

SAC: ALA Annual Report 2020

Vocabularies Subcommittee Report: ALA Summer 2020 Virtual Business Meetings Reported by Rebecca Belford (Oberlin College & Conservatory), Chair, MLA CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee CaMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) SAC met virtually on June 19, 2020, with Brian Stearns chairing. Unlike the traditional ALA meetings, there was no presentation, only a business meeting. Topics included:   Best Practices for Recording Faceted Chronological Data in Bibliographic Records This document was created by a task group, led by Casey Mullin, within the SAC Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies (SSFV); see SSFV summary for additional details. The document will be iterative, and an ongoing tool. SAC discussed where to house the document in addition to the ALA Institutional Repository (SAC or SSFV sites), and how to maintain and communicate version control–perhaps numbered versions with have a stable URL to the most recent, similar to MLA’s Best Practices documents. SAC also discussed the process for gathering feedback,

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Vocabularies Subcommittee: MLA Report 2020

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee: Vocabularies Subcommittee (VS) Business Meeting MEETING SUMMARY   Friday, February 28, 2020, 1:30pm – 2:55pm, Salon H, Hilton Norfolk The Main, Norfolk, VA   Present: Rebecca Belford (chair), Anne Adams, Joshua Henry, Beth Iseminger (for Nancy Lorimer, SACO Music Funnel Coordinator), Damian Iseminger (for Maarja Vigorito, Library of Congress representative), Marty Jenkins, Jeff Lyon, Leonard Martin, Allison McClanahan, Jennifer Olson, Treshani Perera, Mark Scharff (NACO Music Project Coordinator), Kyle Shockey, Jay Weitz (OCLC representative)   Music Toolkit test case report (Jeff Lyon) Jeff gave a short summary of Brigham Young University’s experience analyzing their bibliographic records for music formats in preparation to running the OCLC Music Toolkit on the full file. Highlights of their subject heading analysis: 35,000 unique subject headings, which represented 85% of the headings in the catalog, with a long tail for the remaining headings. They also found 6,582 unique

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SAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2020

Philadelphia, PA, January 25-27, 2020 Reported by Rebecca Belford (Oberlin College & Conservatory), Chair, MLA CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee Reports from: Faceted Subject Access Interest Group Authority Control Interest Group Technical Services Managers in Academic Libraries Interest Group (“Medium Heads”) Heads of Cataloging Departments Interest Group Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) Subject Analysis Committee: Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies (SSFV) Faceted Subject Access Interest Group (ALCTS CaMMS) January 25, 2020 Three presentations followed a brief update from the FAST Policy and Outreach Committee (FPOC). “FAST: Finding the Future of Subject Access at the British Library” (Caroline Kent, British Library) The British Library (BL) team (Alan Danskin, Caroline Kent, Janet Ashton) began its exploration of FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) as part of a review to identify cataloging efficiencies. FAST emerged as a means to get terms from an internationally recognized controlled vocabulary into the catalog where otherwise there are no current subject

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Vocabularies Annual Report: 2019

Annual Report, July 1 2018-June 30 2019 Submitted by Rebecca Belford Vocabularies Subcommittee Group members Rebecca Belford, chair (2022) Anne Adams (2023) Kirk-Evan Billet (2019) Reed David (2019) Jenée Force (2022) Ralph Hartsock (2019) Joshua Henry (2021) Marty Jenkins (2021) Morris Levy (2019) Jeff Lyon (2020) Leonard Martin (2023) Allison McClanahan (2023) Jennifer Olson (2023) Treshani Perera (2022) Jacob Schaub (2019) Ann Shaffer (2019) Kyle Shockey (2021) Hannah Spence (2019) Jennifer V aughn (2019) Nancy Lorimer (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator) Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator) Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative) Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) Special Office ALA Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) Liaison Previous goals in an ordered list and describe progress made towards goal Complete LCGFT Reductions (Music) and Improvisations (Music) projects; commence 1-3 other projects to be determined – promotes core values of collaboration, expertise of members, and access Formal response on Reductions (Music) with alternative proposal submitted to LC

