

Joint MLA/OLAC 33X/34X Final Recommendations Redux

The final report summarizing the work of a joint MLA/OLAC task group which worked to address issues connected to 23 additions to the Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes list (, which are utilized in the 33X and 34X fields, was issued in late 2017. The group was charged with examining three issues: inconsistent treatment of RDA and non-RDA terms in MARC 344 and 347, consideration of consistent treatment of MARC 344 and 347 across formats, and implementation of the new $2 source codes. A question regarding the use of the new $2 source codes was recently raised. Just to be clear, the intent of the recommendation for issue 3 was that whenever separate MARC 34X fields would be required due to multiple applicable $2 source codes, to use separate MARC 34X fields – with the implication that the new source code would also be applied. The latter should have

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RDA Toolkit Beta Version Coming Soon!

The beta version of the new RDA Toolkit will be released Wednesday evening, June 13, 2018. This release is an outcome of the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project, also known as the 3R Project. After release, the beta version will be accessible through a linked button in the top banner of the current RDA Toolkit. The beta version will be available to current subscribers and to others via a trial period (see link to the Toolkit News below for more information). Please keep in mind that the beta version is to be considered *draft* content that is not yet finalized. It is not approved for use by the RDA Steering Committee and should not be used for current cataloging. For current cataloging work, please continue to use the old version of the Toolkit, which contains the official text of RDA, LC-PCC PSs, and the MLA RDA Best Practices; there

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3R Project/RDA Toolkit Update

The initial release of the redesigned RDA Toolkit is slated for June 13, 2018. However, due to the complex nature of the changes required for the 3R Project, the June 13th release will be a beta version of the site. The site will include an initial implementation of LRM and subsequent reorganized RDA instructions, new profile, search and navigation capabilities, and greater accessibility. Please note that this initial beta version of the Toolkit will not yet contain any policy statements, including the MLA RDA best practices. Further improvements and policy statements will be rolled out in periodic updates following the initial June release. The text of the full announcement may be read here. Addendum (reprinted with permission from James Hennelly): “The April 2017 release of RDA will remain the official version of RDA until the RDA Steering Committee declares the revised standard on the redesigned site “ready”. The June rollout

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Joint MLA/OLAC 33X/34X Task Group Recommendations Issued

The final report summarizing the work of a joint MLA/OLAC task group which worked to address issues connected to 23 additions to the Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes list (, which are utilized in the 33X and 34X fields has been issued. The Joint MLA/OLAC 33X/34X Task Group, as it came to be known, conducted their work over the summer, with some revisions to that work completed later in the fall. The group’s full recommendations can be accessed here: The group was assembled by OLAC Cataloging Policy Committee Chair Bruce Evans and MLA CMC Content Standards Subcommittee Chair Mary Huismann, who also served as chair of the task group. Membership of the task group included: From MLA: Kristi Bergland, Patty Falk, Monica Figueroa, Karen Peters, Jim Soe Nyun, Michelle Urberg From OLAC: Melissa Burel, Scott Dutkiewicz, Bruce J. Evans, Greta de Groat, Rosemary Groenwald, Teressa Keenan, Yoko Kudo, Kelley

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RDA Best Practices Changes in the April RDA Toolkit Release

The April RDA Toolkit release was published on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. The release contains updates to MLA RDA Best Practices, as detailed below. As a reminder, the RDA Best Practices are available in the RDA Toolkit and the Best Practices Supplement documents are available at the CMC website. The April release also included changes to several LC-PCC Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS), summarized in this document available at the LC website. This update cycle was particularly challenging because changes to RDA content, LC-PCC PS and the RDA Best Practices were being developed simultaneously on a very tight time-frame in an effort to get as much as possible into this release before the impending RDA content freeze. As a result, some of the RDA Best Practices merely point to following LC (rather than LC/PCC) practice, as our editing deadline preceded PCC approval of the LC-PCC PS texts. Revisions, where necessary, will be placed in the

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Music-Related RDA Changes in the April RDA Toolkit Release

