

CMC Town Hall Summary: MLA Conference 2023

CMC Town Hall MLA session Friday, March 3, 2023 Summary by Ivan Kaproth-Joslin, Eastman School of Music Program slides are available via Humanities Commons, “Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall (2023)” Speakers: Introduction, Hermine Vermeij (UCLA); Encoding Standards Subcommittee, Karen Peters (Library of Congress); Vocabularies Subcommittee, Janelle West (University of North Texas); Content Standards Subcommittee, Keith Knop (University of Georgia); Linked Data Working Group, Kevin Kishimoto (Stanford University); Drafting a SACO term proposal, Leo Martin (University of Houston) Hermine Vermeij began the Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) Town Hall by highlighting upcoming ALA eLearning events through the Fundamentals of Music Cataloging series: Introduction to Music Cataloging (4-week eCourse, March 20-April 14); Music Cataloging with Library of Congress Vocabularies (4-week eCourse, April 17-May 12); Music Cataloging with Library of Congress Classification (4-week eCourse, May 15-June 9; and Using the New RDA Toolkit to Catalog Music (three daily 1-hour webinars, June 12-15). CMC

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CMC Town Hall Summary: MLA Conference 2022

Summary by Jade Kastel, Western Illinois University PDF Slides from CMC Town Hall Speakers: Introduction, Hermine Vermeij (UCLA); Encoding Standards Subcommittee, Karen Peters (Library of Congress); Vocabularies Subcommittee, Rebecca Belford (Oberlin College and Conservatory); Content Standards Subcommittee & Electronic Scores Working Group, Keith Knop (University of Georgia); Linked Data Working Group, Kevin Kishimoto (Stanford University); Representative Expressions, Kathy Glennan (University of Maryland), Keith Knop, and Karen Peters; RDA Toolkit, Damian Iseminger (Library of Congress) and Kathy Glennan.   Hermine Vermeij, Introduction: Hermine Vermeij began the Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) Town Hall by highlighting CMC’s jointly sponsored session at MLA this year: The Journey to Enlightenment Continues: Further conversations between public and technical services professionals. CMC’s upcoming eLearning Events include: Introduction to Music Cataloging (May 2-27); Music Cataloging with LC Vocabularies (May 30-June 24); Music Cataloging with Library of Congress Classification (July 11-August 5); and Using the new RDA Toolkit

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CMC Town Hall Summary: MLA Conference 2021

Summary by Felicia Piscitelli (Texas A&M University) Speakers: Hermine Vermeij (University of California, Los Angeles) , Karen Peters (Library of Congress), Rebecca Belford (Oberlin College), Keith Knop (University of Georgia), Kevin Kishimoto (Stanford University), Kathy Glennan (University of Maryland), Damien Iseminger (Library of Congress). Moderator: Hermine Vermeij. Technical support: Janice Bunker (Brigham Young University) The 2021 Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) Town Hall took place on Monday, March 1, 20201. It was unusual in two respects: First, it occurred on the first day of the MLA Annual Meeting (normally, the Town Hall takes place later in the conference), and secondly, it was the first to be held entirely online, thanks to travel restrictions imposed by the coronavirus. As usual, the Town Hall featured updates and items topics of special interest in music cataloging and metadata, followed by an open Q&A forum. CMC Chair and Town Hall moderator Hermine Vermeij opened

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CMC Town Hall Summary: MLA Conference 2020

Cataloging and Metadata Committee Town Hall MLA Annual Meeting 2019, Norfolk, Virginia, February 28th, 2020. Summary written by Jennifer Olson, University of Hartford. Session presenters: Tracey Snyder (Cornell University), Karen Peters (Library of Congress), Rebecca Belford (Oberlin College), Mary Huismann (St. Olaf College), Linda Blair (Eastman), Damian Iseminger (Library of Congress), Kathy Glennan (University of Maryland), Kevin Kishimoto (Stanford) (presenting on behalf of Nancy Lorimer (Stanford)), Hermine Vermeij (UCLA). Outgoing chair Tracey Snyder began the Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) Town Hall session by highlighting CMC’s jointly sponsored sessions at MLA this year, including The People, the Music, and the Context: New Frameworks for Discovering Relationships in Cultural Heritage Collections and Toward Mutual Enlightmenment: An Information-Sharing Forum for Cataloger and Reference/Instruction Librarians, as well as the Town Hall session. Snyder also announced the following incoming committee chairs and funnel coordinators: Keith Knop, Chair of the Content Standards Subcommittee (CSS); Beth

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CMC Town Hall Summary: MLA Conference 2015

MLA Annual Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado Summary written by Patty Falk, Bowling Green State University Presenters: Beth Iseminger, BCC Chair; Kimmy Szeto, BCC BIBFRAME Task Force Chair; Ray Schmidt, BCC Authorities Subcommittee Chair; Tracey Snyder, BCC Descriptive Subcommittee Chair; Sandy Rodriguez, BCC MARC Formats Subcommittee Chair; Casey Mullin, BCC Subject Access Subcommittee Chair; Damian Iseminger, JSC Music Working Group Chair The BCC Town Hall session was held on Friday, February 27th at the annual MLA conference in Denver. The full session can be viewed here: Beth Iseminger announced that there will be new ALA webinars this year on the topics: Music Cataloging Basics, Cataloging Music Audio Visual Materials Using RDA, and Introduction to Music Medium of Performance and Genre Vocabularies. The schedule for the webinars is not yet finalized. When webinar dates are set, they will be posted on MLA-L and on the MLA website. Iseminger also announced that

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