
Vocabularies Subcommittee: MLA Report 2024

Music Library Association
Vocabularies Subcommittee Business Meeting
Wednesday, March 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:25pm EST, virtual

Meeting summary by Janelle West

Members present:Janelle West (chair); Jim Alberts; Josh Aldorisio; Kristi Bergland; Blaine Brubaker; Janice Bunker (ESS representative); Ann Churukian; Laikin Dantchenko; Patty Falk; Ivan Kaproth-Joslin; Mary Huismann; Leo Martin (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator); Rick McRae; Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Funnel Coordinator); Tomoko Shibuya; Tracey Snyder; Clare Spitzer; Alice Sujana; Maarja Vigorito (LC representative). Approximately 60 guests.

Welcome and Introductions

  • The Chair welcomed meeting attendees and pointed them to the agenda and the MLA Code of Conduct
  • 2023 Business Meetings were approved
  • Subcommittee members, representatives and liaisons introduced themselves

Chair’s Report (J. West)

  • CORE Subject Analysis Committee liaison reports
  • Membership
    • New members and representatives for 2023-2024: Jim Alberts, Laikin Dantchenko, Ivan Kaproth-Joslin, Alice Sujana, Janice Bunker (ESS representative), Morris Levy (OCLC representatives)
    • Departing members: Ann Churukian, Patty Falk, Mary Huismann, Tracey Snyder
    • Reminder of March 7th deadline to apply for membership

LC Liaison’s Report (M. Vigorito)

  • Involvement in subcommittee is mainly related to reviewing monthly lists of LCSH, LCMPT and LCGFT proposals; it has been a smooth, productive year
  • Turnover the last couple of years required a period of adjustment, which seems to be over
  • Likes to see a high percentage of approvals, and things are going smoothly lately

Types of Composition List Task Group (P. Falk, TG Coordinator)

  • Written report submitted ahead; appended below
  • Vetted or modified 5 terms
  • Finalizing plural terms left from phase 1 of the plurals project; remaining terms require language specialty, and those will be passed to new coordinator, Josh Aldorisio

Thematic Indexes List (MLATI) Task Group (A. Churukian, TG Coordinator)

  • Written report submitted ahead; appended below
  • Added 9 indexes to the list and edited 1 existing entry
  • Rejected 1 proposal
  • 1 index in progress; none for which work has not yet begun
  • Plug for suggestions via the form linked on the CMC website

LC Vocabularies Maintenance (I. Kaproth-Joslin, TG Coordinator)

  • Written report submitted ahead; appended below
  • Monitored LC tentative lists for music-related terms warranting feedback from TG; fielded suggestions for additions and revisions to various vocabularies
  • New and updated LCSH terms related to minstrelsy were approved (with thanks to previous TG members, led by coordinator Anne Adams)
  • Plug for suggestion box linked on the CMC website

SACO Music Funnel Coordinator’s report (L. Martin)

  • Written report submitted ahead; appended below
  • 6 LCGFT, 10 LCMPT, 13 LCSH, 2 LCC approved
  • Couple of proposals in the queue on the tentative list
  • Revision to the report (see changes notated on last page of report)
  • LCGFT Advisory Group: quite a bit of discussion surrounding combined terms
  • Biggest highlights: minstrelsy terms updated (8 LCSH terms, 2 new classifications) and approved on List 2304; see blog post linked in report
  • Experimental music and Avant garde changes: didn’t touch the LCSH, but LCGFT Experimental music was approved; for works self-described as experimental music, do the research to determine what it actually is, and avoid applying it in unless the music fits the parameters of the heading; refer to updated LCGFT Best Practices document for a good example; also make sure to use LCSH Avant garde solely as a topical term.
  • Submit proposals through the CMC vocabs form and reach out to Leo and Maarja with questions, but make sure to go through the proper channels

Deriving Faceted Terms from LCSH/Music Toolkit Task Group (J. West, interim TG Coordinator)

