

Vocabularies Subcommittee/Genre Form Task Force: MLA Report 2016

Vocabularies Subcommittee and Genre/Form Task Force Joint Business Meeting Friday, March 4, 2016, 1:30-3:00pm Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza Hotel (Salon H/I) Members present: Vocabularies Subcommittee: Casey Mullin (Chair), Rebecca Belford, Kirk-Evan Billet, Reed David, Emma Dederick, Matt Ertz, Kenneth Kauffman, Kevin Kishimoto, Jacob Schaub, Ann Shaffer, Hannah Spence (via Skype), Jennifer Vaughn, Janelle West, Brad Young, Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) Genre/Form Task Force: Nancy Lorimer (Chair), Ralph Hartsock, Beth Iseminger, Marty Jenkins, Casey Mullin, Karen Peters, Sheila Torres-Blank, Hermine Vermeij Absent: Marc McKnight, Thomas Pease Visitors present: approximately 30 Mullin thanked outgoing VS members Emma Dederick, Kenneth Kauffman and Kevin Kishimoto for their service. VS Chair’s report (Mullin) Mullin alerted the meeting to his ALA liaison reports from Annual 2015 (San Francisco) and Midwinter 2016 (Boston), both available on Google Drive. Annual 2015: Midwinter 2016: Mullin summarized the past year’s work, which utilized a

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BIBFRAME Task Force: MLA Report 2016

BIBFRAME Task Force Business Meeting Thursday, March 3, 3:30pm, Room Salon H/I Summary written by Kimmy Szeto, Baruch College, City University of New York Members present: Kimmy Szeto (chair), Anne Adams, Kirk-Evan Billet, Catherine Busselen, Kevin Kishimoto, Hermine Vermeij, Anna LoPrete, Lisa McFall, Tracey Snyder, James Soe Nyun, Laura Yust Non-members present: 34 in person, 7 virtual (from the Library Congress locations in Culpeper, VA and Washington, DC) This meeting was the second and last in-person business meeting of the BIBFRAME Task Force. The goals of the meeting was to wrap up our work before Task Force’s charge expires at the close of the Annual Meeting and to discuss the transition as the Encoding Standards Subcommittee takes over the bulk of MLA’s BIBFRAME development work. After circulating print copies of the Task Force’s final report to non-members and publicizing other BIBFRAME events at MLA, Kimmy Szeto reviewed the charge of

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Content Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2016

Content Standards Subcommittee Business Meeting Saturday, March 5, 2016, Cincinnati, Ohio Members present: Tracey Snyder (chair), Elizabeth Hille Cribbs, Jean Harden, Beth Hobart, Mary Huismann, Damian Iseminger, Morris Levy, Steve Mantz, Jennifer Olson, Charles Peters, Ray Schmidt, Tomoko Shibuya, Amy Strickland, Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) Members attending virtually: Sonia Archer-Capuzzo, Peter Lisius, Sophie Rondeau, Valerie Weinberg (LC Representative) Members not present: Chris Diamond, Michi Hoban (LC Representative) About the subcommittee Introductions: CSS introductions were made around the table Mark Scharff (NMP Coordinator) and Linda Blair (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator) are ex officio CSS members Formed in 2015 Merger of two former subcommittees—Descriptive Cataloging Subcommittee and Authorities Subcommittee Task groups carry out work Membership Welcome new members (Mary, Peter, Jennifer, Sophie) Thank outgoing members (Elizabeth, Jean, Beth, Steve, Chuck, Ray, Amy) Applications due to subcommittee chairs Saturday 11 AM Mary will be the new chair of CSS Tracey will be the

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JSC Music Working Group Meeting Report: MLA 2015

