

Encoding Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2021

Minutes, Cataloging and Metadata Committee Encoding Standards Subcommittee Business Meeting Monday, March 15, 2021, 2:00-3:25 ET (via Zoom) Agenda: Members in attendance: Karen Peters (Chair), Jim Alberts, Ethan D’Ver, Matt Ertz, Chelsea Hoover, Rahni Kennedy, Jeff Lyon, Felicia Piscitelli, Tomoko Shibuya, Amy Strickland, Damian Iseminger (LC representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC representative). 1) Welcome and introductions The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and asked the Subcommittee members to introduce themselves. 2) ESS Chair’s report (Chair) The Chair briefly pointed out the links in the Agenda to her reports on the June/July 2020 and January 2021 MARC Advisory Committee Meetings (in lieu of the usual ALA reports); acknowledged new (since the last meeting) Subcommittee member Jeff Lyon; thanked outgoing Subcommittee members Matt Ertz and Felicia Piscitelli for their past service; and issued a call for applications from new members. 3) LC Liaison report (Iseminger) Damian Iseminger reported that he is

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Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2020

Annual Report, July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 Submitted by: Karen A. Peters, Chair Group Name: Encoding Standards Subcommittee Special Offices: ALA MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Liaison, ALA Metadata Interest Group (MIG) Liaison, [RDA/MARC Working Group] Group Members Karen Peters (Chair, 2019-2023) Jim Alberts (2023) Margaret Corby (2020) Ethan D’Ver (2023) Matt Ertz (2021) Chelsea Hoover (2022) Rahni Kennedy (2023) Nancy Lorimer (2020) Jeff Lyon (2024) Rebecca McCallum (resigned 2020) Casey Mullin (resigned 2020) Felicia Piscitelli (2021) Tomoko Shibuya (2022) Amy Strickland (2022) Damian Iseminger (LC Representative) Jay N. Weitz (OCLC Representative) Previous Goals Continue to monitor and participate in MARC development—particularly in light of upcoming implementation of 2020 RDA (currently beta RDA)–and communicate any needs for best practices or other documentation to help music catalogers implement changes to MARC (Goal area: Value of the Profession) The Chair served as MLA’s representative to the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC), attending MAC’s meetings

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Encoding Standards: ALA Annual Report 2020

MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Meetings, June 30-July 2, 2020   Report by Karen Peters (Library of Congress), Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee     June 30, 2020 Meeting, 10:30-12:30 EDT   Chair Matthew Wise began the meeting and explained the ground rules for this set of virtual meetings, the first ever such MAC meetings, which were held via WebEx. After MAC members introduced themselves, minutes from the January 2020 meeting at ALA Midwinter were approved, and it was noted that there have been no fast track changes since that meeting.   Proposal No. 2020-04, “Defining a New Subfield for Illustrative Content in Field 340 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format,” was introduced by Jodi Williamschen on behalf of NDMSO. The proposal defines $p for the stated purpose.   Applicable to other papers as well as this one, Thurstan Young brought up the issue of whether $0 or $1 (Real World Object) is

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Encoding Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2020

Minutes, Cataloging and Metadata Committee Encoding Standards Subcommittee Business Meeting February 27, 2020, 3:30-4:55 PM Salon H, Hilton Norfolk The Main, Norfolk, VA   Agenda: Members in attendance: Karen Peters (Chair), Jim Alberts (taking notes), Margaret Corby, Ethan D’Ver, Matt Ertz, Rahni Kennedy, Casey Mullin, Tomoko Shibuya, Amy Strickland, Damian Iseminger (LC representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC representative). Members not present: Chelsea Hoover, Nancy Lorimer, Felicia Piscitelli. 1) Welcome and Introductions The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and asked the Subcommittee members to introduce themselves. 2) Adjustments to the Agenda None. 3) ESS Chair’s Report (Peters) The Chair briefly outlined items of particular note from ALA Annual 2019 and Midwinter 2020 (see the Agenda for pertinent links); acknowledged new (since the last meeting) Subcommittee members Jim Alberts, Ethan D’Ver, Rahni Kennedy, and Casey Mullin; and thanked outgoing Subcommittee members Margaret Corby, Nancy Lorimer, and Casey Mullin for their past

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MAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2020

ALA Midwinter Meeting 2020, Philadelphia Report by Karen Peters (Library of Congress), Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee MARC Advisory Committee Meetings (January 25 and 26) Agenda: Over the course of two meetings, the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) considered two proposals and seven discussion papers. Two of the discussion papers deal with changes in MARC that will be needed to accommodate new RDA elements introduced as part of the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project (“beta RDA”), while one of the proposals and several of the discussion papers have their genesis in issues related to the development of BIBFRAME and the process of converting or migrating data between BIBFRAME and MARC. Both proposals passed unanimously; the future of the discussion papers is unknown at present. Prior to consideration of the 9 papers, brief mention was made of two fast-track proposals approved by the MARC Steering Group after the ALA Annual 2019

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Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2019