  • Written report submitted ahead; appended below
  • Previously had established the goal of making yearly updates to LCSH, LCMPT and LCGFT mappings and had brought them up to date as of 2021
  • This year worked on mappings for 2022
  • Laikin Dantchenko has agreed to serve as TG coordinator for the coming year
  • Chat Q (Josh Henry): Is there still a plan to run the Music Toolkit in OCLC for all music score records? A (West): The TG has not revisited that lately but can plan to get that back in the dialogue
  • Q (Casey Mullin): Where are the current mappings? Gary’s website has a Word document describing how the Toolkit works, but it was last updated 2021, and it refers to the mappings but does not contain them; what is the status on that as well as on the mappings in spreadsheet form? Are they somewhere publicly accessible? A (West): We have the mappings in spreadsheet form, but they are not public at present. That is another thing that has been on hold and will need to be revisited. A (Rebecca Belford): We do have a GitHub space set up, so that is an option. Q (Mullin): Follow up—the ALA subcommittee that’s doing faceted work outside of music has a summary document with modules listing what mappings have been worked on and who which entities work on them, and they are getting ready to revise it, so it would be a good time to get hyperlinks to them for the MLA mappings (currently the doc points to Gary Strawn’s website). Chat Q (Laikin Dantchenko): You said this was on ALA’s website, Casey? Chat A (Mullin): Retrospective Implementation of Library of Congress Faceted Vocabularies Best Practices for Librarians and Programmers [and adds] I sit on the subcommittee (SSFV) that maintains this document, as PCC liaison, but also unofficially representing the music community.

LCMPT/LCGFT Best Practices Maintenance Task Group (M. Huismann, TG Coordinator)

  • Written report submitted ahead; appended below
  • Work involves monitoring various electronic list discussions and the suggestion box for possible revisions and additions to the LCMPT and LCGFT best practices documents
  • Draft 1.3 of LCGFT Best Practices recently submitted to the full Vocabularies Subcommittee for comment, and it will then go to the CMC for final approval before being posted on the CMC website
  • Several members rotating off; please consider applying for membership

LC Controlled Vocabularies for Music Survey Ad HocTask Group (J. West, TG Coordinator)

  • Written report submitted ahead; appended below
  • Still in analysis phase; shoutout to Anne Adams, Rebecca Belford, and Allison McClannahan
  • What we’ve learned so far is that we’ve a ways to go before people and systems are ready to rely solely on LCGFT and LCMPT to satisfy genre/form and medium of performance discovery needs. For more on that, see the recording of the MLA presentation titled, A subject, a genre, and a medium of performance walk into a search bar… (awesome title courtesy of Rebecca Belford). The session included fantastic contributions by Casey Mullin, Jason Thomale, and Kelley McGrath, who all had exciting things to say about the possibilities for faceted discovery

