

CC:DA Midwinter Meeting Report 2024

CC:DA Midwinter Report 2024 February 2 & 5, 2024 Submitted by Keith Knop, CMC Content Standards Subcommittee Chair and liaison to CC:DA. The annual midwinter meeting of the ALA Core Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) took place virtually on February 2 and 5, 2024. The full meeting agenda, including links to reports from the PCC, NARDAC, Library of Congress, OCLC and MARC Advisory Committee representatives, is available here: Both sessions were recorded, and links to the recordings were posted to the publicly available CC:DA discussion space in ALA Connect. Much of the discussion was occupied by matters of CC:DA governance and the preservation and archiving of previous CC:DA work, including comments and discussion submitted by liaisons and representatives from groups outside of CC:DA. There was nothing of direct relevance to music cataloging discussed, but two points were of general interest. First, the report from Kate James, OCLC

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CC:DA ALA Annual Report 2023

CC:DA ALA Annual Report 2023, July 14 & 21, 2023 Submitted by Keith Knop, CMC Content Standards Subcommittee Chair and liaison to CC:DA. The annual summer meeting of the ALA Core Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) took place virtually on July 14 and 21, 2023. The full meeting agenda, including links to reports from the PCC, NARDAC, Library of Congress, and MARC Advisory Committee representatives, is available here. Both sessions were recorded, and links to the recordings were posted to the publicly available CC:DA discussion space in ALA Connect.Of primary interest to music cataloging were two MLA discussion papers related to RDA, both of which may be accessed via link in the public agenda cited above. The first paper addressed the apparent lack of support in the in the RDA File Type vocabulary for files containing notated music content as well as the lack of clarity in the

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Content Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2024

Music Library Association Content Standards Subcommittee Business Meeting Thursday, March 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:55pm EST, virtual The annual meeting of the Content Standards subcommittee was recorded and registered meeting attendees may watch the recording through the CVENT platform. Members in attendance: Anne Adams, Linda Bagley, Emily Colucci, Reed David, Chelsea Hoover, Chris Holden (Library of Congress), Keith Knop (chair), Morris Levy, (OCLC), Casey Mullin (BIBCO Music Funnel), Karen Peters, Daniel Ray, Mark Scharff (NACO Music Project), Anthony Sharp, Amy Strickland. Not present: Amanda Scott. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved without modification. Membership: Three people’s terms conclude in March 2024: Linda Bagley, Reed David, and Keith Knop. Additionally, Jay Weitz concluded his tenure as OCLC representative to CMC and its subcommittees with his retirement. Six members were added in 2023: Anne Adams, Karen Peters, Dan Ray, Anthony Sharp, and Amy Strickland. Additionally, Morris Levy assumed the role of

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2023

submitted by Keith Knop Current Roster Keith Knop, chair (2024) Anne Adams (2027) Linda Bagley (2024) Emily Colucci (2026) Reed David (2024) Sarah Holmes (2023 (resigned)) Chelsea Hoover (2026) Karen Peters (2027) Daniel Ray (2027) Amanda Scott (2025) Anthony Sharp (2027) Amy Strickland (2027) Casey Mullin (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator) Mark Scharff (NACO Music Project Coordinator) Christopher Holden (Library of Congress Representative) Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative, through June 2023) List of Previous Goals and Progress Made Work to maintain the MLA Best Practices in pace with changes to RDA and LC-PCC policy, add content where the community has requested it while the Toolkit was frozen, and solicit feedback to identify areas, repertoires, or musical traditions in need of additional guidance. RDA and LC-PCC PS have remained fairly stable over the past year, with most changes affecting elements with little or no relevance to music cataloging. Efforts have thus focused mostly

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Content Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2023

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee Content Standards Subcommittee Tuesday, March 7, 2023 1:00-2:25 PM EST | 10:00-11:25 AM PST Welcome and introductions Approval of 2022 minutes No corrections or additions No objections Reports Chair, Keith Knop Membership Completing terms in March 2023: Ivan Kaproth-Joslin, Chuck Peters, and Hannah Spence New members since March 2022: Emily Colucci and Chelsea Hoover CC:DA ALA Annual 2022: CCDA July 2022.docx Midwinter 2023: CCDA February 2023.docx Several NARDAC workshops have been reworked as webinars for ALA eLearning 3R Policy Writers Group Revised Toolkit update schedule Alternating 2-month/4-month update schedule will be starting soon LC/PCC plans for Community Resources section LC-PCC PS will be removed from Community Resources section, and moved to the LC-PCC Metadata Guidance Documentation Affects legacy access point and preferred title instructions Might break links, we will need to keep an eye on it Most likely these will be in the

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2022

2021-2022 Roster Keith Knop, Chair (2024) Linda Bagley (2024) Emily Colucci (2026) Reed David (2024) Sarah C. Holmes (2025) Chelsea Hoover (2026) Ivan Kaproth-Joslin (2023) Charles Peters (2023) Jake Schaub (resigned 2022) Amanda Scott (2025) Hannah Spence (2023) Casey Mullin (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator) Christopher Holden (LC Representative) Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) List of Previous Goals and Progress Made Complete revision and migration of the RDA Best Practices for the new RDA Toolkit in time for the projected PCC “rolling implementation” date of July 2022. (Goal areas: Education, Value of the Profession) All still-relevant Best Practices content from the original RDA Toolkit has now been migrated to the new Toolkit or to external guidance documentation. LC and PCC have delayed implementation of the revised RDA to “not before October 2022,” but realistically not before early 2023 to allow time for testing the new LC-PCC guidance documentation with the new Toolkit.