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SAC: ALA Annual Report 2019

Vocabularies Subcommittee Report: ALA Annual 2019 Washington, DC, June 21-24, 2019 Reported by Rebecca Belford (Oberlin College & Conservatory), Chair, Vocabularies Subcommittee Reports from: Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group (CaMMS) Cataloging Norms Interest Group (CaMMS) Faceted Subject Access Interest Group (CaMMS) Subject Analysis Committee Meetings SAC Presentation SAC Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group (CaMMS) The interest group program was held on Friday, June 21, 2019. The session theme was “Practical Linked Data in the Classroom,” presented by T​ina Shrader (National Library of Medicine) and Paul Frank (Library of Congress). Paul Frank opened the session on a positive note, first with a prediction that if we adopt linked data in cataloging we will be viable as a profession, followed by a suggestion that we do not need to fully understand linked data before applying it and learning

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Vocabularies Subcommittee: MLA Report 2019

MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CATALOGING AND METADATA COMMITTEE Vocabularies Subcommittee Business Meeting Thursday, February 21, 2019, 1:00-2:25 pm Union Station Hilton, New York Central/Illinois Central MEETING SUMMARY Present: Rebecca Belford (Chair); Jenée Force; Joshua Henry; Marty Jenkins; Morris Levy; Jeff Lyon; Treshani Perera; Jacob Schaub; Ann Shaffer; Kyle Shockey; Hannah Spence; Jennifer Vaughn; Nancy Lorimer (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator); Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator); Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative). Excused: Kirk-Evan Billett; Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative). Absent: Reed David; Ralph Hartsock Welcome and introductions Welcome to all and to the new 2018-19 VS members, Jenée Force and Treshani Perera VS Chair’s report (Belford) Rebecca reminded attendees that liaison reports from the past three MLA meetings are available: Midwinter 2019 (Seattle) Annual 2018 (New Orleans) Midwinter 2018 (Denver) (report by past VS Chair Casey Mullin, included here because of the unusual circumstance in 2018 where Midwinter preceded MLA) There were no questions on

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SAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2019

Seattle, Wash. January 25-28, 2019 reports from SAC Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies Subject Analysis Committee Business Meetings ALCTS CaMMS Cataloging Norms Interest Group Faceted Subject Access Interest Group ALCTS CaMMS Heads of Cataloging Departments Interest Group Subject Analysis Committee Forum Reported by: Rebecca Belford (Oberlin College), Chair, MLA CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee SAC SubCOmmittee on faceted vocabularies Meeting date: Saturday, January 26. Updates 1. OLAC video game genre/form terms (Rosemary Groenwald) Completed; indication of use: landing page for terms has over 1000 views OLAC board entertaining continuing maintenance $2 olacvggt validates in OCLC Rosemary’s library [Mt. Prospect Public Library, Illinois] is working on retrospective addition, currently approximately 30% complete. University of Washington will be undertaking a project to add retrospectively, locally and in OCLC. 2. OCLC Music Toolkit and MLA retrospective implementation algorithm (Rebecca Belford) Q: Are there presentations available? A (Casey Mullin): Yes, slides from MLA 2018, YouTube screencast, and

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Vocabularies Annual Report: 2018

