
Encoding Standards Annual Report: 2017

Submitted by James Soe Nyun

Members (Current appointments)
James Soe Nyun (Chair, appointed 2015), Anne D. Adams (2015), Catherine Busselen (2014), Margaret Corby (2016), Matt Ertz (2017), Christopher D. Holden (2015), Keith Knop (2014), Nancy Lorimer (2016), Thomas Pease (2015), Karen A. Peters (2015), Felicia Piscitelli (2017), Mark V. Scharff (2014), Kimmy Szeto (2016), Hermine Vermeij (2015); Damian Iseminger (LC Representative, acting); Jay N. Weitz (OCLC Representative)

We thank Matthew Wise and Karla Jurgenmeyer, who rotated off of Encoding Standards Subcommittee in February 2017, and Deborah J. Morris, who resigned in August, 2016. We welcome Matt Ertz and Felicia Piscitelli, who joined the Encoding Standards Subcommittee in March 2017.

Report On Activities

  1. MARC 382 Documentation Update
    ESS with input from Vocabularies Subcommittee reviewed all examples in the MARC21 documentation for Field 382 in the Bibliographic and Authority format. Most examples were either deleted or update to reflect developments in the subfields defined for Field 382 and to align them with Best Practices for Using LCMPT.
    Task group members (Adams, Lorimer, Vermeij, with Soe Nyun from ESS, Casey Mullin, Jennifer Vaughn, J. Bradford Young from VSS) to prepare the revisions and gather comments from ESS and the broader CMC. Updates submitted to Network Development and MARC Standards Office on September 16, 2016. Changes published in MARC Update #23, November, 2016.
  2. Update Music Metadata Resources Pages
    Task leader Karla Jurgenmeyer collected new content and content areas for MMR site, and inventoried links and site language needing to be cleaned up. New content area identified highlights ontologies of interest to the music community.
    Changes completed by Elizabeth Hille Cribbs by February, 2017.
  3. Addressed making repeatable MARC Field 384, Key, and validating Subfield 3, Materials Specified.
    Developed draft that expanded original MARC Fast-Track request of making Field 384 repeatable to also request validating Subfield 3, so that repeated
    instances of Field 384 could be associated with parts of the description to which they pertain. Document finalized during August, 2017 and submitted for
    consideration of the MARC Steering Group.
  4. Identifying Newer MARC Fields for RDA Element that Lack Subfield 3, and
    Drafting Discussion Paper Group formed, consisting of Adams, Busselen, Ertz, Holden (Project lead), Knop. Paper deadline for consideration at Midwinter MAC meeting is early November.
  5. Contributed to Music Ontology Development Through Linked Data Working Group
    While not a formal task of the Encoding Standards Subcommittee, several members participated as part of MLA’s Linked Data Working Group, which was
    formed to provide MLA’s input into ontology development as part of the Performed Music Ontology component of the Linked Data for Production Grant.
    ESS members included Adams, Szeto, Vermeij, with Soe Nyun serving as cochair.

List of Previous Goals and Progress Made Toward Each Goal

  1. Look at the repeatability of MARC Field 384, Key.
    Final proposal developed this year. Submitted to NDMSO for consideration by MARC Steering Group.
  2. Examine potential use of $3 in various RDA element fields where it is not currently defined, and possibly develop MARC discussion paper. Working group formed. Drafting paper for discussion at February, 2018 Midwinter meeting.
  3. Complete updating examples for MARC Field 382 and submit to NDMSO for documentation update. Work completed in September, 2016 and incorporated into MARC documentation with Update 23.
  4. Look at continuing to refresh content on the MMR site. Worked to update stale content.
  5. Contribute to contribute linked data developments as appropriate, channeled through MLA LDWG for ontology work or through ESS for other aspects.
    Main work here through the work of members engaged in LDWG projects to develop use cases, review draft specifications, and to participate in
    continuing discussions of unresolved issues (the latter mainly through LDWG chairs).

Goals for 2017-2018

  1. The Encoding Standards Subcommittee’s goals for 2017-2018 are as follows:
    Complete work on Discussion Paper examining validating subfield 3 in recent 3XX Fields lacking the subfield. Present at MARC Advisory Committee
    meeting at Midwinter, 2018.
  2. Work with OLAC to examine the music community’s use of Subfield n to demarcate qualifying dates. Develop proposals or papers in support of any
    agreed-upon changes.
  3. Remain engaged in MARC developments to allow removing ISBD punctuation from MARC records, and solicit and organize feedback from the music community as appropriate.
  4. Stay abreast of efforts to harmonize the medium of performance vocabularies in UNIMARC with the Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus, and look for opportunities to contribute expertise.
  5. Stay up to date on developments in BIBFRAME, and look for opportunities to contribute to its evolution.
  6. ISO/TC 46/SC4/WG16 to revise Dublin Core will be getting under way next year. Look for ways to facilitate music community engagement with the work through providing links on the MMR site and/or other ways as appropriate. All of these goals promote core values of access, collaboration, and expertise of members.

Respectfully submitted,
James Soe Nyun
September 13, 2017