LITA/ALCTS: ALA Annual Report 2015
Metadata Interest Group (ALCTS), June 27, 2015 Meeting at the American Library Association’s Annual meeting, 2015. Notes prepared for the Music Library Association Cataloging and Metadata Committee by Jim Soe Nyun. Agenda and description of presentations: The session consisted of three presentations, followed by a business meeting. Notes below on the presentations and most of the business meeting. Ivey Glendon, University of Virginia Library: “We’ve gone MAD: launching a Metadata Analysis & Design unit at the University of Virginia Library” A description of the library’s recent reorganization with a focus on the formation of the Metadata Analysis & Design (MAD) unit within the Acquisitions and Discovery department. MAD consists of 5 metadata librarians from different backgrounds, including MARC, with 1 current vacancy for a person with an archives focus. There is no separation of non-MARC and MARC within the unit. The group is defined to set policies and