Vocabularies Subcommittee (VS) Annual Report, July 1 2017-June 30 2018 Submitted by Rebecca Belford Members (as of March 2018) Rebecca Belford (chair, appointed 2018), Kirk-Evan Billet (2015), Reed David (2015), Jenée Force (2018), Ralph Hartsock (2016), Joshua Henry (2017), Marty Jenkins (2017), Morris Levy (2017), Jeff Lyon (2016), Treshani Perera (2018), Jacob Schaub (2015), Ann Shaffer (2015), Kyle Shockey (2017), Hannah Spence (2015), Jennifer Vaughn (2015), Nancy Lorimer (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator), Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator), Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) We thank Casey Mullin, who rotated off as VS chair in February 2018, and other members leaving the subcommittee: Jim Alberts, Nurhak Tuncer, J. Bradford Young. Rebecca Belford rotated off as a member to begin term as chair. We welcome Jenée Force and Treshani Perera, who joined the Vocabularies Subcommittee in March 2018. Report on activities Standing task group: Types of Composition List Maintenance (Levy

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SAC: ALA Annual Report 2018

New Orleans, LA, June 22-25, 2018 Reports from ALCTS CaMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) Business Meetings SAC Presentation SAC Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies ALCTS CaMMS Faceted Vocabularies Interest Group Cataloging Norms Interest Group ALCTS CaMMS Heads of Cataloging Departments Interest Group OCLC Research Update LITA Top Technology Trends Reported by: Rebecca Belford (Oberlin College), Chair, MLA CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee ALCTS CaMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) Business Meetings June 24 and 25, 2018 In addition to formal member and liaison updates, the two-part SAC business meeting included a few new business items and updates. The SAC RDA Subcommittee was formally disbanded, based on the announcement by the RDA Steering Committee (RSA) that RDA will not address subjects, as was originally planned. The PCC will revive the practice of having a designated person report from the SACO/PCC at large meeting to SAC. It was decided that the liaison should be from the

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Vocabularies Subcommittee: MLA Report 2018

MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CATALOGING AND METADATA COMMITTEE Vocabularies Subcommittee Business Meeting Friday, February 2, 2018, 9:00-9:55am Hilton Portland, Broadway I/II Members present: Casey Mullin (Chair), Rebecca Belford, Kirk-Evan Billet, Reed David, Ralph Hartsock, Morris Levy, Jacob Schaub, Ann Shaffer, Kyle Shockey, Hannah Spence, Jennifer Vaughn, Brad Young, Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative), Nancy Lorimer (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator), Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator) Absent: Jim Alberts, Joshua Henry, Marty Jenkins, Jeff Lyon, Nurhak Tuncer, Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative) Mullin thanked outgoing VS member Brad Young for his service. Rebecca Belford is also rotating off her term as VS member, but will be stepping up as the new VS Chair, beginning a new four-year term. Welcome Rebecca to her new role! VS Chair’s report (Mullin) Mullin alerted the meeting to his ALA liaison report from Annual 2017 (Chicago), available on Google Drive. The report from Midwinter 2018 (Denver) will be available soon,

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SAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2018

ALA MIDWINTER CONFERENCE REPORT Denver, CO, February 9-12, 2018 Reports from: ALCTS-CAMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) SAC Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies (SSFV) Faceted Subject Access Interest Group (Selected for interest to MLA) Contents Subject Analysis Committee 1 Presentation: Diane Vizine-Goetz (OCLC Research). “FAST & Wikipedia/Wikidata” 1 Report of the liaison from the Library of Congress Policy and Standards Division (Janis Young) 2 LCSH Treatment of Illegal Aliens (discussion at SAC meeting) 4 Report from the IFLA Liaison 4 Report from the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Liaison 5 SAC Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies 6 Brief progress reports on faceted vocabulary application and development in specialist communities 6 External responses to the SAC white paper “A Brave New (Faceted) World: Towards Full Implementation of Library of Congress Faceted Vocabularies” 8 The role of the Library of Congress Policy and Standards Division (LC PSD) in SSFV’s work on training and

