
Vocabularies Subcommittee: MLA Report 2019



Vocabularies Subcommittee

Business Meeting

Thursday, February 21, 2019, 1:00-2:25 pm

Union Station Hilton, New York Central/Illinois Central


Present: Rebecca Belford (Chair); Jenée Force; Joshua Henry; Marty Jenkins; Morris Levy; Jeff Lyon; Treshani Perera; Jacob Schaub; Ann Shaffer; Kyle Shockey; Hannah Spence; Jennifer Vaughn; Nancy Lorimer (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator); Mark Scharff (NACO-Music Project Coordinator); Jay Weitz (OCLC Representative). Excused: Kirk-Evan Billett; Maarja Vigorito (LC Representative).

Absent: Reed David; Ralph Hartsock

Welcome and introductions

Welcome to all and to the new 2018-19 VS members, Jenée Force and Treshani Perera

VS Chair’s report (Belford)

Rebecca reminded attendees that liaison reports from the past three MLA meetings are available:

  • Midwinter 2019 (Seattle)
  • Annual 2018 (New Orleans)
  • Midwinter 2018 (Denver) (report by past VS Chair Casey Mullin, included here because of the unusual circumstance in 2018 where Midwinter preceded MLA)

There were no questions on the ALA reports; Rebecca welcomes emails if there are any questions.

Thank you to departing VS members Kirk-Evan Billet, Reed David, Jake Schaub, Ann Shaffer,Hannah Spence, and Jennifer Vaughn.

2019-2020 task group signups and leads will be determined after the new subcommittee roster is finalized.

LC Liaison’s report (Shockey on behalf of Vigorito)

Meeting report included brief information about the proposal process: Non-Funnel SACO proposals goto PSD for review. Music Funnel proposals do not go through additional LC review unless PSD hasquestions. PSD generally only asks the Vocabulary Subcommittee of MLA about terms on the tentativelists if there are major questions that require our specialized knowledge.

Types of Composition List Task Group (Levy)

(Coordinator’s report) (Levy)

The Types task group coordinator’s report was delivered in writing in advance of the meeting.There were no questions on the written report. Moris noted that most requests have comethrough the Google form, which has been a success, and encouraged people to continue usingit. Morris thanked Jenée and Josh for their work on the TG.

Rebecca thanked Morris for continued service as leader of the task group.

Thematic Indexes List (MLATI) Task Group (Schaub)

Coordinator’s report (Schaub)

The MLATI task group coordinator’s report was delivered in writing in advance of the meeting. There were no questions on the written report. In summary: there were 8 additions, 3 changes,1 rejection by LC, 1 rejection by the Task Group, 2 currently at LC, 2 under consideration by the TG, and 1 approved by LC with small changes needed. Jake thanked TG members Hannah and Kyle. Jake noted the new proposal form for additions.

Discussion at the meeting:

  • Q: Does the inclusion of a thematic index on the list add any cachet for use in preferred titles?
  • A (Jake): No; it exists but is not prescriptive as a source. Notes in each entry indicateusage and availability.
  • Q: Are we required to use MLATI in authorized access points?
  • A (Jake): No
  • FYI on LC approval process (Damian Iseminger, LC): LC does not approve if they are the only library holding the index because it will not be widely usable for AAPs. If LC does not have the index, the approval mechanism ensures that they obtain a copy of the resource.
  • Q: Who is responsible for making resulting AAP updates?
  • A (Jake): Anyone with NACO authorization has permission to make edits. LC is not responsible for making the changes. The Task Group may take the lead.
  • FYI (Jean Harden, UNT): The University of North Texas is having conversations one-publications, and can make digitized copies of indexes that do not have reproduction restrictions freely available. They will take requests.

Jake is rotating off VS and was thanked for four years of service as task group lead.

LCMPT/LCGFT Maintenance Task Group (Lorimer available for questions on behalf of Billet)

Coordinator’s report (Billet)

The vocabs maintenance task group coordinator’s report was delivered in writing in advance of the meeting. There were no questions on the written report.

Discussion at the meeting:

  • Q: Can LCMPT terms be proposed? Is the thesaurus limited to western instruments?
  • A (Nancy): Any terms can be proposed as long as there is literary warrant. Proposals are not limited to SACO institutions.○A (Hermine Vermeij, UCLA): Original group was not able to create a comprehensive thesaurus, so new terms are on-demand [with warrant].
  • Q: Where are terms available?
  • A: Cataloger’s Desktop, ClassWeb, and Note that in the redesigned site, you can search all vocabularies together.
  • Q: Will terms be included in Connexion or Record Manager?
  • A (Jay): There has been continuous advocacy for their inclusion in Connexion, and it will continue. Record Manager or a revised Connexion may have an effect on available vocabularies.