JSC Music Working Group Meeting Report MLA Annual Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado Submitted by Damian Iseminger, Chair Present: Damian Iseminger, chair, New England Conservatory; Jean Harden, University of North Texas; Kevin Kishimoto, University of Chicago; Daniel Paradis, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec; Thomas Pease, Library of Congress; Raymond Schmidt, Wellesley College; Tracey Snyder, Cornell University; Steve Yusko, Library of Congress Absent: Anders Cato, European RDA Interest Group; Valerie Weinberg, Library of Congress JSC Liaison: Kathy Glennan, University of Maryland, American Library Association Representative, Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA The JSC Music Working Group (JMWG) held an open meeting at the Music Library Association Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, on February 26, 2015 from 4:30-6PM. Chair Damian Iseminger provided a brief summary of the work that JMWG had completed since March 2014. The JMWG submitted 9 proposals to the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC). They

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BIBFRAME Task Force: MLA Report 2015

BIBFRAME Task Force Meeting Report MLA Annual Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado Submitted by Kimmy Szeto, Chair The BIBFRAME Task Force met informally at the MLA Annual Meeting in Denver on Thursday, February 26, at 6 PM. Present at the meeting were: Kirk-Evan Billet, Kevin Kishimoto, James Soe-Nyun, Kimmy Szeto, Anne Adams, Sophie Rondeau, Hermine Vermeij, Anna Alfeld LoPrete, Catherine Busselen, Tracey Snyder, and Beth Iseminger. Task force members made introductions and reported on their general experience working together, followed by working group leaders reporting on their progress. We then delved into the specifics of our analysis of MARC-to-BIBFRAME conversion, a central component of our charge which the majority of us is currently working on. We discussed the goals of the analysis, and decided to create uniform scope, methodology, procedures, and formatting of analysis results across the working groups. At the end of the meeting, we established a target date for

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RDA Music Implementation Task Force: MLA Report 2015

RDA Music Implementation Task Force Final Business Meeting Report MLA Annual Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado Submitted by Casey Mullin, Chair Present: Casey Mullin, Chair,Mary Huismann, Damian Iseminger, Daniel Paradis, Ray Schmidt, Hermine Vermeij Approximately 15-20 guests Best Practices for Music Cataloging Using RDA and MARC21, Version 1.1 The Best Practices, v.1.1, were published in PDF on BCC website on 2/17/15 and released in marked-up form on RDA Toolkit on the same day. The chair reported on his experience working with ALA Publishing to learn and implement ALA’s content management system for preparing MLA’s content for the Toolkit. Thanks to very thorough proofreading by Task Force members and several helpful WebEx training/troubleshooting sessions with Jamie Hennelly of ALA Publishing, the TF was able to keep on schedule and have the Best Practices content ready for the February release deadline. Certain sections of the Best Practices were not marked up for Toolkit

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Exploring a Faceted World: Discovering Music Resources Using Medium of Performance and Genre Terms: 2015

MLA Annual Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado Summary written by Charles Peters, Indiana University Session presenters: Beth Iseminger, Harvard University; Casey Mullin, Stanford University; Hermine Vermeij, UCLA; Kevin Kishimoto, University of Chicago This session was sponsored by the MLA-BCC Subject Access Subcommittee and Genre/Form Task Force. The presentation included a discussion of ongoing developments in music vocabularies which could make finding and selecting music resources with online library catalogs easier and more efficient for users and public service staff. A summary follows; the full session can be viewed here: Catalog searching / Kevin Kishimoto In library catalogs there are four general techniques used in searching for resources: browse, keyword single box, advanced keyword, and facets. The techniques complement one another in that they allow the user to approach the search from a variety of perspectives, using a single one or combining them, depending on what information is already known and

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LCMPT/LCGFT Training Workshop: 2015