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SAC: ALA Annual Report 2017

ALA ANNUAL CONFERENCE REPORT Chicago, IL, June 22-27, 2017 Reports from: ALCTS-CAMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) SAC Subcommittee on Genre/Form Implementation (SGFI) Faceted Subject Access Interest Group (Selected for interest to MLA)   Subject Analysis Committee Presentation: Robert Maxwell (Brigham Young University), Adam Schiff (University of Washington). “Subjects in Authority Records: Looking Towards a Linked Data Future” Maxwell and Schiff explored an expanded conception of the function of authority records that describe works (including so-called “name-title records”). Whereas in legacy practice authority records have been intended primarily to record the decision about the form of the authorized access point (or heading) and not much else, FRBR and thence RDA has introduced the idea of creating an entire description of an entity, including expressing relationships to related entities as machine-actionable links. To wit, RDA Chapter 23 and Appendix M, which are recent additions to the content standard, prescribe the expressing of

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Vocabularies Annual Report: 2017

Submitted by Casey Mullin Members (as of March 2017): Casey Mullin (Chair, appointed 2014), Jim Alberts (2016), Rebecca Belford (2014), Kirk-Evan Billet (2015), Reed David (2015), Ralph Hartsock (2016), Joshua Henry (2017), Marty Jenkins (2017), Morris Levy (2017), Jeff Lyon (2016), Jacob Schaub (2015), Ann Shaffer (2015), Kyle Shockey (2017), Hannah Spence (2015), Nurhak Tuncer (2016), Jennifer Vaughn (2015), J. Bradford Young (2014), Nancy Lorimer (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator), Mark Scharff (NACO Music Project Coordinator), Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) We thank Matt Ertz and Janelle West, who rotated off of Vocabularies Subcommittee in February 2017. We welcome Joshua Henry, Marty Jenkins, Morris Levy, and Kyle Shockey, who joined Vocabularies Subcommittee in March 2017. Report on activities: Standing task groups: Types of Composition List Maintenance (West (coordinator through February 2017), Levy (coordinator since March 2017), Belford, Young, Alberts, Henry) The following new and modified terms were vetted

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Vocabularies Subcommittee: MLA Report 2017

MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CATALOGING AND METADATA COMMITTEE Vocabularies Subcommittee Business Meeting Friday, February 24, 2017, 1:30-2:55 pm Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando (Salon 5) Members present: Casey Mullin (Chair), Rebecca Belford, Kirk-Evan Billet, Reed David, Matt Ertz, Ralph Hartsock, Jeff Lyon, Jacob Schaub, Ann Shaffer, Hannah Spence, Jennifer Vaughn, Janelle West, Brad  Young, Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative), Jay Weitz(OCLC Representative), Nancy Lorimer (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator), Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator) Absent: Jim Alberts, Nurhak Tuncer Visitors present: 34 Mullin thanked outgoing VS members Matt Ertz and Janelle West for their service. VS Chair’s report (Mullin) Mullin alerted the meeting to his ALA liaison reports from Annual 2016 (Orlando) and Midwinter 2017 (Atlanta), both available on Google Drive. Annual 2016: Midwinter 2017: The past year’s work continued to utilize a task group system. Reports of particular groups’ activities during the past year are summarized below. Each subcommittee member is

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SAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2017

Atlanta, GA, January 20-23, 2017 Reports from: ALCTS-CAMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) SAC Subcommittee on Genre/Form Implementation (SGFI) Faceted Subject Access Interest Group CaMMS Forum PCC Participants Meeting (Selected for interest to MLA) Subject Analysis Committee Presentation: ​“​Music & Law Genre/Form: Implementation, Practice, and Experience” (Lia Contursi, Columbia University Law Library) Contursi discussed best practices for the application of law genre/form terms, and examples of problematic terms vis-à-vis past practices for the application of Library of Congress Subject Headings. She then provided an overview of the method employed by the Classification and Subject Analysis Working Group of the American Association of Law Libraries for the project of retrospective implementation of law genre/forms. Some genre/form terms are derivable from LCSH headings, but many are not. As an alternative source of data, AALL is also experimenting with conventional collective titles as an indicator of genre/form. One area of concern is the need

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