New Business and/or Questions

  • Q (Tracey Snyder): What is the relationship between the LCGFT and LCMPT Best Practices document maintained by the VS and the RDA full MARC examples that include 382s, 650s and 655s? Updates to examples in LCGFT/LCMPT Best Practices may have implications for the MARC examples, so perhaps there needs to be communications between VS and CSS when BP examples or recommendations change so that there is consistency between the documents, or perhaps 382/650/655 examples should be removed from the MARC examples document? A (Huismann): This is something to look into but there was an immediate need to get the LCGFT document out there, but there is a list of things to consider for next revisions, and this is among them. (Snyder): Want to make sure that Keith/Chelsea have that on their radar. (West): Heads up to the next TG coordinator as well
  • Chat Q (Casey): Should MLA ask LC to add a pointer to MLA BP’s from this page: Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms PDF Files And here: Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music PDF Files? A (Janelle): Yes!
  • Janelle invited Casey to plug his new book, Many Pathways for Discovery: Describing Music Resources Using Faceted Vocabularies, which is about to become available on A-R’s website. Casey added that feedback for future editions is welcomed
  • Q (Laikin): Regarding Agent relator terms that would be helpful to be able to use but are not allowed (e.g., set designer, etc.)—would there ever be consideration for adding LCDGT or RDA relator terms to what is addressed in Best Practices? A (Thom Pease): Personal approach is to supply designators according to what the user is expecting to take away from the bib record for a given type of resource, so what is supplied for a video of a performance might be different from what is supplied for the audio recording. Chat comment (Ethan D’Ver): This seems to be an area of overlap between CSS and VS. Comment (Tracey S.): Seems more squarely CSS, but do we want to touch LCDGT in VS? A (Mark): If we identify areas that need more care, we can find other constituencies that have the same interest—for example for videos or other dramatic things, we could talk to people who work with theater collections to build some advocacy around it. (Laikin): In IU performance records we are able to make one record for both the sound recording and video recording, which is not normal practice but is possible because they are unique to the institution and no other institution will have holdings; I am running into the issue of where and how to record things like “chorus master” in a $e—none of the established relationship designators represent that role. Video catalogers and OLAC people have said they just add whatever term seems appropriate, even if it’s not in the vocabulary. A (Damian): Relationship designators in old RDA are RDA elements in the new RDA, so if you want a new relationship that isn’t defined in RDA you will need to submit it as a proposal to CCDA, which would take up the chain. If you’re talking display labels, that’s a different topic, but if you’re in need of a relationship not covered in RDA, it should come as a proposal. (Tracey S.): When chairing CSS, I came up against the idea of artistic director who was mentioned in the liner notes but whose direct influence isn’t felt on the performance, yet you still want to record them. So yes, this would be something for CSS to think about. (Damian): Re: Kathy Glennan’s point in the chat about what about community refinements to RDA elements—yes, this group has the ability to create relationships that are refinements of RDA elements that could live somewhere else, such as the CMC website or as part of Community Resources in RDA, where if you’re wanting a relationship that is a refinement of another relationship, maybe this relationship could be declared by MLA in another space to be made available, and it’s understood that it’s an element subtype of another type of relationship, whether it’s a subtype of creator or something else. So there are options beyond the full proposal process
  • Q (Mark): If anyone wants to tout the successes that they’ve had with faceted vocabularies in their systems or rant a little bit, feel free! A (Janelle): Recommended viewing Jason Thomale and Kelley McGrath’s portions of the MLA session on faceted vocabularies [A subject, a genre, and a medium walk into a search bar…]. Chat A [Casey]: WWU’s draft music view in PrimoVE

Meeting adjourned at 3:25PM (CT).

Coordinator’s task group reports follow.

CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee Task Group: Types of Composition

Report for VS business meeting, March 6, 2024
Reported March 6, 2024

Members 2023-2024

Patty Falk (TG coordinator), Joshua Aldorisio; Mary Huismann

Planned projects, 2024-2025

  • Vet proposals to add, amend or edit entries in the document Types of Composition for Use in authorized Access Points for Music
  • Forward document changes based on these proposals to full VS for ratification/comment
  • Convey document changes to CMC Webmaster and to MCB editor for dissemination
  • Finish plurals project

Activity 2023-2024

  • Term review
    • Vetted new or modified terms: Trio Sonata/Trio Sonatas, Eloadasi darab/Eloadasi darabok, Kirche Sonata/Church sonata, Kousek/Kousky, Gesange revision
  • Plural terms
    • Finished review of most plurals from phase 2 of Plurals Project; need some language expertise on a few remaining terms

Public material

CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee Task Group: Thematic Indexes Used in Library of Congress NACO Authority Files (MLATI)

Report for VS business meeting, March 6, 2024
Report date February 16, 2024

Members 2023-2024

Ann Churukian (TG coordinator),Rick McRae, Janelle West

Activity 2023-2024

During the past year, the MLATI task group completed work on several new submissions. We currently have one submission in progress, submitted during the fall of 2023.

Approved Indexes

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
Blanken, Christine, Christoph Wolff, and Peter Wollny, eds. Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach. Dritte, erweiterte Neuausgabe. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2022.

Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, 1710-1784

Wollny, Peter, ed. Wilhelm Friedemann Bach: thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke (BR-WFB). Stuttgart: Carus-Verlag, 2012.