Co-Sponsored by MOUG and MLA-BCC MOUG Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado Summary by Sarah Hess Cohen, Florida State University The 2015 MOUG annual meeting opened with a four-hour workshop on two new Library of Congress thesauri now available for music catalogers: the LC Genre/Form Thesaurus (LCGFT) and the LC Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music (LCMPT). Presenters of the session were: Beth Iseminger (Harvard University), Thomas Pease (Library of Congress), Kevin Kishimoto (University of Chicago), Casey Mullin (Stanford University), Hermine Vermeij (UCLA), and Janis Young (Library of Congress), as well as Nancy Lorimer (Stanford University), who contributed to the presentation but was unable to attend. For further details, references, and examples beyond this summary, please see the presentation slides, which are available at: First, an overview of the Genre/Form Thesaurus project: Many current Library of Congress Subject Heading (LCSH) headings used to describe music materials are not truly topical, but

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CMC Town Hall Summary: MLA Conference 2015

MLA Annual Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado Summary written by Patty Falk, Bowling Green State University Presenters: Beth Iseminger, BCC Chair; Kimmy Szeto, BCC BIBFRAME Task Force Chair; Ray Schmidt, BCC Authorities Subcommittee Chair; Tracey Snyder, BCC Descriptive Subcommittee Chair; Sandy Rodriguez, BCC MARC Formats Subcommittee Chair; Casey Mullin, BCC Subject Access Subcommittee Chair; Damian Iseminger, JSC Music Working Group Chair The BCC Town Hall session was held on Friday, February 27th at the annual MLA conference in Denver. The full session can be viewed here: Beth Iseminger announced that there will be new ALA webinars this year on the topics: Music Cataloging Basics, Cataloging Music Audio Visual Materials Using RDA, and Introduction to Music Medium of Performance and Genre Vocabularies. The schedule for the webinars is not yet finalized. When webinar dates are set, they will be posted on MLA-L and on the MLA website. Iseminger also announced that

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MARC to BIBFRAME: An Exploration of the Future of Cataloging: 2015

MLA Annual Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado Summary written by Elizabeth Cribbs, Northern Illinois University Session presenters: Kimmy Szeto, Baruch College CUNY; Casey Mullin and Nancy Lorimer, Stanford University; Michael Colby, UC-Davis This session, sponsored by the MLA Bibliographic Control Committee, explored the current status of Bibliographic Framework Initiative otherwise known as BIBFRAME and what certain groups are learning about how it might work. The full session can be viewed here: Kimmy Szeto, chair of the BIBFRAME Task Force, first provided an overview of what BIBFRAME hopes to accomplish and where the BIBFRAME Task Force is in that process. He began with an explanation of the four building blocks required for cataloging systems to work: content standards, schema, serialization, and exchange systems. BIBFRAME is designed to replace MARC (our current schema) by breaking the information that currently comprises our bibliographic records apart into atomic units that can then be reconfigured

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Subjects Subcommittee/Genre Form Task Force: MLA Report 2015

Subject Access Subcommittee/Genre/Form Task Force Joint Business Meeting Report MLA Annual Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado Submitted by Casey Mullin, Subject Access Subcommittee Chair, and Nancy Lorimer, Genre/Form Task Force Chair Members present: Subject Access: Rebecca Belford, Emma Dederick, Matt Ertz, Kenneth Kauffman, Kevin Kishimoto, Peter Lisius, Casey Mullin (chair), Hermine Vermeij, Janelle West, J. Brad Young, Maarja Vigorito (LC representative) Genre/Form Task Force: Ralph Hartsock, Casey Mullin, Thomas Pease, Karen Peters, Sheila Torres-Blank, Hermine Vermeij. Absent: Genre/Form Task Force: Nancy Lorimer (chair), Caitlin Hunter, Marty Jenkins Visitors present: approximately 15-25 Mullin welcomed Vigorito, new LC representative, and thanked outgoing SAS members Peter Lisius and Hermine Vermeij. ALA Report (Mullin) Mullin highlighted a few items from his written report, available on the BCC web site: Report from the Library of Congress (Vigorito) The Music Division of LC implemented LCMPT terms in cataloging in spring 2014. The implementation is going smoothly,

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