Kirk-Evan is rotating off VS and was thanked in absentia for three years of service as task group lead.

Task Group on Deriving Faceted Terms from LCSH (Belford)

Task group status : The Task group on “Deriving Faceted Music Terms from LCSH” was convened as a special group in 2015. Now that the OCLC Toolkit and base mappings are set up and relatively stable, the special group is released. In order to keep the Toolkit as effective a tool as possible, the algorithm and underlying conceptual mappings will continue to need refinement. This work will be done by a new regular standing task group of VS.

Thank you to all members past and current: Casey Mullin, leader/coordinator, 2015-2018;Rebecca Belford; Kirk-Evan Billet; Matt Ertz; Ralph Hartsock; Marty Jenkins; Morris Levy; Nancy Lorimer; Jeff Lyon; Kyle Shockey; Nurhak Tuncer; Jennifer Vaughn; Brad Young. Particular thanks to previous coordinator Casey Mullin for his service and for agreeing to extend his termas coordinator through summer 2018 for a smooth transition.

Coordinator’s report (Belford) : Thank you to Gary Strawn for supporting the algorithm and macro. The Toolkit task group coordinator’s report was delivered in writing in advance of the meeting. There were no questions on the written report.

  • Community testing and feedback : Please download the Toolkit and use it! There are conceptual issues we are still working out, and programming glitches can take a while to surface. All are encouraged to use the suggestion box on the CMC Blog FAQ page.Individual libraries interested in testing on their catalog should contact Gary directly.
  • Ongoing revision and tracking mechanism : Updates are summarized on CMC Blog and shared. Suggestions received are tracked on the wiki. Programming issues are sent to Gary periodically; application issues are handled by VS.

Discussion at meeting:

  • FYI (Casey Mullin): If you’re experiencing glitches, check to make sure you’re using the latest version
  • FYI (Nancy): LCSH useful to generate 655s for genre headings
  • Comment (Morris): “Folk Songs” could create an incomplete 382
  • Comment (Casey): Music of ethnic groups may be a possible future development. 650 Music + $z place data can be extracted for 370, but would still need cleanup (i.e., human intervention).

LCMPT/LCGFT Best Practices Task Group (Belford)

2019 revisions to LCMPT and LCGFT Best Practices documents are in progress. Public drafts for review at the meeting are available linked from the agenda and below.

LCMPT BPs discussion (View Draft)

  • LCMPT “visuals” vs “visual aspects” in LCMPT “mixed media,” prompted by a request to address whether “visuals” is “countable with $n”. There is some overlap and some different between the terms. It is not clear whether “visuals” (not in performer hierarchy) implies a performer; there may be expertise in a Cornell collection that could assist with “mixed media.”There are 27 instances of “visuals” as MOP in the authority file [post-meeting note: and 197instances of “mixed media”]. There was a consensus that the problem is a scope note issue and probably could not be firmly instructed in the BPs. Decision: put a placeholder or link to discussion in the BPs to acknowledge that VS is aware of the issue and the need for resolution,but does not have a BP for it yet.
  • Example for alternative doubling instruments, whether the alternate doubling instrument goes in $p after $d. This appears to be an instance where context/order matters more than most. There was a suggestion to include $v. There was a suggestion that if elsewhere in the BPs there are other instances where two conditions can be used on the same base term, ageneral note should be made. Morris offered to provide an example with $v to use in the draft.
  • Abbreviation for mezzo-soprano. Rebecca noted the task group decided on “Mez” over “Mz”after looking at usage; no objections were raised.
  • Example for piano, 5-hands. The task group was split on the best solution. Rebecca asked for input from pianists in particular. VS was split as well, so Rebecca asked that everyone weigh in on the Google Doc. There was agreement with the suggestion that it would be helpful to include an example for the “typical” situation of two pianos, four hands as contrast.

LCGFT BPs discussion (View Draft)

  • “Sound recordings” scope note change. Rebeca gave some background and stressed that VS is urged to weigh in, through BPs or through SACO, and that the BPs need to at least acknowledge the term. Discussion:

Jennifer finds application of the term problematic because it is a carrier term more than genre-form.Nancy noted that the term maybe similar to “Filmed operas.” But, a better analog might be“Recorded sound” if a broader/higher-level term is appropriate, treating like the format-neutral“Filmed performances.” Mark noted “Recorded sound” diverges from general usage for anon-specialist audience. Morris and Casey pointed out the parallel with the Notated music terms in LCGFT. Hermine Vermeij pointed out the LC originally gave some push back when VS wanted to have Notated music terms in LCGFT, because they were indicating format. Nancy believes that they could be format and genre. Casey pointed out that 336 notated music is currently accompanied by 655 scores (GFT). Could the application of “sound recordings” GFT be both a training and ambiguity issue? Casey suggested giving narrower terms to Sound recordings and to consider proposing additional narrower terms to Sound recordings as an alternative (e.g. something like Studio recordings). Nancy pointed out that there were already numerous terms. Jim Soe Nyun asked us to consider application beyond MARC.