Bennett, William Sterndale, 1816-1875
Williamson, Rosemary. William Sterndale Bennett: a Descriptive Thematic Catalogue. Oxford: Clarendon, 1996.

Galuppi, Baldassare, 1706-1785
Pullmann, David E. “A Catalogue of the Keyboard Sonatas of Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785).” M.A. Thesis, American University, 1972.

Kraus, Joseph Martin, 1756-1792
Van Boer, Bertil H. Joseph Martin Kraus (1756-1792): a systematic-thematic catalogue of his musical works and source study. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press, 1998.

Michl, Joseph Willibald, 1745-1816
Schwemmer, Marius. Studien zu Genealogie, Biographie und Werk von Joseph Willibald Michl (1745-1816). 2nd ed. Würzburg, 2017.

Ordoñez, Carlos d’, 1734-1786
Brown, A. Peter. Carlo d’Ordoñez, 1734-1786: A Thematic Catalog. Detroit: Information Coordinators, 1978.

Platti, Giovanni Benedetto, -1763
Iesuè, Alberto. Le opere di Giovanni Benedetto Platti, 1697-1763. Padova: Edizioni de “I Solisti veneti”, 1999.

Tárrega, Francisco, 1852-1909
Jape, Mijndert, ed. Classical Guitar Music in Print. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Musicdata, Inc., 1989.

Edited Entries

Kraus, Joseph Martin, 1756-1792
Van Boer, Bertil H. Die Werke von Joseph Martin Kraus: Systematisch-thematisches Werkverzeichnis. Stockholm: Royal Academy of Music, 1988.
(It was brought to our attention that the MLATI list contained an older edition of this catalog but that all of the numbers used in the LCNAF were from the newer edition. We added the new edition and updated this entry to reflect that it should be used for VAPs only)


Saint-Georges, Joseph Bologne, chevalier de, 1745-1799
Guédé, Alain. “Catalogue des œuvres de Saint-George.” Chevalier de Saint-George website. (
(The catalog has no incipits but has multiple works with the same name, making it impossible to know which catalog number to apply)

In Progress

Galuppi, Baldassare, 1706-1785
Galuppi, Baldassare, detto il Buranello. Sonate per cembalo. Rev. and transcribed by Hedda Illy. Musiche vocali e strumentali sacre e profane sec. XVII-XVIII-XIX, no. 37. Rome: De Santis, 1969.
(awaiting LC’s response to a question)

Awaiting Evaluation


Other Work


Public material

CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee Task Group: Vocabularies Maintenance Task Group

Report for VS business meeting, March 6, 2024

Members 2023-2024

Ivan Kaproth-Joslin (Task Group Coordinator), Jim Alberts, Ann Churukian, Laikin Dantchenko, Tomoko Shibuya, Clare Spitzer, Leo Martin (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator), Maarja Vigorito (Library of Congress Representative)

Planned projects 2024-2025

The Vocabulary Maintenance Task Group proposes new terms and revisions to terms for LCMPT, LCGFT, LCDGT, and LCSH vocabularies, including hierarchy adjustments as necessary, working in coordination with the SACO Music Funnel Coordinator. This work is augmented by monitoring of the Library of Congress tentative lists for terms warranting attention, and further proposing new terms based on those lists.

Activity 2023-2024

In addition to commenting on the LC tentative lists for LCMPT, LCGFT, LCSH, and LCDGT throughout the year, the following terms were submitted and/or approved during the 2023-2024 year.


New Terms
viola organista (tentative list 2402)
viol ensemble (submitted to SACO coordinator September 2023)
song bells (established April 2023)

Revised Terms
xylophone (revised April 2023)
actor (revised February 2023)
speaker (revised February 2023)


New Terms
Mixtapes (established March 2023)
Experimental music (established April 2023)


New Terms
Viola organista (submitted to SACO coordinator September 2023)
Blackface minstrel shows (approved July 2023)
Blackface minstrel music (approved July 2023)

