

SAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2017

Atlanta, GA, January 20-23, 2017 Reports from: ALCTS-CAMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) SAC Subcommittee on Genre/Form Implementation (SGFI) Faceted Subject Access Interest Group CaMMS Forum PCC Participants Meeting (Selected for interest to MLA) Subject Analysis Committee Presentation: ​“​Music & Law Genre/Form: Implementation, Practice, and Experience” (Lia Contursi, Columbia University Law Library) Contursi discussed best practices for the application of law genre/form terms, and examples of problematic terms vis-à-vis past practices for the application of Library of Congress Subject Headings. She then provided an overview of the method employed by the Classification and Subject Analysis Working Group of the American Association of Law Libraries for the project of retrospective implementation of law genre/forms. Some genre/form terms are derivable from LCSH headings, but many are not. As an alternative source of data, AALL is also experimenting with conventional collective titles as an indicator of genre/form. One area of concern is the need

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MAC and CC:DA: ALA Midwinter Report 2017

Notes from Some Meetings of Encoding-Standards Interest at ALA Midwinter 2017 Report prepared by Jim Soe Nyun, Chair, MLA Encoding Standards Subcommittee January 29, 2017 MARC Advisory Committee Saturday, January 21, 8:30-10:00 Sunday, January 22, 3:00-5:30 Proposal No. 2017-01: Redefining Subfield $4 to Encompass URIs for Relationships in the MARC 21 Authority and Bibliographic Formats NOTES: It was acknowledged that it would be complicating things to redefine $4 across the Bibliographic and Authority formats to both a) conflate “relator” and “relationship” codes and b) permit URIs to be entered in the subfield. Systems that currently display the subfield or act on the value would need to be modified. However, the authors of the paper made a persuasive case that it was essential to be able to record the URI for the relationship expressed in $4. It was pointed out that adjacency of the URI to its corresponding value—if present—didn’t really

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CAPC and CC:DA: ALA Midwinter Report 2017

ALA MIDWINTER CONFERENCE REPORT Atlanta, GA, January 20-24, 2017 Reports from: OLAC Cataloging Policy Committee (CAPC) RDA Forum & RDA Tech Forum ALCTS Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) ALCTS/LITA Authority Control Interest Group (ACIG) Reported by: Mary Huismann (St. Olaf College), Chair, Content Standards Subcommittee OLAC Cataloging Policy Committee (CAPC) The meeting began with introductions, adoption of the agenda, and an announcement of personnel changes for the committee. The next portion of the meeting was devoted to liaison and task force reports (only selected highlights are given here—see the full CAPC meeting minutes normally published in the March OLAC Newsletter): The CC:DA liaison report included the news that the OLAC-sponsored proposal to add vocabulary to Regional Encoding (RDA 3.19.6) was successful. However, vocabulary terms for Encoding Format (RDA 3.19.3) was removed. Changes are coming to RDA and the Toolkit with the redesign project. The MAC liaison report outlined

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SAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2016

Boston, MA, January 8-12, 2016 Report from the ALCTS-CAMMS Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) and the SAC Subcommittee on Genre/Form Implementation (SGFI) (Selected for interest to MLA) Subject Analysis Committee Presentation: “By Who and For Whom: LC Demographic Group Terms” Janis Young (LC PSD) introduced the newest vocabulary available from the Library of Congress: the LC Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT). In the ongoing effort towards full faceted access of attributed traditionally stored in “subject” headings, this vocabulary has been designed to describe the characteristics of the audience, creators and contributors of works. The newly defined MARC fields 385 (audience characteristics) and 386 (creator/contributor characteristics) have been created to store this data in bibliographic records and authority records for works and (perhaps) expressions. Field 374 (occupation) in the authority format can also be used to encode those subsets of the LCDGT vocabulary in authority records for persons, although LCSH remains the most

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MAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2016

Some Meetings of Interest on MARC and Other Encoding Standards Notes from ALA Midwinter 2016 Submitted by Jim Soe Nyun, Chair, Encoding Standards Subcommittee, February 1, 2016 Most if not all of these sessions will issue formal notes. Below are notes from me as a participant or observer, jotting down many of the highlights. MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) These sessions are advisory to the MARC Steering Group. If MAC’s recommendations are approved by the Steering Group they may take slightly different forms from what was discussed at MAC. The two sessions of the committee meeting examined two formal MARC proposals and sixteen discussion papers. MLA had one of the papers and three of the discussion papers: Proposal No. 2016-02: Defining Subfield $r and Subfield $t, and Redefining Subfield $e in Field 382 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats ( Approved Discussion Paper No. 2016-DP01: Defining Subfields $3 and

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CC:DA: ALA Midwinter Report 2016

ALA Midwinter in Boston CC:DA Saturday, January 9, 2016 and Monday, January 11, 2016 Tracey Snyder, Music Library Association liaison to CC:DA through February 2016 Please see the CC:DA blog for the complete agenda and links to many reports and documents. After introductions, adoption of the agenda, and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, the chair, Dominique Bourassa, gave a report on CC:DA motions and other actions, July-December 2015 (mainly the approval of several RDA revision proposals, discussion papers, and responses to papers from other constituencies; also the appointment of a task force to review Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Manuscripts)). Library of Congress Report (Dave Reser) Reser reported on personnel changes (including the recent retirement of Librarian of Congress James Billington), a recent change in organizational structure, a plan to fill vacancies within ABA, an increase in the federal budget, recent improvements to the Cataloger’s Desktop interface,

