
Hoffmeister, Franz Anton, 1754-1812

Code: Focht
Citation: Focht, Josef. Der Wiener Kontrabass: Spieltechnik und Aufführungspraxis: Musik und Instrumente. Tutzing: Schneider, 1999.
Abbreviation: no. (n 81042172)
Access Point Use: For the 3 double bass concertos; use in authorized or variant access points.

Code: Hickman
Citation: Hickman, Roger. "Thematic Index: Hoffmeister." In The Symphony, 1720-1840, ed. Barry S. Brook, ser. B, vol. 5. New York: Garland, 1984.
Abbreviation: H. (n 81042172)
Access Point Use: For symphonies and symphonies concertantes without opus no.; use in authorized or variant access points.
Notes: Thematic index on p. xix-xxv.

Code: Hoffmeister
Citation: Hoffmeister, Franz Anton. Catalogue thématique de tous les œuvres pour la flute traversière. Vienna: Chez l'auteur, 1800. Facsimile reprint in Weinmann, Alexander. Die Wiener Verlagswerke von Franz Anton Hoffmeister. Beiträge zur Geschichte des Alt-Wiener Musikverlages, Ser. II, Bd. 8. Vienna: Universal Edition, 1964.
Abbreviation: no. (n 81042172)
Access Point Use: For solo flute concertos, regardless of opus numbering; use in authorized or variant access points.