

Encoding Standards: ALA Annual Report 2021

MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Annual Meetings, June 28-30, 2021 Report by Karen Peters (Library of Congress), Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee (Recordings of the meetings are available here). Meeting #1, June 28, 2021, 10:30-12:30 EST Chair Matthew Wise opened the meeting and explained the protocols for this set of virtual meetings, which were held via WebEx. After the MAC members introduced ourselves, minutes from the January 2021 meetings were approved. No fast-track proposals have been approved since the last meeting. Proposal No. 2021-11, “Defining Subfields $y and $z for Incorrect/Canceled ISSNs in Field 490 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format,” was introduced by Jay Weitz on behalf of OCLC. While field 490 permits the entry of ISSNs in subfield $x, there is currently no means of reflecting the status or accuracy of this information, if known. The proposed addition of the subfields is intended to provide a situation similar to that

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CC:DA: ALA Annual Report 2021

Committee on Cataloging: Descriptive Access (CC:DA): Virtual ALA, Summer 2021 Keith Knop, MLA Liaison The Core Committee: Description and Access held a virtual meeting on July 26, compressed due to scheduling difficulties from three meetings originally planned for earlier in the month. Due to the shortened meeting time, most of the time was spent on highlights from the various written officer and liaison reports. Chair’s report and CC:DA business: LibLearnX, scheduled for January, is the replacement for the now-defunct ALA Midwinter meeting and does not serve the same purposes. It was suggested that CC:DA meet either two weeks before or after. A task force has been formed to investigate the possible role of CC:DA in RDA Toolkit training. North American RDA Committee (NARDAC) liaisons’ report: A basic error-reporting form for LC-PCC Policy Statements in the new RDA Toolkit is now available:  This form is intended only for

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Vocabularies Annual Report: 2021

Report title: Vocabularies Subcommittee Annual Report 2021 Submitted by: Rebecca Belford Email: Group name: Vocabularies Subcommittee Special Officers, Editors, and Liaisons: ALA Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) Liaison Group Members Rebecca Belford, Chair (2022) Anne Adams (2023) Josh Aldorisio (2025) Kristi Bergland (2025) Ann Churukian (2024) Patty Falk (2024) Jenée Force (resigned 2020) Joshua Henry (2021) Mary Huismann (2024) Marty Jenkins (2021) Leonard Martin (2023) Allison McClanahan (2023) Jennifer Olson (2023) Treshani Perera (2022; resigned 2021) Kyle Shockey (2021) Tracey Snyder (2024) Clare Spitzer (2025) Mark Scharff, NACO Music Project Coordinator (2025) Beth Iseminger, SACO Music Funnel Coordinator (2025) Maarja Vigorito, Library of Congress Representative Jay Weitz, OCLC Representative Previous Goals Implement regular review of music-related LCSH and LCGFT, and LCMPT terms appearing in monthly LC tentative lists with task group, VS LC representative, and the Music SACO Funnel Coordinator; submit comments to LC when appropriate. Continue with defined projects

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Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2021

Annual Report, July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021 Submitted by: Karen A. Peters, Chair Group Name: Encoding Standards Subcommittee Special Offices: MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Liaison, [RDA/MARC Working Group member, music specialist (by virtue of MAC Liaison position)]. Regarding the CORE Metadata Interest Group (MIG), please see below under Additional Activities. Group Members Karen Peters (Chair, 2019-2023) Jim Alberts (2023) Ethan D’Ver (2023) Matt Ertz (2021) Chelsea Hoover (2022) Rahni Kennedy (2023) Anna Alfeld LoPrete (2025) Jeff Lyon (2024) Felicia Piscitelli (2021) Tomoko Shibuya (2022) Amy Strickland (2022) Laura Thompson (2025) Damian Iseminger (LC Representative) Jay N. Weitz (OCLC Representative) Previous Goals Continue to monitor and participate in MARC development—particularly in light of pending implementation of official RDA (expected July 2022)–and communicate any needs for best practices or other documentation to help music catalogers implement changes to MARC (Goal area: Value of the Profession) The Chair served as MLA’s representative to

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2021

CURRENT ROSTER Keith Knop, Chair (2024) Linda Bagley (2024) Benjamin Barba (2022) Janice Bunker (2022) Reed David (2024) Sarah Holmes (2025) Ivan Kaproth-Joslin (2023) Charles Peters (2023) Jacob Schaub (2024) Amanda Scott (2025) Hannah Spence (2023) Casey Mullin, BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator Christopher Holden, Library of Congress Representative Jay Weitz, OCLC Representative LIST OF PREVIOUS GOALS AND PROGRESS MADE Revise the RDA Best Practices as required for the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project once the guidance and files are received from ALA Publishing (Goal areas: Education, Value of the Profession) ALA Publishing created the shell files for the MLA Best Practices in the new Toolkit in February 2021. A subset of elements corresponding to the MLA Best Practices for Chapters 2 and 3 (Identifying Manifestations and Items and Describing Carriers) of the original RDA Toolkit were loaded into the Toolkit for the April 2021 update. The remaining elements

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MAC: Core Midwinter Report 2021