Annual Report, July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019 Submitted by: Karen A. Peters, Chair Group Name: Encoding Standards Subcommittee Special Offices: ALA MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Liaison, ALA Metadata Interest Group (MIG) Liaison, ALA Metadata Standards Committee (MSC) Liaison Group Members James Soe Nyun (Chair, 2015-2019) Karen Peters (2019; Chair, 2019-2023) Anne Adams (2019) Jim Alberts (2023) Margaret Corby (2020) Ethan D’Ver (2023) Matt Ertz (2021) Chelsea Hoover (2022) Rahni Kennedy (2023) Nancy Lorimer (2020) Casey Mullin (2023) Thom Pease (2019) Felicia Piscitelli (2021) Tomoko Shibuya (2022) Amy Strickland (2022) Kimmy Szeto (2019) Hermine Vermeij (2019) Damian Iseminger (LC Representative) Jay N. Weitz (OCLC Representative) Previous Goals Transition to a new Chair for ESS in February 2019, and work to keep activities moving smoothly during the move. The new Chair took over ESS in February 2019, and ESS activity has continued without interruption. Look for opportunities for ESS to be involved

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Encoding Standards: ALA Annual Report 2019

ALA Annual Conference 2019, Washington, D.C. Report by Karen Peters (Library of Congress), Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee MARC Advisory Committee Meetings (June 22 and 23) Over the course of two meetings, the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) considered three Proposals–all derived from Discussion Papers presented at the Midwinter Meeting last January–and two Discussion Papers. All three of the Proposals passed. The first Discussion Paper will be fast-tracked, while the second will be coming back as a Proposal at the Midwinter Meeting next January. Besides these five items, there was an issue involving one of Proposals approved at the last Midwinter Meeting to be dealt with. MARC Proposal No. 2019-01​: ​Designating Open Access and License Information for Remote Online Resources in the MARC 21 Formats. While MAC approved this Proposal at its 2019 Midwinter Meeting, the Proposal was not fully implemented due to issues involving the 856 (Electronic Location and Access) field.

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Encoding Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2019

Summary of the Encoding Standards Subcommittee Meeting MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, St. Louis, Missouri, February 21-23, 2019 MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CATALOGING AND METADATA COMMITTEE Encoding Standards Subcommittee Minutes of the Business Meeting held Thursday, February 21, 2018, 3:30-4:45 p.m. New York Central/Illinois Central Rooms, Union Station Hilton, St. Louis, MO Submitted March 17, 2019 by Felicia Piscitelli ESS Membership as of MLA 2019: James Soe Nyun (Chair, appointed 2015), Anne Adams (2015),Margaret Corby (2018), Matthew Ertz (2017), Chelsea Hoover (2018), Nancy Lorimer (2016), Thom Pease(2015), Karen Peters (2015), Felicia Piscitelli (2017), Tomoko Shibuya (2018), Amy Strickland (2018),Kimmy Szeto (2018), Hermine Vermeij (2015), Damian Iseminger (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLCRepresentative) 1) Welcome and introductions: The Chair welcomed the Subcommittee members and observers, and Subcommittee members introduced themselves. 2) Adjustments to agenda: None 3) ESS Chair’s report (Soe Nyun) a. ALA Liaison Reports Annual 2018 (Chicago) Midwinter 2019 (Seattle) b. Thanks to outgoing

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MAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2019

ALA Midwinter, January 25-28, 2019 Midwinter Liaison Report, and Notes on some meetings of interest for Encoding Standards Submitted by Jim Soe Nyun, Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee MARC Advisory Committee, Liaison Report Session 1, January 26, 2019, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Session 2, January 27, 2019, 2:30-5:00 p.m. Meeting agenda with links to papers: (Summaries in proposal/paper number order, not necessarily in the order in which they were discussed.) Proposal No. 2019-01: Designating Open Access and License Information for Remote Online Resources in the MARC 21 Formats ACTION: Generally considered an important set of changes. Passed with amendments: 506 $g definition change: Date for the end of an embargo, when the resource becomes freely available. 540 $g definition change: Date for the end of an embargo. W[w]hen the resource changes its use and reproduction rights. 856 $7 that it be made Not Repeatable, and that it be defined to refer only

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Encoding Standards: ALA Annual Report 2018

Notes on Meetings at ALA Annual, New Orleans, 2018 with a Focus on MARC and Other Encoding Standards, and Linked Data (Plus a Couple Other Meetings of More General Interest) Submitted July 12, 2018, by Jim Soe Nyun, Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee MARC Advisory Committee I Session 1: 6/23/18 Sessions 2-3: 6/24/18 Meeting agenda with links to papers: ​ Announcements of latest fast-track changes: Added $4 to 730 $r redefined in Field 382 (MLA request) Proposal No. 2018-02: Subfield Coding in Field 041 for Accessibility in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format Amended to clarify wording of new subfields $p and $r, passed unanimously Proposal No. 2018-03: Defining New Fields to Record Accessibility Content in the MARC 21 BibliographicFormat Amended to drop $0 and $1 as there was not a direct use case that people could see; added $8 to both fields; revised wording of the field’s scope and for indicator

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Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2018

