
Encoding Standards: ALA Annual Report 2024

MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Annual Meeting, June 25, 2024

Report by Ethan D’Ver, Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee, MLA Representative to MAC


MLA Advance Comments: MLA responses to June 2024 MAC papers

Brief Summary of Proceedings

  • Proposal No. 2024-05: Adding Subfields $0 and $1 to Fields 506 and 540 in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format
    • Passed with minor amendments.
  • Discussion Paper No. 2024-DP11: Tagging Transliteration Schemes and BCP 47 in Data Provenance Subfields in the MARC 21 Authority and Bibliographic Formats
    • A lot of pushback about the options presented in the paper, the authors will revisit and consider additional options
  • Discussion Paper No. 2024-DP06: Adding Subfields $0 and $1 to Field 024 in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format
    • Presenter addresses MLA’s concern about work data encroaching into bibliographic records, and assures that this was not their intent. They will update some of the examples to reflect this.
  • Discussion Paper No. 2024-DP08: Adding Subfield $7 for Data Provenance to Additional Fields in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format
    • Hesitation to holistically add $7 across the MARC formats. Vote to fast track was not unanimous, so will return as proposal.
  • Discussion Paper No. 2024-DP09: Adding Subfields $i and $4 to Fields 368, 376, and 381 in the MARC 21 Authority and Bibliographic Formats
    • No vote to fast track due to the ethical and consistency concerns.
  • Discussion Paper No. 2024-DP10: Redefining Subfield $b in X00 Fields in the MARC 21 Authority and Bibliographic Format
    • MLA’s comment regarding the definition of regnal appearing directly in the MARC definition can be easily accommodated. Other groups also request this addition.