Meetings held online January 26-28, 2021 Report by Karen Peters (Library of Congress), Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee (Recordings of the meetings are available here) January 26, 2020 Meeting, 10:30-12:30 EST Chair Matthew Wise opened the meeting and explained the protocols for this set of virtual meetings, which were held via WebEx. After the MAC members introduced themselves, minutes from the June-July 2020 MAC Meetings were approved; and the 3 fast-track changes approved since those meetings and subsequently made part of MARC documentation in MARC Update No. 31 (December 2020) were noted: Proposal No. 2020-FT01 made field 043 (Geographic Area Code) repeatable in the Bibliographic, Authority, Classification, and Community Information formats “to facilitate the inclusion of authority record control and standard numbers and URIs.” Proposal No. 2020-FT02 added subfields $0 (Authority record control number or standard number) and $1 (Real World Object URI) to field 375 (Gender) of the Authority format

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SAC: Core Midwinter Report 2021

Virtual meetings held February 26, 2021 and March 19, 2021 Report by Rebecca Belford, Chair, CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee and MLA liaison to SAC New business follows highlight of liaison reports, below. Technical difficulties with the ALA Core Connect Space means that access to liaisons’ written reports has been unintentionally restricted; these are available on request.  SAC Chair Brian Stearns welcomed new associate members Margaret Joyce and Adrian Williams; new liaison organizations and their liaisons Getty (Jonathan Ward), OCLC (Robert Bremer), and LC Children’s and Young Adults’ Cataloging Program (Stacey Devine); and new liaisons for LC Editorial (Michele Zwierski) and FAST (Heidy Berthoud). Library of Congress Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division (Janis Young) Young thanked SAC members for SAC’s comments on the LC tentative lists and for their help with literary author numbers and the multiples cancellations projects. SAC participants contributed 258 of the author class numbers added to authority

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Vocabularies Subcommittee: MLA Report 2021

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee: Vocabularies Subcommittee (VS) Business Meeting 2021 Summary Thursday, March 18, 2021, 3:00-4:25 pm Eastern, via Zoom Members present Rebecca Belford (Chair), Anne Adams, Ann Churukian, Patty Falk, Joshua Henry, Mary Huismann, Marty Jenkins, Leonard Martin, Allison McClanahan, Jennifer Olson, Kyle Shockey, Tracey Snyder, Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator), Beth Iseminger (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator), Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) Chair’s report (Belford) ALA Liaison The VS Chair serves as MLA’s liaison to ALA Core Subject Analysis Committee. Reports from the SAC and SAC Subcommittee of Faceted Vocabularies meetings at ALA Annual 2020, a draft report from part 1 of the SAC 2021 midwinter meeting, and a summary of the SAC Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies (SSFV) meeting were distributed in advance. Belford was unable to attend the SSFV meeting and thanked SSFV Chair Casey Mullin for use of the chair’s report

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Encoding Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2021

Minutes, Cataloging and Metadata Committee Encoding Standards Subcommittee Business Meeting Monday, March 15, 2021, 2:00-3:25 ET (via Zoom) Agenda: Members in attendance: Karen Peters (Chair), Jim Alberts, Ethan D’Ver, Matt Ertz, Chelsea Hoover, Rahni Kennedy, Jeff Lyon, Felicia Piscitelli, Tomoko Shibuya, Amy Strickland, Damian Iseminger (LC representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC representative). 1) Welcome and introductions The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and asked the Subcommittee members to introduce themselves. 2) ESS Chair’s report (Chair) The Chair briefly pointed out the links in the Agenda to her reports on the June/July 2020 and January 2021 MARC Advisory Committee Meetings (in lieu of the usual ALA reports); acknowledged new (since the last meeting) Subcommittee member Jeff Lyon; thanked outgoing Subcommittee members Matt Ertz and Felicia Piscitelli for their past service; and issued a call for applications from new members. 3) LC Liaison report (Iseminger) Damian Iseminger reported that he is

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Content Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2021

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) Content Standards Subcommittee (CSS) Business Meeting Monday, March 15, 2021, 12:00-1:25 pm Via Zoom – Meeting Slides Members present: Linda Bagley, Ben Barba, Kristi Bergland, Janice Bunker, Reed David, Chris Holden, Ivan Kaproth-Joslin, Casey Mullin, Chuck Peters, Hannah Spence, Jay Weitz Members not present: Monica Figueroa, Jacob Schaub, Michelle Urberg 1. Welcome & introductions The Chair welcomed members and audience observers and reminded everyone of the “Conduct during meetings” statement from the CMC Handbook and the MLA Code of Conduct. 2. Minutes Minutes of the previous meeting were approved, with the correction of one typo in a member’s name. 3. Chair’s Report (Knop) Membership Two members joined the committee in 2020 Linda Bagley Jacob Schaub Three members completed terms in 2021 Kristi Bergland Monica Figueroa Michelle Urberg The chair reminded attendees that applications for the committee were still being accepted. Liaison reports

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Vocabularies Annual Report: 2020

