

Vocabularies Subcommittee: MLA Report 2020

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee: Vocabularies Subcommittee (VS) Business Meeting MEETING SUMMARY   Friday, February 28, 2020, 1:30pm – 2:55pm, Salon H, Hilton Norfolk The Main, Norfolk, VA   Present: Rebecca Belford (chair), Anne Adams, Joshua Henry, Beth Iseminger (for Nancy Lorimer, SACO Music Funnel Coordinator), Damian Iseminger (for Maarja Vigorito, Library of Congress representative), Marty Jenkins, Jeff Lyon, Leonard Martin, Allison McClanahan, Jennifer Olson, Treshani Perera, Mark Scharff (NACO Music Project Coordinator), Kyle Shockey, Jay Weitz (OCLC representative)   Music Toolkit test case report (Jeff Lyon) Jeff gave a short summary of Brigham Young University’s experience analyzing their bibliographic records for music formats in preparation to running the OCLC Music Toolkit on the full file. Highlights of their subject heading analysis: 35,000 unique subject headings, which represented 85% of the headings in the catalog, with a long tail for the remaining headings. They also found 6,582 unique

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Encoding Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2020

Minutes, Cataloging and Metadata Committee Encoding Standards Subcommittee Business Meeting February 27, 2020, 3:30-4:55 PM Salon H, Hilton Norfolk The Main, Norfolk, VA   Agenda: Members in attendance: Karen Peters (Chair), Jim Alberts (taking notes), Margaret Corby, Ethan D’Ver, Matt Ertz, Rahni Kennedy, Casey Mullin, Tomoko Shibuya, Amy Strickland, Damian Iseminger (LC representative), Jay Weitz (OCLC representative). Members not present: Chelsea Hoover, Nancy Lorimer, Felicia Piscitelli. 1) Welcome and Introductions The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and asked the Subcommittee members to introduce themselves. 2) Adjustments to the Agenda None. 3) ESS Chair’s Report (Peters) The Chair briefly outlined items of particular note from ALA Annual 2019 and Midwinter 2020 (see the Agenda for pertinent links); acknowledged new (since the last meeting) Subcommittee members Jim Alberts, Ethan D’Ver, Rahni Kennedy, and Casey Mullin; and thanked outgoing Subcommittee members Margaret Corby, Nancy Lorimer, and Casey Mullin for their past

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Content Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2020

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) Content Standards Subcommittee (CSS) Business Meeting Saturday, February 29, 2020, 11:00-12:25 pm Salon H Hilton Norfolk The Main Norfolk, VA   Members present: Mary Huismann, Ben Barba, Kristi Bergland, Linda Blair, Janice Bunker, Ann Churukian, Patty Falk, Ivan Kaptroth-Joslin, Kevin Kishimoto, Anna LoPrete, Chuck Peters, Hannah Spence   Members not present: Monica Figueroa, Chris Holden, Anna LoPrete, Rick McRae, Michelle Urberg   1. Welcome & introductions (5 min.) The Chair welcomed members and audience observers and reminded everyone of the “Conduct during meetings” statement from the CMC Handbook. Two additions were made to the agenda: Addition of agenda item 3c Document with examples for agenda item 7c. 2. Chair’s Report (Huismann) (10 min.) a) Membership New members since last year: Ivan Kaproth-Joslin Keith Knop Chuck Peters Hannah Spence Several members rotating off CSS this year: Ann Churukian Patty Falk Kevin Kishimoto Anna

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Vocabularies Subcommittee: MLA Report 2019

MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CATALOGING AND METADATA COMMITTEE Vocabularies Subcommittee Business Meeting Thursday, February 21, 2019, 1:00-2:25 pm Union Station Hilton, New York Central/Illinois Central MEETING SUMMARY Present: Rebecca Belford (Chair); Jenée Force; Joshua Henry; Marty Jenkins; Morris Levy; Jeff Lyon; Treshani Perera; Jacob Schaub; Ann Shaffer; Kyle Shockey; Hannah Spence; Jennifer Vaughn; Nancy Lorimer (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator); Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator); Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative). Excused: Kirk-Evan Billett; Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative). Absent: Reed David; Ralph Hartsock Welcome and introductions Welcome to all and to the new 2018-19 VS members, Jenée Force and Treshani Perera VS Chair’s report (Belford) Rebecca reminded attendees that liaison reports from the past three MLA meetings are available: Midwinter 2019 (Seattle) Annual 2018 (New Orleans) Midwinter 2018 (Denver) (report by past VS Chair Casey Mullin, included here because of the unusual circumstance in 2018 where Midwinter preceded MLA) There were no questions on

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Encoding Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2019

Summary of the Encoding Standards Subcommittee Meeting MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, St. Louis, Missouri, February 21-23, 2019 MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CATALOGING AND METADATA COMMITTEE Encoding Standards Subcommittee Minutes of the Business Meeting held Thursday, February 21, 2018, 3:30-4:45 p.m. New York Central/Illinois Central Rooms, Union Station Hilton, St. Louis, MO Submitted March 17, 2019 by Felicia Piscitelli ESS Membership as of MLA 2019: James Soe Nyun (Chair, appointed 2015), Anne Adams (2015),Margaret Corby (2018), Matthew Ertz (2017), Chelsea Hoover (2018), Nancy Lorimer (2016), Thom Pease(2015), Karen Peters (2015), Felicia Piscitelli (2017), Tomoko Shibuya (2018), Amy Strickland (2018),Kimmy Szeto (2018), Hermine Vermeij (2015), Damian Iseminger (LC Representative), Jay Weitz (OCLCRepresentative) 1) Welcome and introductions: The Chair welcomed the Subcommittee members and observers, and Subcommittee members introduced themselves. 2) Adjustments to agenda: None 3) ESS Chair’s report (Soe Nyun) a. ALA Liaison Reports Annual 2018 (Chicago) Midwinter 2019 (Seattle) b. Thanks to outgoing

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Content Standards Subcommittee: MLA Report 2019

Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee Content Standards Subcommittee (CSS) Business Meeting Saturday, February 23, 2019, 11:00-12:25 pm New York Central/Illinois Central Room St. Louis Union Station Hotel St. Louis, MO Members present : Mary Huismann, Ben Barba, Kristi Bergland, Linda Blair, Ann Churukian, Monica Figueroa, Chris Holden, Kevin Kishimoto, Anna LoPrete, Patty Falk, Rick McRae, Jennifer Olson, Shelley Rogers, Michelle Urberg, Jay Weitz, Members not present : Janice Bunker, Peter Lisius Visitors present : 26 Welcome & introductions (5 min.) The Chair welcomed members and audience observers. CSS introductions were made around the table There were no changes to the agenda. Chair’s Report (Huismann) (10 min.) Membership CSS welcomed two new members for 2018-19: Ben Barba, Janice Bunker Members rotating off the committee, Jennifer Olson and Peter Lisius, werethanked for their service over the past four years. ALA Liaison reports The Chair attended ALA Annual, representing MLA at

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