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Content Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2022

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) Content Standards Subcommittee (CSS) Business Meeting Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 12:00-1:25 pm (eastern) Via Zoom – Meeting Slides Members present: Linda Bagley, Ben Barba, Janice Bunker, Reed David, Sarah Holmes, Chris Holden, Ivan Kaproth-Joslin, Casey Mullin, Chuck Peters, Hannah Spence, Amanda Scott, Jay Weitz Members not present: Sarah Holmes 1. Welcome & introductions The Chair welcomed members and audience observers and reminded everyone of the “Conduct during meetings” statement from the CMC Handbook and the MLA Code of Conduct. 2. Minutes Minutes of the previous meeting were approved, with one correction to the attendance record and one addition to the members who joined in 2020. 3. Chair’s Report (Knop) Membership Two members joined the committee in 2021 Amanda Scott Sarah Holmes Two members completed terms in 2022 Ben Barba Janice Bunker The chair reminded attendees that applications for the committee were still

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CC:DA: ALA Annual Report 2021

Committee on Cataloging: Descriptive Access (CC:DA): Virtual ALA, Summer 2021 Keith Knop, MLA Liaison The Core Committee: Description and Access held a virtual meeting on July 26, compressed due to scheduling difficulties from three meetings originally planned for earlier in the month. Due to the shortened meeting time, most of the time was spent on highlights from the various written officer and liaison reports. Chair’s report and CC:DA business: LibLearnX, scheduled for January, is the replacement for the now-defunct ALA Midwinter meeting and does not serve the same purposes. It was suggested that CC:DA meet either two weeks before or after. A task force has been formed to investigate the possible role of CC:DA in RDA Toolkit training. North American RDA Committee (NARDAC) liaisons’ report: A basic error-reporting form for LC-PCC Policy Statements in the new RDA Toolkit is now available:  This form is intended only for

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2021

CURRENT ROSTER Keith Knop, Chair (2024) Linda Bagley (2024) Benjamin Barba (2022) Janice Bunker (2022) Reed David (2024) Sarah Holmes (2025) Ivan Kaproth-Joslin (2023) Charles Peters (2023) Jacob Schaub (2024) Amanda Scott (2025) Hannah Spence (2023) Casey Mullin, BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator Christopher Holden, Library of Congress Representative Jay Weitz, OCLC Representative LIST OF PREVIOUS GOALS AND PROGRESS MADE Revise the RDA Best Practices as required for the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project once the guidance and files are received from ALA Publishing (Goal areas: Education, Value of the Profession) ALA Publishing created the shell files for the MLA Best Practices in the new Toolkit in February 2021. A subset of elements corresponding to the MLA Best Practices for Chapters 2 and 3 (Identifying Manifestations and Items and Describing Carriers) of the original RDA Toolkit were loaded into the Toolkit for the April 2021 update. The remaining elements

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Content Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2021

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) Content Standards Subcommittee (CSS) Business Meeting Monday, March 15, 2021, 12:00-1:25 pm Via Zoom – Meeting Slides Members present: Linda Bagley, Ben Barba, Kristi Bergland, Janice Bunker, Reed David, Chris Holden, Ivan Kaproth-Joslin, Casey Mullin, Chuck Peters, Hannah Spence, Jay Weitz Members not present: Monica Figueroa, Jacob Schaub, Michelle Urberg 1. Welcome & introductions The Chair welcomed members and audience observers and reminded everyone of the “Conduct during meetings” statement from the CMC Handbook and the MLA Code of Conduct. 2. Minutes Minutes of the previous meeting were approved, with the correction of one typo in a member’s name. 3. Chair’s Report (Knop) Membership Two members joined the committee in 2020 Linda Bagley Jacob Schaub Three members completed terms in 2021 Kristi Bergland Monica Figueroa Michelle Urberg The chair reminded attendees that applications for the committee were still being accepted. Liaison reports