Encoding Standards Subcommittee (ESS) Annual Report, July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018 Submitted by James Soe Nyun Members (Current appointments) James Soe Nyun (Chair, appointed 2015), Anne D. Adams (2015), Margaret Corby (2016), Matt Ertz (2017), Chelsea Hoover (2018), Nancy Lorimer (2016), Thomas Pease (2015), Karen A. Peters (2015), Felicia Piscitelli (2017), Tomoko Shibuya (2018), Amy Strickland (2018), Kimmy Szeto (2016), Hermine Vermeij (2015); Damian Iseminger (LC Representative); Jay N. Weitz (OCLC Representative) We thank Catherine Busselen, Keith Knop and Mark V. Scharff who rotated off of Encoding Standards Subcommittee in January 2018, and Christopher D. Holden who moved to the position of LC Representative to the Content Standards Subcommittee. We welcome Chelsea Hoover, Tomoko Shibuya and Amy Strickland, who joined the Encoding Standards Subcommittee in February 2018. Report On Activities MARC Field 384, Key, Updated Developed a MARC Fast-Track proposal for the MARC Steering Committee that Field 384, Key, be

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MAC and CC:DA: ALA Midwinter Report 2018

Notes from ALA Midwinter Meetings on Meetings Impacting MARC and Other Encoding Standards Submitted by Jim Soe Nyun, Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee March 5, 2018 MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Two sessions: Saturday, February 10 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM / Sunday, February 11 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM Formal agenda: Because of the governmental funding instability around the time of the conference very few staff from the Library of Congress attended ALA. Sally McCallum was the sole person from LC at this meeting. John Zagas, who handles much of preparatory work for the MAC meetings, was not able to attend. Proposal No. 2018-01: Coding 007 Field Positions for Digital Cartographic Materials in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Holdings Formats ( ACTION: MAC agreed with the need to provide ways to more clearly describe digital materials in the 007 field for cartographic materials. The techniques outlined in the proposal made

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Encoding Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2018

MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CATALOGING AND METADATA COMMITTEE Encoding Standards Subcommittee Minutes of the Business Meeting held Thursday, February 1, 2018, 1:30-2:25 p.m. Broadway I/II/III, Hilton Portland Downtown, Portland, OR Submitted March 20, 2018 by Jim Soe Nyun 1) Welcome and introductions: The Chair welcomed the Subcommittee members and observers, and Subcommittee members introduced themselves. 2) Adjustments to agenda: None 3) ESS Chair’s report (Soe Nyun) (5-10 min.) a. ALA Liaison Reports (Annual 2017 on Google drive) i. Annual 2017 (Chicago): The Chair attended ALA Annual to represent MLA at the MARC Advisory Committee and Metadata Interest Group meetings, as well as to report on other meetings with implications for encoding standards and linked data. Time for the Subcommittee business meeting was reduced this year and in the interest of brevity the Chair mainly referred interested parties to access the detailed minutes on the web:  ii. Upcoming Midwinter 2018 (Denver):

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Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2017

Submitted by James Soe Nyun Members (Current appointments) James Soe Nyun (Chair, appointed 2015), Anne D. Adams (2015), Catherine Busselen (2014), Margaret Corby (2016), Matt Ertz (2017), Christopher D. Holden (2015), Keith Knop (2014), Nancy Lorimer (2016), Thomas Pease (2015), Karen A. Peters (2015), Felicia Piscitelli (2017), Mark V. Scharff (2014), Kimmy Szeto (2016), Hermine Vermeij (2015); Damian Iseminger (LC Representative, acting); Jay N. Weitz (OCLC Representative) We thank Matthew Wise and Karla Jurgenmeyer, who rotated off of Encoding Standards Subcommittee in February 2017, and Deborah J. Morris, who resigned in August, 2016. We welcome Matt Ertz and Felicia Piscitelli, who joined the Encoding Standards Subcommittee in March 2017. Report On Activities MARC 382 Documentation Update ESS with input from Vocabularies Subcommittee reviewed all examples in the MARC21 documentation for Field 382 in the Bibliographic and Authority format. Most examples were either deleted or update to reflect developments in the

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MAC and CC:DA: ALA Midwinter Report 2017

Notes from Some Meetings of Encoding-Standards Interest at ALA Midwinter 2017 Report prepared by Jim Soe Nyun, Chair, MLA Encoding Standards Subcommittee January 29, 2017 MARC Advisory Committee Saturday, January 21, 8:30-10:00 Sunday, January 22, 3:00-5:30 Proposal No. 2017-01: Redefining Subfield $4 to Encompass URIs for Relationships in the MARC 21 Authority and Bibliographic Formats NOTES: It was acknowledged that it would be complicating things to redefine $4 across the Bibliographic and Authority formats to both a) conflate “relator” and “relationship” codes and b) permit URIs to be entered in the subfield. Systems that currently display the subfield or act on the value would need to be modified. However, the authors of the paper made a persuasive case that it was essential to be able to record the URI for the relationship expressed in $4. It was pointed out that adjacency of the URI to its corresponding value—if present—didn’t really

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