MLA Annual Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado
Summary written by Patty Falk, Bowling Green State University
Presenters: Beth Iseminger, BCC Chair; Kimmy Szeto, BCC BIBFRAME Task Force Chair; Ray Schmidt, BCC Authorities Subcommittee Chair; Tracey Snyder, BCC Descriptive Subcommittee Chair; Sandy Rodriguez, BCC MARC Formats Subcommittee Chair; Casey Mullin, BCC Subject Access Subcommittee Chair; Damian Iseminger, JSC Music Working Group Chair
The BCC Town Hall session was held on Friday, February 27th at the annual MLA conference in Denver. The full session can be viewed here:
Beth Iseminger announced that there will be new ALA webinars this year on the topics: Music Cataloging Basics, Cataloging Music Audio Visual Materials Using RDA, and Introduction to Music Medium of Performance and Genre Vocabularies. The schedule for the webinars is not yet finalized. When webinar dates are set, they will be posted on MLA-L and on the MLA website.
Iseminger also announced that the BCC will have a new website hosted on MLA’s web platform:
BCC has been working on a reorganization plan which was approved by the MLA board during the MLA conference. BCC will now be called the Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC). CMC will have three subcommittees: the Content Standards Subcommittee (combining the former Authorities and Descriptive Cataloging Subcommittees); the Encoding Standards Subcommittee (combining the former MARC Formats and Metadata Subcommittees); and the Vocabularies Subcommittee (formerly the Subject Access Subcommittee). New members will be needed for all three subcommittees.
Kimmy Szeto gave an update on MLA’s BIBFRAME Task Force. The task force was formed in 2014 to examine BIBFRAME with regards to music and to create a strategy for MLA participation in developing BIBFRAME. The group will look at MARC and BIBFRAME field by field and post results on their blog. Music librarians are encouraged to follow the task force’swork here:
Sandy Rodriguez presented the update for the MARC and Metadata Subcommittees. MARC changes include updates to the 382 medium of performance field for subfields |s and |e. MARC updates in the coming year include 008/20 format of notated music codes, and the use of the MARC 028 field versus the 037 field for publisher number and distributor numbers. The Metadata Subcommittee released the new website, Metadata for Music Resources (formerly the Metadata Clearinghouse). It is available
Casey Mullin reported on the Subject Access Subcommittee and presented Nancy Lorimer’s report on the Genre/Form Task Force. Music LCGFT and LCMPT vocabularies are now available for use and can be accessed at Catalogers should continue to add LCSH headings to bibliographic records in addition to the new terms. The eventual goal is to replace LCSH with music genre and medium of performance terms.
Tracey Snyder reported on the Descriptive Cataloging Subcommittee and the work that was done this past year. Appendices I & J in the RDA Toolkit have been updated. A PCC manual for using relationship designators is available here: New or revised relationship designators may be proposed by contacting Tracey
Snyder (BCC Descriptive Cataloging Subcommittee Chair), Beth Iseminger (BCC Chair), and/or Kathy Glennan (ALA Representative to the JSC).
Ray Schmidt reported on the Authorities Subcommittee’s work with regards to two new policy statements for RDA: LC-PCC PS6.15.1.7 orchestra vs. string orchestra; recording professions and occupations; singular vs. plural for tempo markings. All changes are in the toolkit.
Damian Iseminger reported on the JSC working group papers presented in 2014 and upcoming 2015 revisions. The main topics from 2014 included expression access points, abbreviations for “number” in titles for parts, unconventional collective titles, and
additional terms for base material and applied material for sound recordings. The 2015 revisions will include a review of medium of performance terms, revise instructions for serial numbers, conflict resolutions for access points, and additions to compilation access points.
Casey Mullin reported that the resource MLA Best Practices for Music Cataloging Using RDA and MARC21 can be found in the RDA Toolkit, both linked within the text itself and separately under the Resources tab. The RDA Implementation Task Force has finished its work; updates to the best practices will be the responsibility of the new CMC Content Standards Subcommittee.