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2020

CURRENT ROSTER Keith Knop (Chair, 2020-2024) Mary Huismann (Chair, 2016-2020) Linda Bagley (2024) Benjamin Barba (2022) Kristi Bergland (2021) Janice Bunker (2022) Ann Churukian (2020) Reed David (2024) Patty Falk (2020) Monica Figueroa (2021) Ivan Kaproth-Joslin (2023) Kevin Kishimoto (2020) Anna Alfeld LoPrete (2020) Charles Peters (2023) Jacob Schaub (2024) Hannah Spence (2023) Michelle Urberg    (2021) Casey Mullin (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator) Christopher Holden (Library of Congress Representative) Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative) LIST OF PREVIOUS GOALS AND PROGRESS MADE Manage the chair transition that will take place following the MLA 2020 meeting (Goal area: Organizational Excellence, Value of the Profession) Outgoing chair Mary Huismann met in person with Keith Knop at the Norfolk meeting to discuss the state of current and future projects, created a shared transition documentation folder, and notified CC:DA chair Amanda Ros and ALA Publishing representative Jamie Hennelly of the transition. Mary Huismann completed work on a

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CC:DA: ALA Annual Report 2020

Committee on Cataloging: Descriptive Access (CC:DA): July 9, 13, and 15 Report by Keith Knop (University of Georgia), Chair, Content Standards Subcommittee The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) held its first virtual meeting, split up into three sessions on July 9, 13, and 15, 2020. A hybrid virtual/in person meeting had been proposed for ALA Midwinter, but that meeting will now also be virtual only. CC:DA Chair Amanda Ros opened the first session with a report on activities of the committee since the last meeting. Six task forces were active, including the Task Force on the “Proposal on Changing Procedural Guidelines for Proposed New or Revised Romanization Tables” to be discussed later in the session. The Cataloging Code of Ethics Feedback Task Force, formed at ALA Midwinter, was still in preliminary stages due to the pandemic. The full chair’s report

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Content Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2020

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) Content Standards Subcommittee (CSS) Business Meeting Saturday, February 29, 2020, 11:00-12:25 pm Salon H Hilton Norfolk The Main Norfolk, VA   Members present: Mary Huismann, Ben Barba, Kristi Bergland, Linda Blair, Janice Bunker, Ann Churukian, Patty Falk, Ivan Kaptroth-Joslin, Kevin Kishimoto, Anna LoPrete, Chuck Peters, Hannah Spence   Members not present: Monica Figueroa, Chris Holden, Anna LoPrete, Rick McRae, Michelle Urberg   1. Welcome & introductions (5 min.) The Chair welcomed members and audience observers and reminded everyone of the “Conduct during meetings” statement from the CMC Handbook. Two additions were made to the agenda: Addition of agenda item 3c Document with examples for agenda item 7c. 2. Chair’s Report (Huismann) (10 min.) a) Membership New members since last year: Ivan Kaproth-Joslin Keith Knop Chuck Peters Hannah Spence Several members rotating off CSS this year: Ann Churukian Patty Falk Kevin Kishimoto Anna

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CAPC and CC:DA: ALA Midwinter Report 2020

Philadelphia, PA, January 24-27, 2020 Reports from: OLAC Cataloging Policy Committee (CAPC) RDA Pre-Conference RDA Update Forum RDA Linked Data Forum PCC At Large Meeting PCC Participants Meeting ALCTS Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) Reported by: Mary Huismann (St. Olaf College), Chair, Content Standards Subcommittee OLAC Cataloging Policy Committee (CAPC) The OLAC CAPC meeting was held on Friday, January 24, 2020. The majority of the meeting was devoted to liaison and task force reports; since these reports will be published in the March issue of the OLAC Newsletter only selected highlights appear in this report. The 2020 OLAC Conference, celebrating OLAC’s 40th anniversary, will be held in Columbus, Ohio, October 14-17, 2020. The conference host is OCLC, and most meeting sessions will be held at OCLC. CAPC is seeking candidates for full member (2 year) and intern (1 year) positions. CAPC is also seeking a new chair because

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Content Standards Annual Report: 2019

Annual Report, July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019 Submitted by: Mary Huismann, Chair Group Name: Content Standards Subcommittee Special Offices: ALA ALCTS Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) Liaison, ALA ALCTS/LITA Authority Control Interest Group Liaison Group Members Mary Huismann, Chair (2020) Benjamin Barba (2022) Kristi Bergland (2021) Janice Bunker (2022) Ann Churukian (2020) Patty Falk (2020) Monica Figueroa (2021) Ivan Kaproth-Joslin (2023) Kevin Kishimoto (2020) Keith Knop (2023) Peter Lisius (2019) Anna Alfeld LoPrete (2020) Rick McRae (2020) Jennifer Olson (2019) Charles Peters (2023) Shelley Rogers (2020) Hannah Spence (2023) Michelle Urberg (2021) Linda Blair (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator) Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator) Christopher Holden (LC) Jay Weitz (OCLC) Previous Goals Perform a comprehensive review of the RDA Best Practices while the RDA Toolkit content is frozen. (Goal areas: Education, Value of the Profession) A list of revisions was gathered through a review of the existing RDA Best

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