

Content Standards Annual Report: 2023

submitted by Keith Knop Current Roster Keith Knop, chair (2024) Anne Adams (2027) Linda Bagley (2024) Emily Colucci (2026) Reed David (2024) Sarah Holmes (2023 (resigned)) Chelsea Hoover (2026) Karen Peters (2027) Daniel Ray (2027) Amanda Scott (2025) Anthony Sharp (2027) Amy Strickland (2027) Casey Mullin (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator) Mark Scharff (NACO Music Project Coordinator) Christopher Holden (Library of Congress Representative) Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative, through June 2023) List of Previous Goals and Progress Made Work to maintain the MLA Best Practices in pace with changes to RDA and LC-PCC policy, add content where the community has requested it while the Toolkit was frozen, and solicit feedback to identify areas, repertoires, or musical traditions in need of additional guidance. RDA and LC-PCC PS have remained fairly stable over the past year, with most changes affecting elements with little or no relevance to music cataloging. Efforts have thus focused mostly

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Content Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2023

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee Content Standards Subcommittee Tuesday, March 7, 2023 1:00-2:25 PM EST | 10:00-11:25 AM PST Welcome and introductions Approval of 2022 minutes No corrections or additions No objections Reports Chair, Keith Knop Membership Completing terms in March 2023: Ivan Kaproth-Joslin, Chuck Peters, and Hannah Spence New members since March 2022: Emily Colucci and Chelsea Hoover CC:DA ALA Annual 2022: CCDA July 2022.docx Midwinter 2023: CCDA February 2023.docx Several NARDAC workshops have been reworked as webinars for ALA eLearning 3R Policy Writers Group Revised Toolkit update schedule Alternating 2-month/4-month update schedule will be starting soon LC/PCC plans for Community Resources section LC-PCC PS will be removed from Community Resources section, and moved to the LC-PCC Metadata Guidance Documentation Affects legacy access point and preferred title instructions Might break links, we will need to keep an eye on it Most likely these will be in the

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Encoding Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2023

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee Encoding Standards Subcommittee Business Meeting Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 2:30-3:50 CST (via Zoom) Agenda Members in attendance: Karen Peters (Chair), Jim Alberts, Janice Bunker, Ethan D’Ver, Anna Alfeld LoPrete, Jeff Lyon, Laura Thompson, Damian Iseminger (LC representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC representative) Excused: Rahni Kennedy Absent: Jessica Grimmer (The Chair would like to express her gratitude to Janice Bunker for taking notes during the meeting, and to Anna LoPrete for monitoring the Chat) 1) Welcome and introductions; adjustments to agenda The Chair welcomed meeting attendees and asked the subcommittee members to introduce themselves. After the introductions, the 2022 ESS Business Meeting minutes were approved, and recent adjustments to the agenda were noted. 2) ESS Chair’s report (Karen Peters) The Chair briefly pointed out the links in the agenda to her reports on the June 2022 and January 2023 MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Meetings; acknowledged

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Vocabularies Subcommittee: MLA Report 2023

Business Meeting Summary: Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee Vocabularies Subcommittee Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 12:00 pm – 1:20 pm CST, via Zoom Meeting summary by Janelle West Members present: Janelle West (chair); Anne Adams; Josh Aldorisio; Blaine Brubaker; Ann Churukian; Patty Falk; Mary Huismann; Leonard Martin (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator); Allison McClanahan; Rick McRae; Jennifer Olson; Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Funnel Coordinator); Tomoko Shibuya; Tracey Snyder; Clare Spitzer; Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative); Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative). Approximately 50 guests.    Chair’s report (J. West) ALA Core Subject Analysis Committee liaison reports Written reports are on the CMC website:  Summer 2022 Midwinter 2023 Final report of the Joint GNCRT/SAC/OLAC Working Group on Compound Terms in the LCGFT Vocabulary Endorsed by SAC and shared with LC PTCP, which concurred that compound terms combining two separately established terms are justified in cases where the combination results in a different meaning than

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