
CC:DA Midwinter Meeting Report 2024

CC:DA Midwinter Report 2024
February 2 & 5, 2024

Submitted by Keith Knop, CMC Content Standards Subcommittee Chair and liaison to CC:DA.

The annual midwinter meeting of the ALA Core Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) took place virtually on February 2 and 5, 2024. The full meeting agenda, including links to reports from the PCC, NARDAC, Library of Congress, OCLC and MARC Advisory Committee representatives, is available here: Both sessions were recorded, and links to the recordings were posted to the publicly available CC:DA discussion space in ALA Connect.
Much of the discussion was occupied by matters of CC:DA governance and the preservation and archiving of previous CC:DA work, including comments and discussion submitted by liaisons and representatives from groups outside of CC:DA.

There was nothing of direct relevance to music cataloging discussed, but two points were of general interest.

First, the report from Kate James, OCLC representative, included some information about WorldCat Identities data being added to records in WorldCat in 1xx fields and field 758. In particular it was noted that the work entities in field 758 are not necessarily works in the RDA sense. There were several follow-up questions related to these additions, to which James added some additional information:

  • At least for the time being, these additions were a one-time process; that is, unlike FAST headings they will not be regenerated if a new heading is added to a record or an incorrect heading is deleted and replaced with a correct one.
  • Catalogers may choose to copy a $1 URI from one record to another record that lacks the URI, as long as the URI is for the correct entity.
  • If catalogers believe a URI may be erroneous, they can notify with details.

Second, incoming CC:DA vice-chair Kathy Glennan drew attention to IFLA’s ongoing work to align ISBD with the Library Reference Model, starting with the Manifestation entity. The world-wide review phase for ISBDM is slated to begin around late April, 2024; she noted that turnaround times for IFLA review is frequently quite short, and stressed that interested parties should begin thinking about comments they wish to make ahead of time.