There was no clear resolution so discussion will need to continue. Nancy suggested coming up with various scenarios for options instead of “sound recordings” to help determine how to proceed.

  • MARC 380 (bibliographic). Current BPs recommend not using this field. During revision, the task group took a neutral stance on the issue, that LCGFT should be used as the source if thefield is used. Marty pointed out that the BP document implies preference for 655, because all of the examples use 655. Putting a term in both 655 and 380 can be redundant. Damian suggested that the decision might depend on how an institution’s ILS handles the metadata.Someone suggested that the BP should specify that only work-level terms from LCGFT should be used in the 380, because the 380 is a field pertaining to the work. Mark suggested that preference for 655 could be due to catalogers’ being used to using controlled vocabularies in the 6xx fields and not the 3xx fields, and he also pointed out that maintenance for changed terms could become more difficult if terms are in two different places. Morris asked if there is areas on to use both fields, e.g. are there terms that can’t go in the 655 that would make putting those terms in a different field necessary? Mark suggests that it is because RDA has instructions that apply to the MARC 380 field, so some catalogers might feel compelled to put a term in the 380. Morris points out that RDA is platform neutral, and we have just chosen to put the information that RDA suggests in the 655s. Rebecca took a straw poll to see if the BP document should omit the mention of 380 entirely or to acknowledge it in a neutral way. Most people thinks that it should be mentioned. There was no clear resolution on any further specific recommendations; discussion to be continued.
  • Excerpts & whether to add GF for the whole work. Rebecca summarized the history with this issue. She said that the BP task group will not be considering adding the term Arias, because term proposals fall outside the BP purview. She drew attention to the long discussion on the wiki. Jennifer suggested we encourage catalogers to only use the broader term if it is explicitly brought in the manifestation, such as in the title. She compared it to the use of LCDGT terms in bib records. Morris brought up the issue of legacy data not using $3 to clarify which works the terms cover in a aggregate work. Jennifer mentioned that $3 is not machine actionable, but Morris believes that it is better than nothing at all. Due to time constraints, Rebecca had to encourage people to weigh in on this issue on the wiki.

New business

Discussion of BPs ran to full allotted meeting time. Any new business can be raised on Wiki or discussion list.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 pm.



Written coordinators’ reports follow this summary.



Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Belford

March 18, 20195





Types of Composition List Maintenance Task Group (Levy (coordinator), Force, Henry, Belford)

The following new or modified terms were vetted (alphabetical order):

  • Cibell/Cibells
  • Duettino/Duettinos
  • Equale/Equali
  • Fantasi/Fantasier
  • Fantasia-suite/Fantasia-suites
  • Kappale/Kappaletta
  • Kehtolaulu/Kehtolaulut
  • Lesson/Lessons
  • Pavanilla/Pavanillas
  • Předehra/Předehry
  • Tuutulaulu/Tuutulaulut
  • Zamba/Zambas

Respectfully submitted, Morris Levy February 8, 20196


Music Library Associate Thematic Index list (MLATI)

Report, MLA Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, February 2019 Jake Schaub (Coordinator), Kyle Shockey, Hannah Spence


Total no. of new additions the MLATI list:       8

6 for variant access points only

2 for authorized and variant access points

Total no. of altered entries:                                 3

Total no. of rejected entries:                               2

1 rejected by VS (TBD)

1 rejected by LC

Total no. of entries still in consideration:         5

2 still at LC

2 in MLATI group

1 approved by LC, but needs additions

New additions

Bax, Arnold, 1883-1953 (approved by VS)

Code: Parlett

Citation: Parlett, Graham. A Catalogue of the Works of Sir Arnold Bax. Oxford: Clarendon, 1999.

Abbreviation: P. (n 82144206)

Access point use: Variant access points only.

Chaminade, Cécile, 1857-1944 (approved by VS)


Citation: Citron, Marcia J. Cécile Chaminade: a Bio-Bibliography. Bio-Bibliographies in Music, no. 15. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988.

Abbreviation: W, WU (n81076989)

Access point use: Variant access points only.

Notes: Index for works & performances on pp. 33-92.

