

RDA Best Practices Training and Updates

Presentation slides for the ALA eLearning webinar Using the New RDA Toolkit to Catalog Music, presented August 9-11, 2022, have been deposited in the Humanities Commons here: Full presenter notes are included. Some of the pending issues mentioned in the slides have been addressed in the most recent Best Practices update in September. A summary of changes is below. Changes to the MLA Best Practices in the September Toolkit update are minimal, but highlights include the following: The MLA RDA Metadata Guidance document has been updated to version 0.92, with the following additions: Note: Although the electronic resource guidelines were written with reference to Official RDA, there should not be anything in them—other than directions to refer to the LC-PCC MGD—that conflicts with Original RDA. Error reports, comments, or feedback on the Best Practices in the new Toolkit may be submitted here: Error reports, comments, or feedback on

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RDA Best Practices Changes in the April RDA Toolkit Release

The April RDA Toolkit release was published on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. The release contains updates to MLA RDA Best Practices, as detailed below. As a reminder, the RDA Best Practices are available in the RDA Toolkit and the Best Practices Supplement documents are available at the CMC website. The April release also included changes to several LC-PCC Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS), summarized in this document available at the LC website. This update cycle was particularly challenging because changes to RDA content, LC-PCC PS and the RDA Best Practices were being developed simultaneously on a very tight time-frame in an effort to get as much as possible into this release before the impending RDA content freeze. As a result, some of the RDA Best Practices merely point to following LC (rather than LC/PCC) practice, as our editing deadline preceded PCC approval of the LC-PCC PS texts. Revisions, where necessary, will be placed in the

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February RDA Toolkit and Best Practices Update

The February RDA Toolkit release was published on Tuesday, February 14, 2017. The release contained corrections and Fast Track changes from the RSC as outlined in document RSC/Sec 6 available at the RSC website. Several of the Fast Track changes involved conversion of tables to lists (e.g., RDA Media Type, RDA Recording Content Type) and changes to glossary terms. Of particular interest in the latter category is this addition to the definition for “container”–“an insert visible through the housing is part of the container.” Also appearing in this release are changes to element labels, definitions, scope notes, and instructions in five categories (the first four with representative examples): Replacement of the wording “person, family, or corporate body” with “agent” or “agents” –Chapter 19 Agents Associated with a Work Deletion of articles within element names and replacement of a definite article with an indefinite article preceding element names in

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RDA Toolkit Update

The October RDA Toolkit update was published on Tuesday, October 18, 2016. This update consisted largely of corrections, revised examples, and Fast Track changes from the RSC as outlined in document RSC/Sec/5 available at the RSC website. The synchronization work that began in August continues now with the harmonization of glossary terms, relationship designators and their definitions in RDA instructions and appendices. The RDA Toolkit is in the initial stages of the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project. As part of this project, RDA Toolkit user stories are being collected. Please consider contributing your stories here. Just a reminder, too, that the link to the Best Practices Supplements that are accessible via the MLA CMC website has been changed. The new link text is While none of the changes in this update are specific to music, there are a few changes worth noting. RDA instruction (Recording Mode of Issuance) now points to

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RDA Toolkit and MLA Best Practices Update

The August 9, 2016 release of the RDA Toolkit contains content updates, corrections, revised examples and other Fast Track changes from the RSC. These changes are described in detail in two RSC documents available at the RSC site: RSC/Sec/3, which describes Fast Track and other changes, and RSC/Sec/4, which outlines revisions made to support the development of RDA Reference and the RDA Toolkit Glossary. Background information on these latter changes can be found in the document RSC/Chair/17, also available at the RSC site. The list of changes to LC-PCC Policy Statements can be found at the Library of Congress website. The link to the Best Practices Supplements that are accessible via the MLA CMC website has been changed. The new link text is Music-related Changes in the August Toolkit Release Designation of edition (, 3rd paragraph, line b): In the scope, the former text “a particular voice range or format of notated

