
BIBFRAME Task Force (past)

  • Provide a voice for the music library community in the formation and testing of the Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME)
  • Test the BIBFRAME schema and the LC MARC-to-BIBFRAME converter with regards to how they handle music materials, including scores and sound recordings
  • Provide feedback to LC and Zepheira on particular areas of interest for music, such as medium of performance, genre, preferred titles and name-title authorities
  • Identify a means for continually monitoring, evaluating and testing BIBFRAME implementations
  • Make recommendations regarding how MLA can best communicate BIBFRAME development to the MLA community and voice responses to BIBFRAME development
  • Test BIBFRAME implementations for particular areas of music resources
  • Monitor training opportunities in which music librarians could participate and share information about such opportunities

For more information, please see the Task Force’s page on the MLA website.


  • Kimmy Szeto, Chair

  • Anne Adams
  • Anna Alfeld LoPrete
  • Kirk-Evan Billet
  • Kevin Kishimoto
  • Tracey Snyder
  • Hermine Vermeij