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SAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2015

ALA Midwinter Meeting 2015, Chicago Report from SAC (Subject Analysis Committee) and SAC-SGFI (Subcommittee for Genre/Form Implementation) Submitted by Casey Mullin, Chair, MLA-BCC Subject Access Subcommittee Subject Analysis Committee Presentation: What is an RDA subject? (Gordon Dunsire, JSC Chair) Dunsire’s presentation addressed the major lacuna in RDA: the chapters and appendices related to the FRBR Group 3 (or so- called “subject”) entities that have yet to be written. Given that much has developed in the FR-family of models (including FRSAD and the impending consolidated FR model) since the initial release of RDA, a different approach to treating “subjects” in RDA is required. To wit, “subject” is not an entity unto itself, but rather a relationship between entities. After reviewing the FR models and making some predictions about what the consolidated model will look like, Dunsire proceeded to describe the changes to RDA that will be required to accommodate this revamped

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MAC: ALA Midwinter Report 2015

ALA Midwinter Meeting 2015, Chicago Report from the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) and from MARC and BIBFRAME-Related Sessions Submitted by Sandy Rodriguez, Chair, MLA-BCC MARC Formats Subcommittee MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Chair, Matthew Wise (NYU) welcomed everyone to the meeting of the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC). Introductions were made and the 2014 Annual Meeting MAC minutes were approved. Proposal No. 2015-01: Defining Values in Field 037 to Indicate a Sequence of Sources of Acquisition in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format Presented by the British Library. This paper, a follow-up from Discussion Paper No. 2014-DP06, proposes to define indicator 1 in Bibliographic field 037 (Source of acquisition) in order to record sequencing information. Additionally, subfields $3 and $5 are defined so that materials and institution or organization to which a source of acquisition applies can be recorded. The proposal was accepted as written, with one abstention. Discussion Paper No. 2015-DP01: Recording

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CC:DA: ALA Midwinter Report 2015

ALA Midwinter Meeting 2015, Chicago Report from CC:DA (Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access) Submitted by Tracey Snyder, Chair, MLA-BCC Descriptive Subcommittee Please see the CC:DA blog for the complete agenda and links to many reports and documents. After introductions, adoption of the agenda, and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, the chair, Robert Rendall, gave a report on CC:DA motions and other actions, July-December 2014, including approval of RDA revision proposals for submission to the JSC and authorization of responses to RDA revision proposals from other constituencies. Library of Congress Report (Dave Reser) Reser reported on personnel changes, the slightly improved federal budget situation, recent improvements to the Cataloger’s Desktop interface, continued development of the ALA-LC romanization tables, maintenance of the LC-PCC PSs, RDA Toolkit updates, updates to authority records for places in Malaysia, and the continued enhancement of LC’s online catalog. He also announced the upcoming

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CAPC: ALA Midwinter Report 2015

ALA Midwinter Meeting 2015, Chicago Report from OLAC-CAPC (Online Audiovisual Catalogers–Cataloging Policy Committee)Submitted by Ray Schmidt, Chair, MLA-BCC Authorities Subcommittee CAPC Chair Mary Huismann called the meeting to order. Announcements OLAC is sponsoring a pre-conference at ALA Annual 2015, “Video Demystified: Cataloging with Best Practices Guides,” and is co-sponsoring two other pre-conferences, one on cataloging special formats of children’s materials and another on XML, XSLT, XQuery and PyMARC coding for Library Data. CC:DA report (Kelley McGrath). McGrath summarized items from the JSC meeting held in November 2014, particularly on proposals 6JSC/ALA/32, concerning the statement of responsibility for performers, and 6JSC/ALA/36, clarifying RDA instruction for recording duration. For more details, see the MLA CC:DA liaison report. McGrath then put forward three questions for discussion related to content types in RDA 6.9, and asked whether OLAC should consider drafting a proposal to address these issues: The distinction in RDA between content type

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ACIG: ALA Midwinter Report 2015

ALA Midwinter Meeting 2015, Chicago Report from ACIG (Authority Control Interest Group) Submitted by Ray Schmidt, Chair, MLA-BCC Authorities Subcommittee Library of Congress Update Janis L. Young, Library of Congress, Policy and Standards Division Cataloger’s Desktop has a new single search box interface, although user scan still access the table of contents. Bruce Johnson at LC is interested in getting feedback, which may be sent to Planning for the BIBFRAME pilot began in late 2014. Contributors to the pilot will be catalogers in the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate (ABA) and in the Moving Image, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division. Multiple languages, scripts, and formats will be represented. The pilot will begin no earlier than April 2015. Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Graphics) has been updated by the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS), and has been made available at http://rbms.inf0/dcrm/dcrmg as well as in Cataloger’s Desktop. The

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