

CMC-Sponsored Sessions at MLA 2024

The Cataloging and Metadata Committee is sponsoring several sessions at the 2024 Meeting of the Music Library Association February 29-March 2: De-Mystifying Cataloging for Public Service Librarians and Staff; A Subject, a Genre, and a Medium Walk into a Search Bar…; Cataloging Conversations; and, of course, the Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall. We hope you are able to attend one or all!  For everyone who uses, manages, or populates front-end discovery systems or public catalogs A Subject, a Genre, and a Medium Walk into a Search Bar… Thursday February 29, 4:00pm-5:25pm EST Cataloging rules have long prohibited the application of headings from the Library of Congress Subject Headings for individual works without a topical focus for disciplines other than music. Music cataloging has been the exception, providing form, genre, and medium of performance access to individual musical works using LCSH. With the newer Genre/Form (LCGFT) and Medium of Performance (LCMPT) vocabularies now firmly

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MLA/TLA 2023 CMC-Sponsored Session Summaries Now Available

Whether you missed any of the three program sessions that the Cataloging and Metadata Committee sponsored at the 2023 Meeting of the Music Library Association and the Theatre Library Association or if you would like to revisit content, summaries and presenters’ slides are now available: Many thanks to the presenters and our summary writers! Summaries will also appear in an upcoming issue of the Music Cataloging Bulletin, and recordings will be posted to MLA’s Vimeo channel in September (conference registrants may currently access via Sched). You can peruse summaries of previous CMC-sponsored conference presentations as well a plethora of CMC reports here on the CMC website.  

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CMC-Sponsored Sessions at MLA/TLA 2023

The Cataloging and Metadata is sponsoring three sessions at the Meeting of the Music Library Association and the Theatre Library Association next week: RDA Changes in Theory and Practice – Thursday, March 2, 1:30 p.m.-2:20 p.m. CSTIn this session presenters will address changes in the new RDA Toolkit from a theoretical perspective as well as in terms of practical, on-the-ground cataloging. The current official text of RDA incorporates numerous changes, many of which were necessary to accommodate the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM). The LRM revises, reconciles, and adds to the Functional Requirements family of models (FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD) that formed the basis of the original RDA text. Among the wholly new concepts introduced in the LRM are representative expression elements (a recognition of the fact that most users see many expression properties of the “original” expression of a work to be properties of the work instead) and a

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MLA 2020 schedule

Using my Sched account, I have assembled my schedule for MOUG and MLA 2020 in Norfolk and am sharing it in the interest of promoting sessions relevant to cataloging and metadata. I have included all CMC business meetings and all sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by CMC, as well as MOUG sessions, MLA plenary sessions, and a few other relevant sessions and events. Please note that there are a number of program sessions of broad appeal (such as sessions addressing topics of mental health, equitable library services, and more) that I did not include in my schedule because they are not specific to cataloging and metadata or because I would not be able to attend due to a conflict with a CMC event. While I encourage you to attend CMC events, especially sponsored program sessions, please do explore the many non-CMC offerings as you decide what to attend. My schedule:

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MLA 2019 Schedule

Using my Sched account, I have assembled my schedule for MOUG and MLA 2019 in St. Louis and am sharing it in the interest of promoting sessions relevant to cataloging and metadata. I have included all CMC business meetings and all sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by CMC, as well as MOUG sessions, MLA plenary sessions, and a few other relevant sessions and events. Enjoy! My schedule: Full schedule: Thanks, Tracey Snyder Chair, Cataloging and Metadata Committee, Music Library Association

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MLA 2018 Cataloging and Metadata meetings and relevant sessions

I have compiled a list of MLA 2018 meetings and sessions that may be of interest to those who work in cataloging and/or metadata. I included all CMC business meetings and all sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by CMC, as well as a few other relevant meetings and sessions. See the MLA 2018 schedule online for full listings, locations, etc. (but please note that this is a draft schedule and subject to change):   THURSDAY 9 AM-10:25 AM    Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall (sponsored by CMC) 11 AM-12:25 PM    Cataloging and Metadata Committee #1 1:30 PM-2:25 PM    Encoding Standards Subcommittee 3:30 PM-4:25 PM    What to Expect When You’re Analyzing, Transforming, and Inputting: A Linked Data Guide (sponsored by CMC) 4:30 PM-5:25 PM    Content Standards Subcommittee 6-6:55 PM        system-specific interest groups   FRIDAY 9 AM-9:55 AM        Vocabularies Subcommittee 9:30 AM-10:25 AM    Technical Services Interest Group 11 AM-11:55 PM    NACO/SACO/BIBCO

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MLA 2017 Cataloging and Metadata meetings and relevant sessions

I have compiled a list of MLA 2017 meetings and sessions that may be of interest to those who work in cataloging and/or metadata. I included all CMC business meetings and all sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by CMC, as well as a few other relevant meetings and sessions. Please see the MLA 2017 schedule online for full listings, locations, etc.   WEDNESDAY MLA pre-conference workshop The Beat Goes On-athon: Creating Linked Data for Music with RIMMF (co-sponsored by CMC)   THURSDAY 9 AM-10:25 AM    Cataloging and Promoting Music Special Collections in Latin America 11 AM-12:25 PM    Cataloging and Metadata Committee #1 1:30 PM-2:55 PM    RDA Steering Committee Music Working Group 2:30 PM-4 PM        Get Involved in MLA!    3:30 PM-4:55 PM    Encoding Standards Subcommittee 6 PM-            [system-specific interest groups]   FRIDAY 9 AM-10:25 AM    Ontologies, BIBFRAME, and Linked Data for Performed Music: MLA’s Role in It All

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BCC Town Hall Agenda 2015

BCC Town Hall Agenda 2015 Friday, February 27, 5:30-6:30pm BCC News (B.Iseminger) 5:30-5:35 New webinars New BCC website ( Reorganization (BCC reorg report to MLA Board) BIBFRAME Update (Szeto) 5:35-5:40 (Task Force Blog: MARC and Metadata News (Rodriguez) 5:40-5:50 (Metadata for Music Resources site: Subject, Genre/Form, and Medium of Performance News (Mullin) 5:50-6 Relationship Designators (Snyder) 6-6:05 RDA Policy Statements (Schmidt) 6:06-6:10 RDA Revisions for 2014 and 2015 (D.Iseminger) 6:10-6:15 RDA Best Practices (Mullin) 6:15-6:20 Q&A 6:20-6:25 Beth Iseminger

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