

MLA 2018 Cataloging and Metadata meetings and relevant sessions

I have compiled a list of MLA 2018 meetings and sessions that may be of interest to those who work in cataloging and/or metadata. I included all CMC business meetings and all sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by CMC, as well as a few other relevant meetings and sessions. See the MLA 2018 schedule online for full listings, locations, etc. (but please note that this is a draft schedule and subject to change):   THURSDAY 9 AM-10:25 AM    Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall (sponsored by CMC) 11 AM-12:25 PM    Cataloging and Metadata Committee #1 1:30 PM-2:25 PM    Encoding Standards Subcommittee 3:30 PM-4:25 PM    What to Expect When You’re Analyzing, Transforming, and Inputting: A Linked Data Guide (sponsored by CMC) 4:30 PM-5:25 PM    Content Standards Subcommittee 6-6:55 PM        system-specific interest groups   FRIDAY 9 AM-9:55 AM        Vocabularies Subcommittee 9:30 AM-10:25 AM    Technical Services Interest Group 11 AM-11:55 PM    NACO/SACO/BIBCO

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RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project status report

A status report of the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project is available on the RDA Toolkit blog: The new target date for the initial rollout of the restructured and redesigned Toolkit is June 13, 2018. See the blog for screenshots and further details.  

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IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) final version (August 2017)

The following announcement about the IFLA Library Reference Model was posted today on the RSC website: IFLA Library Reference Model The RDA Steering Committee (RSC) welcomes the publication of the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) as an IFLA standard. The LRM was endorsed by the IFLA Professional Committee in August 2017; the final version is available at: There are no significant changes to the LRM from the draft version used for the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project by the RSC and its working groups. The project includes development of RDA as an implementation of the new model, which consolidates the separate IFLA Functional Requirements models on which RDA is based. The RSC recommends RDA Toolkit users to familiarize themselves with the LRM in preparation for the release of the new Toolkit in 2018. Posted 19 September 2017

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IFLA LRM March 2017 version available

The IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM)–formerly known as FRBR-LRM–is now available in its most recent version from March 2017: FRBR is the conceptual model underlying RDA. RDA will be revised to reflect the new conceptual model LRM.

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RDA Best Practices Changes in the April RDA Toolkit Release

The April RDA Toolkit release was published on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. The release contains updates to MLA RDA Best Practices, as detailed below. As a reminder, the RDA Best Practices are available in the RDA Toolkit and the Best Practices Supplement documents are available at the CMC website. The April release also included changes to several LC-PCC Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS), summarized in this document available at the LC website. This update cycle was particularly challenging because changes to RDA content, LC-PCC PS and the RDA Best Practices were being developed simultaneously on a very tight time-frame in an effort to get as much as possible into this release before the impending RDA content freeze. As a result, some of the RDA Best Practices merely point to following LC (rather than LC/PCC) practice, as our editing deadline preceded PCC approval of the LC-PCC PS texts. Revisions, where necessary, will be placed in the

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Music-Related RDA Changes in the April RDA Toolkit Release

The April RDA Toolkit release was published on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. The release contains an RDA update, including approved proposals from the November 2016 RSC meeting. The release also contains Fast Track changes from the RSC as outlined in document RSC/Sec/7 available at the RSC website. Work continues on the synchronization of the Toolkit and Registry, part of the first phase of the larger RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project. The release also includes changes to several LC-PCC Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS), summarized in this document available at the LC website. Several changes were also made to the MLA RDA Best Practices; these changes will be covered in a separate blog post. RDA Music-Related Changes New/Revised instructions Plate Number for Notated Music (RDA & The second paragraph of the former instruction clarifies information about the plate number. The latter instruction features new examples. Medium of Performance

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New NOTES article on faceted music vocabularies

Congratulations to Beth Iseminger, Nancy Lorimer, Casey Mullin, and Hermine Vermeij on their article in the March 2017 issue of NOTES, Faceted Vocabularies for Music: A New Era in Resource Discovery. This article highlights important work done by the Cataloging and Metadata Committee (formerly the Bibliographic Control Committee) of MLA, in partnership with the Library of Congress, as well as earlier work leading up to the development and publication of the vocabularies (LCMPT and LCGFT for music). Access online via Project MUSE or MLA: DOI: 10.1353/not.2017.0000

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PCC Funnels (NACO/SACO/BIBCO) Meeting

Here are the slides that were unable to be shown at the meeting: PCC Music Funnel Projects meeting 2017-blogpost-bw For more information, contact the Coordinators: Mark Scharff, NMP Coordinator Nancy Lorimer, SACO Coordinator Linda Blair, BIBCO Coordinator

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February RDA Toolkit and Best Practices Update

The February RDA Toolkit release was published on Tuesday, February 14, 2017. The release contained corrections and Fast Track changes from the RSC as outlined in document RSC/Sec 6 available at the RSC website. Several of the Fast Track changes involved conversion of tables to lists (e.g., RDA Media Type, RDA Recording Content Type) and changes to glossary terms. Of particular interest in the latter category is this addition to the definition for “container”–“an insert visible through the housing is part of the container.” Also appearing in this release are changes to element labels, definitions, scope notes, and instructions in five categories (the first four with representative examples): Replacement of the wording “person, family, or corporate body” with “agent” or “agents” –Chapter 19 Agents Associated with a Work Deletion of articles within element names and replacement of a definite article with an indefinite article preceding element names in

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ALA Midwinter 2017 reports

Reports from ALA Midwinter 2017 by MLA-CMC liaisons to ALA are available. Enjoy! Mary Huismann, Chair of Content Standards Subcommittee: Casey Mullin, Chair of Vocabularies Subcommittee: Jim Soe Nyun, Chair of Encoding Standards Subcommittee:

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ALA Annual 2016 reports

Reports from ALA Annual 2016 by MLA-CMC liaisons to ALA are available. Enjoy! Mary Huismann, Chair of Content Standards Subcommittee: Casey Mullin, Chair of Vocabularies Subcommittee: Jim Soe Nyun, Chair of Encoding Standards Subcommittee:

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CMC call for new members 2017

The MLA Cataloging and Metadata Committee invites all interested persons to apply to be part of the subcommittees of the Cataloging and Metadata Committee. There are open positions on all subcommittees: Content Standards, Encoding Standards, and Vocabularies. If you are interested in being a part of CMC, please send a brief application addressed to the CMC chair or any of the current subcommittee chairs. Applications must be in writing and should state: 1) your specific interest with regards to the subcommittee(s) to which you would like to apply; 2) your cataloging/metadata background; and 3) your abilities to meet CMC service expectations. Applications must be received via email or posted to the bulletin board at the MLA conference by end of day on the Friday of MLA. (Email is preferable, and early submission is very helpful.) Contact information is available on the CMC website. CMC Chair: Tracey Snyder Content Standards Subcommittee:

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