Cramer, J. B. (Johann Baptist), 1771-1858 (approved by LC)

Code: Milligan7

Citation: Milligan, Thomas B. Johann Baptist Cramer (1771-1858): a Thematic Catalogue of His Works. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press, 1994.

Abbreviation: M. (n 80138516)

Access point use: For use in authorized and variant access points.

Notes: Used for works without opus nos.

Jongen, Joseph, 1873-1953 (approved by VS)

Code: Whiteley

Citation: Whiteley, J. S. Joseph Jongen and his Organ Music. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press, 1997.

Abbreviation: W. (n 80096732)

Access point use: For organ music without opus numbers; Use in variant access points only.

Notes: Thematic catalogues is on pages 157-173

Mettraux, Laurent, 1970- (approved by VS)

Code: Mettraux

Citation: Mettraux, Laurent. “Catalogues.” Last modified August 31, 2010.

Abbreviation: M. (no2006027882)

Access point use: Variant access points only.

Notes: Index available online:

Palmgren, Selim, 1878-1951 (approved by MLATI group [needs VS weigh-in])

Code: Poroila

Citation: Poroila, Heikki. Selim Palmgrenin sävellykset. Helsinki: Suomenmusiikkikirjastoyhdistys, 2014.

Abbreviation: SP (n 81081337)

Access point use: Variant access points only.

Notes: For works without opus numbers. Source available online at

Portugal, Marcos Antônio da Fonseca, 1762-1830 (approved by LC [not yet fully announced])

Code: Marques

Citation: Marques, Antonio Jorge. A obra religiosa de Marcos Antonio Portugal (1762-1830). Lisbon : Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2012.

Abbrevation: P (n 2018059160)

Access point use: Authorized and variant access points.

Notes: Used for sacred works.

Sibelius, Jean, 1865-1957 (approved by VS)

Code: Dahlström8

Citation: Dahlström, Fabian. Jean Sibelius: Thematisch-bibliographischesVerzeichnis seiner Werke. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2003.

Abbreviation: JS (n 79068399)

Access point use: Variant access points only.

Altered entries

Bridge, Frank, 1879-1941 (approved by VS)

Code: Hindmarsh

Citation: Hindmarsh, Paul. Frank Bridge: the Complete Works: Portraits of anEnglish Composer in His Time, with Full Thematic Catalog of Works (1900-1941). Rev. ed. Poyton, Cheshire, UK: PHM Publishing, 2016.

Abbreviation: H. (n 81009699)

Access point use: Variant access points only.

Notes: Updated from the 1983 edition published by Faber Music.

Numbering was unchanged from the 1983 edition.

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847 (requested alteration from LC)

Code: Wehner

Citation: Wehner, Ralf. Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: thematisch-systematischesVerzeichnis der musikalischen Werke (MWV). Studien Ausg. Leipziger Ausgabe der Werke von FelixMendelssohn Bartholdy, Ser. 13, Bd. 1A. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2009

Abbreviation: MWV

Access point use: Thematic index numbers from Wehner may be used in authorizedaccess points to break conflicts between access points. Do not replace serial and/or opus numbers inexisting access points with Wehner numbers or add Wehner numbers to access points already containing serial and/or opus numbers.

Eckhardt-Gramatté, S. C. (Sophie-Carmen), 1899-1974 (code alteration)

Code: Eckhardt -Gramatté

Citation: Eckhardt-Gramaté, S. C. Selected Works. Winnipeg, Canada: Estate S.C.Eckhardt-Gramatté, 1980-

Abbreviation: E. (n 81075897)

Access point use: Authorized or variant access points.

Altered to avoid conflict with the Liszt resource also using the code “Eckhardt”9

Rejected entries

Scarlatti, Alessandro, 1660-1725 (rejected by MLATI group, in VS discussion)

Code: Rostirolla

Citation: Rostirolla, Giancarlo. Catalogo generale delle opera di Alessandro Scarlatti. Torino: ERI, 1972.

Abbreviation: R. (n 81058967)

Access point use: Variant access points only.

Notes: Rejected partly due to lack of widespread use—only IMSLP was citing thisresource—but mainly due to instability of the catalog numbering system, which was based on acombination of the page number a listing was on and the number of the item in a larger list (e.g.,R.339.17 was an item on page 339 that was the 17 th item on a list that began several pages before). Numbers without the addition of page number were not unique.

Rosenmüller, Johann, 1619-1684 (rejected by LC)

Code: Eichhorn

Citation: Rosenmüller, Johann. Kritische Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke . Ed. HolgerEichhorn. Köln: Dohr, 2010.

Abbreviation: RWV.E (n 85173167)

Access point use: For use in authorized and variant access points.