Revised Terms
Mixtapes (revised March 2023)
Minstrel shows (revised July 2023)
Minstrel music (revised July 2023)
African American wit and humor (revised July 2023)
African Americans–Songs and music (rejected April 2023)
Minstrels (revised July 2023)
Blackface entertainers (revised July 2023)

Public material

Cataloging and Metadata Committee
MLA Annual Meeting 2024, Cincinnati, OH
SACO Music Funnel

<h4Leonard “Leo” Martin

Since the 2023 MLA conference 5 LCGFT terms, 9 LCMPT terms, 13 subject headings (LCSH), and 2 classification numbers submitted through the Funnel were approved. 6 LCGFT terms, 4 LCMPT terms, and 1 subject heading (LCSH) appear on various tentative lists. 4 subject headings and 1 LCGFT term were not approved. 3 subject headings (LCSH) were considered unnecessary, 1 subject heading was not approved and was not considered for resubmitted, and 1 LCGFT term was not approved and considered for resubmission. A complete list of approved Funnel terms appears in Appendix A, terms published to various tentative lists appear in Appendix B, and terms rejected appear in Appendix C with accompanying comments from LC-PTC. Lastly, the 2023 Funnel report included a list of coordinator tasks and projects for the upcoming reporting year. The Funnel tasks and activities are grouped by topic and listed in the order in which they appeared on the 2023 Funnel report.

Leonard Martin
Interim Head of Resource Management and Metadata
SACO-Music Funnel Coordinator
University of Houston Libraries
University of Houston
Office: (713) 743-1827

2023 SACO Music Funnel Tasks and Activities

    • LCGFT policy and updates
      • May 2023 – Formation of LCGFT Advisory Group:
        • LCGFT Advisory Group will review eventually recently submitted proposals to assist with updated policy documents and instructions sheets.
      • June 2023 – Release of the “Report the Joint NCRT/SAC/OLAC Working Group on Compound Terms in the LCGFT Vocabulary” (PDF)
        • LCGFT summary of decisions, meeting number 12, December 20, 2023: “Historical operas – This proposal is being withdrawn and
          retained for potential future policy updates.”
        • 2023-02-21, the LCGFT Advisory Group will discuss the Compound Terms in LCGFT report and implications for LCGFT policy, instruction sheets, and additional recommendations.
    • Minstrelsy terms
      • Slate of 8 LCSH and 2 LCC were approved on list 2304.
        • LCGFT minstrelsy terms and revisions on hold pending clarification on combined topical and-or demographic/group terms in LCGFT.
        • Revisions for African Americans–Songs and Music was not approved due to an erroneous contrasting scope note.
      • Blog post, “New and Revised LCSH Headings for Minstrelsy Terms” published on MLA-CMC Blog with participants and history drafting and proposing terms.
      • A full list of approved minstrelsy terms in Appendix A.
    • Electronic music and Computer music terms
      • Initial discussion began following withdrawal of the originally submitted Electronic music and Computer music revisions in 2022.
        • Funnel coordinator and Maarja Vigorito, LOC collaborated on revisions throughout 2022 and early 2023 to address existing
          hierarchy in LCSH and medium of performance qualifiers.
        • Project unfortunately delayed due to competing priorities and bandwidth.
      • Electronic music/Acousmatic music not viable in LCGFT due to medium of performance term restrictions in the vocabulary (see, LCGFT introduction).
      • Funnel coordinator recommendation: Additional research and committee work needed between MLA-CMC and LOC to address legacy practices around describing electronic musical works and the LCSH structure for electronics terms.
    • How the SACO-Music Funnel intersects with MLA BPs for LCGFT and LCMPT
      • Clarification on Hip-hop (Music) and Rap (Music) as related terms and usage.
        • BP’s for LCGFT updated 2023-03-01: “Record the term “rapper” for semi-spoken rhymes declaimed over a rhythmic musical backing. An audio recording featuring four rappers and various musicians 382 11 rapper $2 lcmpt.”
        • Thanks again to Mary Huismann and their team on revisions.
    • Experimental music/Avant-garde (Music) in LCGFT and how to appropriately use it
      • Proposed by MLA-CMC Vocabularies; submitted by Funnel 2023-04-144/14/2023.
      • Terms appeared on meeting list 2301g
        • Lively discussion at the editorial meeting with various colleagues both in favor or opposed to “Experimental” terms inclusion.
        • Proposing new genre/form terms was favored over using “Experimental” as a faceted term (or modifier) for existing terms.
      • Experimental music/Avant-garde (Music) proposals retained by LC-PSD for future policy updates and considerations.
      • Experimental music $2 lcgft approved April 2023.
        • Scope note: “Musical works which are defined by sensibilities radically opposed to or pushing the boundaries of institutionalized aesthetic conventions in music at the time they were composed.”
        • MLA-BP’s to be updated with additional guidance on apply this term.

