
MLA Linked Data Working Group

Linked Data for Performed Music is part of the Mellon Foundation funded grant Linked Data for Production. To quote the grant, “The Performed Music Ontology Project is a collaborative effort of Stanford University, the Music Library Association (MLA), the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC), the Library of Congress, and the PCC, with participation of LD4P partner institutions. The project aims to develop a BIBFRAME-based ontology for performed music in all formats, with a particular emphasis on clarifying and expanding on the modelling of works, events, and their contributors. Building on the work being completed by the Library of Congress in early 2016 and using BIBFRAME as a core ontology, the project members will collaborate to expand that core with domain-specific enhancements for use as a common standard by the library and archival communities, and establish a model by which these extensions can be created, endorsed, and maintained by the community in the future. Along with the development of the new ontology, the project team will explore ways of enhancing existing MARC records to make them more conversion-friendly to the newly developed ontology.”

The MLA Linked Data Working Group (MLA LDWG) works on various tasks in support of the Linked Data for Performed Music project, including developing use cases and reviewing ontologies.


  • Kevin Kishimoto, Chair

  • James Alberts
  • Benjamin Barba
  • Kristi Bergland
  • Emma Clarkson
  • Freja Cole
  • Joshua Henry
  • Ivan Kaproth-Joslin
  • Casey Mullin
  • Stephen Mantz
  • Jack Nighan
  • Treshani Perera
  • Alan Ringwood
  • Tarren Sexton
  • Anthony Sharp
  • Lisa Shiota
  • Kyle Shockey
  • Tracey Snyder
  • Clare Spitzer
  • Hermine Vermeij
  • Laura Yust