MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Midwinter Meeting, January 24-25, 2024
Report by Ethan D’Ver, Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee
Recordings: (
Brief Summary of Proceedings
Proposal No. 2024-01: Recording Numeric Designation of Musical Expressions in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats
- Proposal submitted by MLA, based on Discussion Paper No. 2023-DP07
- The proposal passed as written
Proposal No. 2024-02 and Proposal No. 2024-04 passed as written
Proposal No. 2024-03 passed with the amendment of defining subfield $0 as well
Discussion Paper No. 2024-DP01, Discussion Paper No. 2024-DP03, and Discussion Paper No. 2024-DP05 were approved for fast-tracking
Discussion Paper No. 2024-DP04 will return as a proposal
Discussion Paper No. 2024-DP02: Adding Subfield $i to Field 245
- While most MAC members agreed in principle about the need for sensitivity surrounding harmful language in catalogs, most found several issues with the solution presented in this paper.
- In a straw poll, majority wanted to see this return as another discussion paper, rather than as a proposal