

SAC: ALA Annual Report 2016

Orlando, FL, June 24-28, 2016 Reports from: ALCTS-CAMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) SAC Subcommittee on Genre/Form Implementation (SGFI) Linked Library Data Interest Group Faceted Subject Access Interest Group PCC Participants Meeting (Selected for interest to MLA) Subject Analysis Committee Presentation: “Pre-Coordinate vs. Post-Coordinate Subject Access: Pros and Cons and a Real Life Experience” Peter Fletcher (UCLA) discussed the relative merits of pre- and post-coordinate subject systems. Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) is the prime example of a pre- coordinate system, while PRECIS as an example of a post-coordinate system. Among the arguments in favor of pre-coordination are: sophisticated context, which is needed for disambiguation, suggestibility and precision (Elaine Svenonius); and, a stable, comprehensive, globally-used vocabulary (in the case of LCSH). Among the arguments in favor of post-coordination are: more structurally sound; more amenable for Linked Open Data uses; and, inconsistent syntax rules cause difficulty for clean, faceted interfaces (Kelley

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Vocabularies Annual Report: 2016

Annual Report, July 2015-June 2016 Submitted by Casey Mullin Members (as of March 2016): Casey Mullin (Chair, appointed 2014), Jim Alberts (2016), Rebecca Belford (2014), Kirk-Evan Billet (2015), Reed David (2015), Matt Ertz (2013), Ralph Hartsock (2016), Jeff Lyon (2016), Jacob Schaub (2015), Ann Shaffer (2015), Hannah Spence (2015), Nurhak Tuncer (2016), Jennifer Vaughn (2015), Janelle West (2013), J. Bradford Young (2014), Nancy Lorimer (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator), Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator), Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) We thank Emma Dederick, Kenneth Kauffman, and Kevin Kishimoto, who rotated off of Vocabularies Subcommittee in March 2016. We welcome Ralph Hartsock, Jeff Lyon, Nurhak Tuncer, and Jim Alberts, who joined Vocabularies Subcommittee in March 2016. Report on activities: Standing task groups: Types of Composition List Maintenance (West (coordinator), Belford, Young, Alberts) Prepared new entries for Sett, Entrata, Dumps, Pesem, Samospev, Carol/Carols, Glásba, Négyes/Négyesek, Oberek/Oberki, Stroph/Strophen, Trioletto(s) Added cross-references

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Vocabularies Subcommittee/Genre Form Task Force: MLA Report 2016

Vocabularies Subcommittee and Genre/Form Task Force Joint Business Meeting Friday, March 4, 2016, 1:30-3:00pm Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza Hotel (Salon H/I) Members present: Vocabularies Subcommittee: Casey Mullin (Chair), Rebecca Belford, Kirk-Evan Billet, Reed David, Emma Dederick, Matt Ertz, Kenneth Kauffman, Kevin Kishimoto, Jacob Schaub, Ann Shaffer, Hannah Spence (via Skype), Jennifer Vaughn, Janelle West, Brad Young, Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) Genre/Form Task Force: Nancy Lorimer (Chair), Ralph Hartsock, Beth Iseminger, Marty Jenkins, Casey Mullin, Karen Peters, Sheila Torres-Blank, Hermine Vermeij Absent: Marc McKnight, Thomas Pease Visitors present: approximately 30 Mullin thanked outgoing VS members Emma Dederick, Kenneth Kauffman and Kevin Kishimoto for their service. VS Chair’s report (Mullin) Mullin alerted the meeting to his ALA liaison reports from Annual 2015 (San Francisco) and Midwinter 2016 (Boston), both available on Google Drive. Annual 2015: Midwinter 2016: Mullin summarized the past year’s work, which utilized a

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SAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2016

Boston, MA, January 8-12, 2016 Report from the ALCTS-CAMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) and the SAC Subcommittee on Genre/Form Implementation (SGFI) (Selected for interest to MLA) Subject Analysis Committee Presentation: “By Who and For Whom: LC Demographic Group Terms” Janis Young (LC PSD) introduced the newest vocabulary available from the Library of Congress: the LC Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT). In the ongoing effort towards full faceted access of attributed traditionally stored in “subject” headings, this vocabulary has been designed to describe the characteristics of the audience, creators and contributors of works. The newly defined MARC fields 385 (audience characteristics) and 386 (creator/contributor characteristics) have been created to store this data in bibliographic records and authority records for works and (perhaps) expressions. Field 374 (occupation) in the authority format can also be used to encode those subsets of the LCDGT vocabulary in authority records for persons, although LCSH remains the most

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Subjects Subcommittee/Genre Form Task Force: MLA Report 2015

Subject Access Subcommittee/Genre/Form Task Force Joint Business Meeting Report MLA Annual Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado Submitted by Casey Mullin, Subject Access Subcommittee Chair, and Nancy Lorimer, Genre/Form Task Force Chair Members present: Subject Access: Rebecca Belford, Emma Dederick, Matt Ertz, Kenneth Kauffman, Kevin Kishimoto, Peter Lisius, Casey Mullin (chair), Hermine Vermeij, Janelle West, J. Brad Young, Maarja Vigorito (LC representative) Genre/Form Task Force: Ralph Hartsock, Casey Mullin, Thomas Pease, Karen Peters, Sheila Torres-Blank, Hermine Vermeij. Absent: Genre/Form Task Force: Nancy Lorimer (chair), Caitlin Hunter, Marty Jenkins Visitors present: approximately 15-25 Mullin welcomed Vigorito, new LC representative, and thanked outgoing SAS members Peter Lisius and Hermine Vermeij. ALA Report (Mullin) Mullin highlighted a few items from his written report, available on the BCC web site: Report from the Library of Congress (Vigorito) The Music Division of LC implemented LCMPT terms in cataloging in spring 2014. The implementation is going smoothly,

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