

Call for applications – NACO-Music Project Coordinator

The Music Library Association’s Cataloging and Metadata Committee (CMC) is seeking a Coordinator for the NACO-Music Project (NMP), the music funnel of the Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC). This is a five-year term, 2025-2030.  The NACO-Music Project Coordinator plans training and assigns reviewers for new funnel members, serves on the NMP Advisory Committee (NMPAC), is a nonvoting, ex officio member of CMC, and is an ex officio member of the CMC Content Standards Subcommittee and the CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee. The Coordinator represents the Funnel’s interests to PCC and CMC and vice versa, prepares NMP responses to proposed new or revised PCC policies relating to name and name-title authority control, and works with the CSS Chair on drafting LC-PCC PSs affecting name authority work. The Coordinator also holds voting rights in the annual PCC election for electing the governing body and committees of the PCC on behalf of the Funnel.

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Looking for Some Authority? Try the NACO Music Project

Hi. This is Mark Scharff, Coordinator for the NACO-Music Project (NMP), the funnel project that creates and updates authority records in the LC/NACO Authority File (LCNAF), particularly those for musical works and expressions. Perhaps some readers of this blog have thought about joining NMP, but have asked internally, “Is this for me?” Let me offer some thoughts that might push that answer toward “Yes!”  If any one of these points has piqued your curiosity, I invite you to visit the NMP page on the CMC website. There is now a link to a document, the NMP Application Form Guide, that walks you through the NMP application form. I also invite you to ask me questions about the application process and what membership entails. The NACO-Music Project, thanks to the efforts of Ralph Papakhian and others, pioneered the funnel concept for cooperative authority work. NMP continues to lead the way in

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PCC Funnels (NACO/SACO/BIBCO) Meeting

Here are the slides that were unable to be shown at the meeting: PCC Music Funnel Projects meeting 2017-blogpost-bw For more information, contact the Coordinators: Mark Scharff, NMP Coordinator Nancy Lorimer, SACO Coordinator Linda Blair, BIBCO Coordinator

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