Rejected since LC doesn’t own it. Can consider for variant access points alone.

In consideration

Galuppi, Baldassare, 1706-1785 (in consideration by MLATI group)

Code: Burde

Citation: Burde, Ines. Die venezianische Kirchenmusik von Baldassare Galuppi. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 2008.

Abbreviation: B. (n 80145027)

Access point use: [in discussion]

Notes: For sacred works.

Margola, Franco, 1908-1992 (in consideration at LC)

Code: DeCarli

Citation: De Carli, Ottavio. Franco Margola: catalogo delle opera. Brescia: Fondazione Civiltà Bresciana, 1993.

Abbreviation: C. (no 90011533)

Access point use: Use in authorized or variant access points.

Rheinberger, Josef, 1839-1901 (approved by LC, but usage guide notes need devised)

Code: Irmen

Citation: Irmen, Hans-Josef. Thematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen WerkeGabriel Josef Rheinbergers. Regensburg: Gustav Bosse Verlag, 1974.

Abbreviation: WoO, JWV (n 81023166)

Access point use: Authorized and variant access points.

Notes: Use for works without opus numbers. […]

Tárrega, Francisco, 1852-1909 (in consideration at LC)

Code: Rodríguez

Citation: Tárrega, Francisco. Obras completas para guitarra. Nueva ed. Edited by Melchor Rodríguez. Madrid : Soneto Ediciones Musicales, 1992.

Abbreviation: R. (n. 81118760)

Access point use: For estudios and preludes; use for authorized and variant access points.

Notes: 5 vols.

Senfl, Ludwig, approximately 1486-1542 or 1543 (fresh)

Citation: Birgit Lodes, Sonja Tröster, and Stefan Gasch. Ludwig Senfl (c.1490–1543): A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works and Sources. Volume 1, Catalogue of the Works.Turnhout: Brepols, 2019.11


Standing task group LCMPT/LCGFT Maintenance

(Billet (coordinator), David, Hartsock, Jenkins, Perera, Shaffer)

2018/2019 MLA year

a. LCMPT: No projects undertaken. The set of SACO proposals for electronics submitted 2016-02 remains unscheduled.

b. LCGFT. Two projects opened and completed in the past year.

New project “Improvisations (Music)” completed. Established genre/form term for performances or transcribed performances of improvised content. Developed SACO proposal, submitted 2018-09; term appeared in approved list 1811.

New project “Reductions” completed. Upon LC request, examined non-VS proposal deferred by LC. Task group identified no use case for node-like “Reductions (Music)” that would gather together various types of reduction and reduction-like alteration. Extracted from original non-VS proposal the desire for a genre/form term to address”solo with piano” and related situations. Developed SACO proposal, submitted 2019-02; unscheduled. Statement on broader question of reductions issued 2019-02.12

Task Group on Deriving Faceted Terms from LCSH

(Belford (coordinator 8/2018-), Mullin (coordinator to 8/2018), Billet, Hartsock, Jenkins, Lorimer, Lyon, Shockey,Vaughn)

Report for CMC Vocabularies Subcommittee meeting February 21, 20192018/2019 MLA year

Rebecca Belford assumed role of coordinator in August 2018, relaying information to/from Toolkit users, the CMC/VS task group, and developer and programmer Gary Strawn. Thank you to previous coordinator Casey Mullin for extending the transition period months beyond MLA 2018 and continuing to serve as a resource.

Installers with significant updates were released October 26, 2018 and January 4, 2019. The October release added additional mappings for LCGFT and LCMPT and fixed several bugs. Highlights of the January release include: generating medium terms from mediums with LCSH form subdivisions beginning Methods, Studies and exercises, or Orchestral excerpts; programming refinements to halting processing when subdivisions $x History and criticism or $x Analysis, appreciation are present; and generating an audience term in MARC 385 from codes in MARC 008/22 (target audience) or from the $v Juvenile subdivision. Gary updated the document, “Deriving046, 370, 382, 385, 386, 388 and 655 fields in bibliographic records for notated music and musical sound recordings” January 5, 2019, available from the installer page.

Major releases are announced on the MLA/CMC blog and appropriate email lists. The installer and accompanying documentation is available from

The MLA task group has discussed underlying mapping issues. 2018/19 discussions (ongoing) included when it is appropriate to generate: Chamber music, demographic terms for pedagogical works, original genre before–Excerpts.

User feedback drives most of the Toolkit updates; all users are encouraged to report problems or submit suggestions via the online form (

Casey Mullin and Gary Strawn are presenting on the Toolkit at the 2019 meeting of the Music OCLC Users Group (MOUG) in February in St. Louis.