Appendix A: 2023-2024 Approved Terms

*denotes revised term

LCC (2)
M1365.B53 [Blackface minstrel music]
PN1969.B525 [Blackface minstrel shows]

Benga (Music)
Breakcore (Music)
Hard rock music
Power electronics (Music)

jingles (percussion)

LCSH (13)
African American wit and humor*
Benga (Music)
Blackface entertainers*
Blackface minstrel music*
Blackface minstrel shows*
Dulcimer players
Koto players
Minstrel music*
Minstrel shows*
Zither players

Appendix B: 2023-2024 Terms Submitted to SACO

*denotes revised term

Ambrosian chants (2310g)
Calendar songs (2310g)
Communions (Music) (2310g)*
Experimental music (2301g)
Master classes (2304g)
To be resubmitted as Master classes (Music) from List 2304g
Transitoria (Music) (2310g)

saenghwang (2308m)
trombone (2402m)
trombonium (2402m)
viola organista (2402m)

LCSH (1)
Experimental music (formerly Avant-gard (Music)) (2301)

Appendix C: 2023-2024 Terms Rejected by SACO

*denotes revised term

LCSH (3)
African Americans–Songs and music* (2304)
“The proposal added a contrasting scope note, which was not necessary. The proposal is not approved.”

Benga (Music)–Nairobi Area (Kenya) (2304)
“The proposal established a type of music with a geographic subdivision. However, music headings of this type are geographically subdividable. The proposal is not necessary.”

Stringed instrument players* (2212)
“Your subject heading proposal, which appeared on meeting list 2212, was not approved or is to be resubmitted.”

Master classes (2304)
“The meeting was unclear about the intent of this proposal. Master classes exist in multiple disciplines, but all the citations were related to master classes in the discipline of music. Since differences do exist between the master classes of various disciplines, the meeting requests that the proposal clarify what is desired. Are music-related master classes specifically needed? Or is it the concept of master classes in general? The proposal may be resubmitted.”

CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee Task Group: Deriving Faceted Terms

Report for Vocabularies Subcommittee business meeting, March 6, 2024

Members 2023-2024

Janelle West (interim TG coordinator), Laikin Dantchenko, Rick McRae, Alice Sujana, Janice Bunker (ESS representative)

Activity 2023-2024

      • Updated LCSH/LCGFT/LCMPT mapping for 2022, in consultation with the Music Cataloging Bulletin

Public material

CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee Task Group: LCMPT/LCGFT Best Practices Maintenance

Report for VS business meeting, March 6, 2024

Members 2023-2024

Mary Huismann (TG coordinator), Kristi Bergland, Blaine Brubaker, Patty Falk, Tracey Snyder

Activity 2023-2024

      • Revision of the LCGFT Best Practices document

Public material

CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee Ad Hoc Task Group: LC Controlled Vocabularies for Music Survey

Report for VS business meeting, March 6, 2024
Reported March 6, 2024

Members 2023-2024

Janelle West (TG coordinator); Anne Adams; Rebecca Belford; Allison McClanahan

Activity 2023-2024

Most of 2023 was spent acquiring various levels of approval to distribute the survey. The survey was distributed September 27 – October 20, 2023, and analysis has been ongoing since then. Preliminary results were reported February 29, 2024, at an MLA session titled “A subject, a genre, and a medium walk into a search bar. . .”