The April RDA Toolkit release was published on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. The release contains an RDA update, including approved proposals from the November 2016 RSC meeting. The release also contains Fast Track changes from the RSC as outlined in document RSC/Sec/7 available at the RSC website. Work continues on the synchronization of the Toolkit and Registry, part of the first phase of the larger RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project. The release also includes changes to several LC-PCC Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS), summarized in this document available at the LC website. Several changes were also made to the MLA RDA Best Practices; these changes will be covered in a separate blog post. RDA Music-Related Changes New/Revised instructions Plate Number for Notated Music (RDA & The second paragraph of the former instruction clarifies information about the plate number. The latter instruction features new examples. Medium of Performance

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PCC Funnels (NACO/SACO/BIBCO) Meeting

Here are the slides that were unable to be shown at the meeting: PCC Music Funnel Projects meeting 2017-blogpost-bw For more information, contact the Coordinators: Mark Scharff, NMP Coordinator Nancy Lorimer, SACO Coordinator Linda Blair, BIBCO Coordinator

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February RDA Toolkit and Best Practices Update

The February RDA Toolkit release was published on Tuesday, February 14, 2017. The release contained corrections and Fast Track changes from the RSC as outlined in document RSC/Sec 6 available at the RSC website. Several of the Fast Track changes involved conversion of tables to lists (e.g., RDA Media Type, RDA Recording Content Type) and changes to glossary terms. Of particular interest in the latter category is this addition to the definition for “container”–“an insert visible through the housing is part of the container.” Also appearing in this release are changes to element labels, definitions, scope notes, and instructions in five categories (the first four with representative examples): Replacement of the wording “person, family, or corporate body” with “agent” or “agents” –Chapter 19 Agents Associated with a Work Deletion of articles within element names and replacement of a definite article with an indefinite article preceding element names in

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RDA Toolkit Update

The October RDA Toolkit update was published on Tuesday, October 18, 2016. This update consisted largely of corrections, revised examples, and Fast Track changes from the RSC as outlined in document RSC/Sec/5 available at the RSC website. The synchronization work that began in August continues now with the harmonization of glossary terms, relationship designators and their definitions in RDA instructions and appendices. The RDA Toolkit is in the initial stages of the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project. As part of this project, RDA Toolkit user stories are being collected. Please consider contributing your stories here. Just a reminder, too, that the link to the Best Practices Supplements that are accessible via the MLA CMC website has been changed. The new link text is While none of the changes in this update are specific to music, there are a few changes worth noting. RDA instruction (Recording Mode of Issuance) now points to

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RDA Toolkit and MLA Best Practices Update

The August 9, 2016 release of the RDA Toolkit contains content updates, corrections, revised examples and other Fast Track changes from the RSC. These changes are described in detail in two RSC documents available at the RSC site: RSC/Sec/3, which describes Fast Track and other changes, and RSC/Sec/4, which outlines revisions made to support the development of RDA Reference and the RDA Toolkit Glossary. Background information on these latter changes can be found in the document RSC/Chair/17, also available at the RSC site. The list of changes to LC-PCC Policy Statements can be found at the Library of Congress website. The link to the Best Practices Supplements that are accessible via the MLA CMC website has been changed. The new link text is Music-related Changes in the August Toolkit Release Designation of edition (, 3rd paragraph, line b): In the scope, the former text “a particular voice range or format of notated

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Music-specific Changes to RDA

While changes to the music RDA best practices have been regularly reported here, music-specific changes to RDA itself have not been systematically reported. We hope to do more of that! LC provides summaries of RDA changes on its RDA information page ( Links to the summaries of the annual RDA update changes and summaries of changes to the LC-PCC Policy Statements will be found there. The most current version of the policy statements may be accessed via the RDA Toolkit ( click on the “Resources” tab) – no subscription is required. This brief summary of music-specific changes to RDA is based in part on a presentation given by Kathy Glennan at the recent BIBCO Operations Committee meeting ( In all, the April Toolkit update included 71 fast track additions or changes and 190 changes to RDA. Music-related changes include: Revised instructions Added terms for production method (RDA  Terms now

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