schaub (2024) Hannah Spence (2023) Michelle Urberg    (2021) Casey Mullin (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator) Christopher Holden (Library of Congress Representative) Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) LIST OF PREVIOUS GOALS AND PROGRESS MADE Manage the chair transition that will take place following the MLA 2020 meeting (Goal area: Organizational Excellence, Value of the Profession) Outgoing chair Mary Huismann met in person with Keith Knop at the Norfolk meeting to discuss the state of current and future projects, created a shared transition documentation folder, and notified CC:DA chair Amanda Ros and ALA Publishing representative Jamie Hennelly of the transition. Mary Huismann completed work on a

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