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RDA Toolkit and MLA Best Practices update

The April 12, 2016 release of the RDA Toolkit included a few revisions to MLA’s Best Practices and the supplements. BP now includes a recommendation to record the type of corporate body in all cases, whether or not the term is used as a qualifier in the authorized access point. Generally the LCSH term “Musical groups” for performing ensembles is used (note the use of the plural for “groups”) and the term’s source is recorded in subfield 2. BP now includes guidance for cases of doubt as to whether the preferred name for a performing group conveys the idea of a corporate body. In such cases, an addition for the type of corporate body is made as instructed at RDA (and also RDA A qualifier such as “Musical group” in not added simply to bring out the musical aspect of the corporate body. Supplement 1 now

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RDA Toolkit and MLA Best Practices update

The February 9, 2016 release of the RDA Toolkit included a variety of revisions to MLA’s Best Practices and the supplements.  BP 1.7.5 now includes recommendations related to typographical devices used as separators (as in Colchester · Essex · England) and symbols that cannot be reproduced (such as the four symbols that form the title of Led Zeppelin’s otherwise untitled fourth album).  BP now includes guidance applicable to scores bearing a stated voice range.  BP now includes guidance for how to treat a phrase that introduces a medium of performance (as in “with an accompaniment for a violin”).  BP now includes an example of an audio recording bearing a statement of responsibility for the performer and a separate statement of responsibility for the composers.  BP 2.8.4 now includes guidance on when to treat a trade name as a series title instead of a label name.  BP 2.15

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RDA Toolkit and MLA Best Practices update

The October 13, 2015 release of the RDA Toolkit included minimal revisions to MLA’s Best Practices. One revision affects 2.15.3 (Plate Number for Music). When a plate number on a score has an additional number (often after a dash) corresponding to the number of pages or plates, it is to be recorded as part of the plate number instead of ignored. The plate number may optionally also be recorded without this additional number. For example: 028 22 23009-11 $b Carl Fischer 028 20 23009 $b Carl Fischer Further revision was done to 7.13.3 (Form of Musical Notation). The August release included new guidance about MARC encoding for multiple designations of form of musical notation as well as new examples. The October release adds new guidance covering details of form of musical notation as well as new examples. There is now sufficient guidance for cases such as chord symbols, chord diagrams, verbal

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RDA Toolkit and MLA Best Practices update

The August 11, 2015 update of the RDA Toolkit included some revisions to MLA’s Best Practices to bring it in line with revisions that were made to the RDA instructions in the April update. Some BPs have been deleted; some BPs have been relocated; some BPs have been renumbered and/or relabeled (see especially the 6.14.2 area); some BPs have been revised. A few additional revisions unrelated to the April update of the RDA instructions were also made to the BPs.  Highlights of the August 11 update include improved guidance and examples for (Statement of Responsibility—Scope), 2.11 (Copyright Date), and 7.13.3 (Form of Musical Notation). The new guidance at does broaden the scope a bit, and the new guidance at 2.11 restores historic practice for recording the latest phonogram copyright date that can be determined to apply to a resource as a whole.  Typos and various other errors were

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April 2015 RDA Toolkit update and MLA Best Practices

The April 14, 2015 update of the RDA Toolkit brought revisions to several RDA instructions that affect music cataloging. The revisions resulting from the work of ALA and the JSC Music Working Group are listed below. Stay tuned for possible revisions to MLA’s Best Practices (in the August 2015 Toolkit update) as a result of these changes. As a result of numbering changes and other structural changes associated with these revisions in RDA, several areas in MLA’s Best Practices will be out of sync with RDA until the August 2015 Toolkit update. These are also listed below. ALA/32: MLA and OLAC successfully advocated for expanding the scope of the statement of responsibility element in RDA Chapter 2. ALA/36: MLA and OLAC successfully advocated for greater clarity in the instructions for recording duration in RDA Chapter 7. ALA/29 (on “not identified” elements in distribution and manufacture statements): Changes were made to

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