

Encoding Standards Subcommittee 2024 Business Meeting

The 2024 annual business meeting of the Encoding Standards Subcommittee will be held virtually on Wednesday, March 6, 2:00 pm-2:55 pm EST.  Please see the ESS business meeting agenda for details and relevant links. Guests are encouraged to familiarize themselves with reports and documents ahead of time and bring questions or comments to the meeting. The meeting is open to all, and guests may come and go throughout. Access for the ESS meeting and all CMC business meetings are through the Cvent platform, which is the entry point for all sessions of the Music Library Association 2024 Annual Meeting. Registered MLA and MOUG attendees will find the meeting listed in the schedule; other guests must register (free) via the Cvent open meetings portal. CMC is also hosting an open, virtual CMC Q&A session Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 12:00 PM-12:55 PM EST. In this discussion forum, Town Hall speakers and additional CMC members will

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MLA-CMC at Winter 2024 ALA and MAC Meetings

CMC will be representing MLA’s interests at three upcoming Winter 2024 meetings in the next month: the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC), ALA Core’s Core Subject Analysis Committee (SAC), and ALA Core’s Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA). MAC will be meeting virtually Wednesday-Thursday, January 24-25, 10:30 am-1:30 pm EST each day. Meetings are free and open to observers. Access links are posted to the MARC listserv shortly before each meeting. The MAC agenda is available now. MLA is the author of Proposal No. 2024-01, Recording Numeric Designation of Musical Expressions in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats. If you have specific concerns or interests for this meeting, or questions about MAC in general, please contact Ethan D’Ver, chair of the CMC Encoding Standards Subcommittee and MLA’s liaison to MAC. If you have specific comments on any of the other proposals or discussion papers that you would like to have

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Cataloging and Metadata News, August 2022

General Committee News Rebecca Belford was named as the Incoming Chair; she will become Chair in March 2023. Current full roster Recent reports with more details on the information in this report are available on the CMC website.  CMC presented its Cataloging and Metadata Town Hall with news from the committee at MLA 2022; the slides are available in Humanities Commons. Content Standards Subcommittee (CSS) (Keith Knop, Chair) The MLA Best Practices have been integrated into the new RDA Toolkit.   The Best Practices are now accompanied by an additional guidance document (available as a PDF  on the MLA Best Practices page). To account for changes to MARC21 field 348, an interim Best Practices update for form of musical notation has been released (same address) to bridge the gap between original and official RDA. Encoding Standards Subcommittee (ESS) (Karen Peters, Chair) After the editing of existing resources, and the completion and

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Encoding Standards Subcommittee 2021 Business Meeting and Agenda

The annual business meeting for the Encoding Standards Subcommittee will be held virtually on Monday, March 15, 2021, 2:00-3:25 pm ET. Please see the ESS meeting agenda for a full agenda as well as links to the MAC reports and other documents. The meeting is open to all registered attendees of the MLA/TLA conference. Zoom links will become available 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting in Sched. The meeting will be recorded. Karen Peters, Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee

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