
CMC Business Meeting Report 2024




Thursday, March 7, 2024, 2:00 pm-3:25 pm EST, Virtual


Present: Rebecca Belford (Chair), Keith Knop (Content Standards Subcommittee Chair), Ethan D’Ver (Encoding Standards Subcommittee Chair), Janelle West (Vocabularies Subcommittee Chair), Casey Mullin (BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator), Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator), Leonard Martin (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator), Kristi Bergland (CMC Secretary/Webmaster), Kirk-Evan Billet (MCB Editor), Damian Iseminger (LC Representative), Morris Levy (OCLC Representative) 

Approximately 45 guests

Introduction and announcements (Belford)

  • Rebecca Belford called the meeting to order and put the agenda, sign in sheet, and call for subcommittee applications in the chat.
  • Rebecca pointed everyone to the MLA Code of Conduct linked in the business meeting agenda and reminded everyone of the CMC code of conduct which says that committee members can speak freely, but others need to be recognized by the chair, preferably using the Zoom raise hand feature.
  • Introductions were made around the table by all the members present. 


Member reports

  • Content Standards Subcommittee (Knop) CSS 2024 business meeting agenda
    • RDA update process with CC:DA: submitted a couple of discussion papers which will hopefully lead to some fast track suggestions to the RSC.
    • External metadata guidance document for use with the toolkit in web friendly format
  • Encoding Standards Subcommittee (D’Ver) ESS 2024 business meeting agenda
    • Proposal approved for coverage of 383 field for numeric designations of musical expressions.
    • Work on discussion paper on offensive terminology in previously used titles for collections; paused.  A paper was presented at the most recent MAC meeting dealing with a similar topic in a related, but different way, which may be of interest. 
    • Formed Linked Data Task Group.
  • Vocabularies Subcommittee (West) VS 2024 business meeting agenda
    • Updated LCGFT (v.1.3) will be published soon. 
  • CMC Secretary/Webmaster (PDF) (Bergland)
    • Transcribed 2023 CMC meeting minutes from the virtual meeting and posted for CMC members; minutes approved and posted on the CMC website in July 2023.
    • Posted various revisions, documents, thematic index entries, and reports from CMC officers and persons on behalf of CMC, Subcommittees, Task Forces, and PCC Funnel groups to the CMC website.
  • LDWG-Linked Data Working Group (PDF) (Kishimoto)
    • Kevin Kishimoto reiterated that LDWG is open to any MLA member. The group meets every other Friday on the first and third Fridays of the month. All levels of linked data experience are welcome.
    • Kevin also announced that LDWG is planning a Wikidata Week in mid April.  
    • Ethan requested participation in the Wiki Data Week from all ESS members.
  • NACO-Music Project (Scharff)
    • This is Mark’s last year in this position.
    • Question: how is a new NACO-Music Project coordinator selected? 
  • SACO Music Funnel (Martin)
    • Please contact Leo with any questions.
  • BIBCO Music Funnel (Mullin)
    • New members always welcome!
    • New FAQ about which authorized access points (AAPS) in score and sound recording BIBCO records must be backed by authority records.
  • Music Cataloging Bulletin (Billet)
    • Thanks to everyone for sending in heading changes, Jim Z and staff at the MLA business office, and Laura Yust at Library of Congress.
    • Kirk-Evan is starting his last year as MCB Editor.
  • Library of Congress (Vita/Iseminger)
    • Damian added that Christopher Holden, Ben Barba, Chris Pierce, and Jim Alberts will be testing the medium of performance vocabulary in BIBFRAME, hopefully leading to more music-focused developments in BIBFRAME
    • Amy Strickland added that NAVCC is focused on implementing a new content management system, AVCMS (audio visual content management system) 
  • OCLC  (Levy)
    • Bib Formats and Standards redesign has been delayed, now hoping for end of April/early May.
    • Upcoming Ask QC hour on music score cataloging for the uninitiated. 
    • Question from report: Is there anything special about the search platform for the art discovery interface in Worldcat? Is it collection based or more of a discipline specific approach? 


New/Old Business (reordered from agenda)

  • LDWG Wikidata event (covered in Kevin’s Linked Data Working Group report)
  • E-Learning
    • Inquiry from ALA about reoffering the suite of courses offered last year.
  • Upcoming task group (all-CMC) for overhaul of Training page on CMC website
    • Some links are broken, some videos are not very current.
    • Look for a call, don’t be shy about volunteering. 
  • Metadata based DEIA training page
    • Standalone page or link on Training?
    • Ethan: could the Resources page be streamlined a bit more?
    • For now, it will be a standalone page under Resources
  • MLA (sub)committee application process 2025
    • Melissa Moll and Tracey Snyder are both on the group working out the details to centralize and streamline this process
    • Appointments should go to: 
    • Questions about the new process can go to Committee Management Team chair Sonia Archer-Capuzzo (
  • CMC membership
    • FYIs, 2025 term ends: Mark Scharff, NACO Music Project Coordinator (not renewing); Kristi Bergland, CMC Secretary/Webmaster (1st term; may reapply); Casey Mullin, BIBCO Music Funnel Coordinator (1st term; renewable); Kirk-Evan Billet, MCB Editor (finishing term; ex-officio; MLA appointment)
    • Discussion: LC representative from NAVCC (CMC or subcommittee(s)), in addition to a representative from the Music Division (Per CMC Handbook VII.E, “The committee and each subcommittee have at least one Library of Congress Representative from the Music Division and/or Recorded Sound Section of the NAVCC who is appointed by the MLA President upon recommendation from the Library of Congress. Generally, no group will have more than two LC representatives.”) If NAVCC has a representative, how does that impact voting? CMC voting members unanimously accepted Damian’s motion (seconded by Keith) to request a liaison from the recorded sound section of the National Audio Video Conservation Center at the Library of Congress. Rebecca will follow up on that.
  • MLA 2024 meeting reflections
    • Mark is interested in putting together a (virtual) funnels meeting sometime later in 2024.
  • Please fill out the MLA meeting survey!
  • Off-meeting programming
    • Rebecca suggested that Off-meeting programming isn’t limited to ALA e-learning, it would just need to be organized and scheduled.
  • Subcommittee task group overflow if needed (CSS task group for authority record documentation; VS LCGFT; any other)
    • Discussion: Mark brought up the new Entity Management initiative coming out of PCC (EMCO), what will this mean for CMC and Content Standards; timeframe? Casey: This is intended to be a 5th program of PCC and there are many details to work out. It’s early days, but good for us to be aware of and talking about. PCC Participants’ Meeting (Virtual)  February 15, 2024.
  • MLA 2025 programming
    • Very early due date for proposals, not sure what the reasoning is there, as MLA 2025 is virtual
    • Discussion: Tracey suggested a plenary or larger session that introduces the new trends in collection development, cataloging, and instruction to the collected MLA audience, with a discussion to follow, bringing it all together so we can learn from each other’s work. Josh Henry suggested a reversed demystifying cataloging session. Also, desire to continue the momentum built around cataloging/public services collaborations over the past several years. Longer sessions for Cataloging Conversations programming.
  • Other all-CMC ideas/new business
    • Casey: LCSH for music transition framework, enthusiastic about getting this started.
    • Congratulations to Ethan and Janice for an incredibly successful, well attended collaboration. 


Meeting adjourned