

BIBFRAME Task Force: MLA Report 2016

BIBFRAME Task Force Business Meeting Thursday, March 3, 3:30pm, Room Salon H/I Summary written by Kimmy Szeto, Baruch College, City University of New York Members present: Kimmy Szeto (chair), Anne Adams, Kirk-Evan Billet, Catherine Busselen, Kevin Kishimoto, Hermine Vermeij, Anna LoPrete, Lisa McFall, Tracey Snyder, James Soe Nyun, Laura Yust Non-members present: 34 in person, 7 virtual (from the Library Congress locations in Culpeper, VA and Washington, DC) This meeting was the second and last in-person business meeting of the BIBFRAME Task Force. The goals of the meeting was to wrap up our work before Task Force’s charge expires at the close of the Annual Meeting and to discuss the transition as the Encoding Standards Subcommittee takes over the bulk of MLA’s BIBFRAME development work. After circulating print copies of the Task Force’s final report to non-members and publicizing other BIBFRAME events at MLA, Kimmy Szeto reviewed the charge of

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BIBFRAME Task Force: MLA Report 2015

BIBFRAME Task Force Meeting Report MLA Annual Meeting 2015, Denver, Colorado Submitted by Kimmy Szeto, Chair The BIBFRAME Task Force met informally at the MLA Annual Meeting in Denver on Thursday, February 26, at 6 PM. Present at the meeting were: Kirk-Evan Billet, Kevin Kishimoto, James Soe-Nyun, Kimmy Szeto, Anne Adams, Sophie Rondeau, Hermine Vermeij, Anna Alfeld LoPrete, Catherine Busselen, Tracey Snyder, and Beth Iseminger. Task force members made introductions and reported on their general experience working together, followed by working group leaders reporting on their progress. We then delved into the specifics of our analysis of MARC-to-BIBFRAME conversion, a central component of our charge which the majority of us is currently working on. We discussed the goals of the analysis, and decided to create uniform scope, methodology, procedures, and formatting of analysis results across the working groups. At the end of the meeting, we established a target date for

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