Report title: Annual Report, July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 Submitted by: Rebecca Belford Group Name: Vocabularies Subcommittee, Cataloging and Metadata Committee Special Office: ALA Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) Liaison Group Members Rebecca Belford, Chair (2022) Anne Adams (2023) Ann Churukian (2024) Patty Falk (2024) Jenée Force (resigned 2020) Joshua Henry (2021) Mary Huismann (2024) Marty Jenkins (2021) Jeff Lyon (2020) Leonard Martin (2023) Allison McClanahan (2023) Jennifer Olson (2023) Treshani Perera (2022) Kyle Shockey (2021) Tracey Snyder (2024) Mark Scharff, NACO Music Project Coordinator (2025) Beth Iseminger, SACO Music Funnel Coordinator (2025) Nancy Lorimer, SACO Music Funnel Coordinator (2020) Maarja Vigorito, Library of Congress Representative Jay Weitz, OCLC Representative Previous Goals Continue with defined project list for LCGFT (recordings and moving image projects in particular) and LCMPT (areas identified by best practices revisions) (goal area: value of the profession; MLA FY action 19-20, “Engage with Other Fine Arts Professional Organizations”)

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Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2020

Annual Report, July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 Submitted by: Karen A. Peters, Chair Group Name: Encoding Standards Subcommittee Special Offices: ALA MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Liaison, ALA Metadata Interest Group (MIG) Liaison, [RDA/MARC Working Group] Group Members Karen Peters (Chair, 2019-2023) Jim Alberts (2023) Margaret Corby (2020) Ethan D’Ver (2023) Matt Ertz (2021) Chelsea Hoover (2022) Rahni Kennedy (2023) Nancy Lorimer (2020) Jeff Lyon (2024) Rebecca McCallum (resigned 2020) Casey Mullin (resigned 2020) Felicia Piscitelli (2021) Tomoko Shibuya (2022) Amy Strickland (2022) Damian Iseminger (LC Representative) Jay N. Weitz (OCLC Representative) Previous Goals Continue to monitor and participate in MARC development—particularly in light of upcoming implementation of 2020 RDA (currently beta RDA)–and communicate any needs for best practices or other documentation to help music catalogers implement changes to MARC (Goal area: Value of the Profession) The Chair served as MLA’s representative to the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC), attending MAC’s meetings

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2020

CURRENT ROSTER Keith Knop (Chair, 2020-2024) Mary Huismann (Chair, 2016-2020) Linda Bagley (2024) Benjamin Barba (2022) Kristi Bergland (2021) Janice Bunker (2022) Ann Churukian (2020) Reed David (2024) Patty Falk (2020) Monica Figueroa (2021) Ivan Kaproth-Joslin (2023) Kevin Kishimoto (2020) Anna Alfeld LoPrete (2020) Charles Peters (2023) Jacob Schaub (2024) Hannah Spence (2023) Michelle Urberg    (2021) Casey Mullin (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator) Christopher Holden (Library of Congress Representative) Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) LIST OF PREVIOUS GOALS AND PROGRESS MADE Manage the chair transition that will take place following the MLA 2020 meeting (Goal area: Organizational Excellence, Value of the Profession) Outgoing chair Mary Huismann met in person with Keith Knop at the Norfolk meeting to discuss the state of current and future projects, created a shared transition documentation folder, and notified CC:DA chair Amanda Ros and ALA Publishing representative Jamie Hennelly of the transition. Mary Huismann completed work on a

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SAC: ALA Annual Report 2020

Vocabularies Subcommittee Report: ALA Summer 2020 Virtual Business Meetings Reported by Rebecca Belford (Oberlin College & Conservatory), Chair, MLA CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee CaMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) SAC met virtually on June 19, 2020, with Brian Stearns chairing. Unlike the traditional ALA meetings, there was no presentation, only a business meeting. Topics included:   Best Practices for Recording Faceted Chronological Data in Bibliographic Records This document was created by a task group, led by Casey Mullin, within the SAC Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies (SSFV); see SSFV summary for additional details. The document will be iterative, and an ongoing tool. SAC discussed where to house the document in addition to the ALA Institutional Repository (SAC or SSFV sites), and how to maintain and communicate version control–perhaps numbered versions with have a stable URL to the most recent, similar to MLA’s Best Practices documents. SAC also discussed the process for gathering feedback,

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Encoding Standards: ALA Annual Report 2020

MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Meetings, June 30-July 2, 2020   Report by Karen Peters (Library of Congress), Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee     June 30, 2020 Meeting, 10:30-12:30 EDT   Chair Matthew Wise began the meeting and explained the ground rules for this set of virtual meetings, the first ever such MAC meetings, which were held via WebEx. After MAC members introduced themselves, minutes from the January 2020 meeting at ALA Midwinter were approved, and it was noted that there have been no fast track changes since that meeting.   Proposal No. 2020-04, “Defining a New Subfield for Illustrative Content in Field 340 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format,” was introduced by Jodi Williamschen on behalf of NDMSO. The proposal defines $p for the stated purpose.   Applicable to other papers as well as this one, Thurstan Young brought up the issue of whether $0 or $1 (Real World Object) is

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